Blog Archives - Jason Emer MD Wed, 25 Jan 2023 05:22:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Blog Archives - Jason Emer MD 32 32 Top 10 Melasma Myths and Misconceptions Thu, 22 Jul 2021 17:36:11 +0000 The best way to reduce the appearance of your melasma, clear it away completely, and prevent it from returning is by being well-informed. This means dispelling numerous melasma myths and misconceptions.

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Melasma is an often-misunderstood skin condition. Most people have never heard of it, and those who have often make incorrect assumptions about it. In many cases, melasma sufferers have been misinformed about aspects of this common hyperpigmentation issue. This can lead to frustrating setbacks in treatment and can cause melasma to become darker and more prominent.

woman with melasma

The best way to reduce the appearance of your melasma, clear it away completely, and prevent it from returning is by being well-informed. This means dispelling numerous melasma myths and misconceptions.

Myth #1: Pregnancy Is the Cause of All Melasma Cases

Melasma, also called chloasma or chloasma faciei, is frequently dubbed “the mask of pregnancy”. Because of this, it’s no wonder that people often assume that pregnancy is the reason for all melasma cases. However, while many pregnant women do develop melasma, pregnancy is not the sole cause of this skin condition. There are several potential melasma causes including hormonal imbalances, UV (ultraviolet)/blue light exposure and genetics.

The hormonal changes that lead to hormone imbalances can occur as a result of pregnancy. They can also occur because of birth-control medications, hormone-replacement therapies, stress and thyroid conditions. Excessive UV light exposure can result from being in the sun too long, not wearing proper sun protection and tanning in tanning beds. Blue light from LED screens (cell phones, laptops, tablets, televisions, etc.) can also trigger development of melasma. Additionally, there are several medications and cosmetic products that can make the skin more sensitive to sunlight. This increase in sensitivity is called a phototoxic reaction. Certain NSAIDs can cause this reaction, as can various antipsychotics, retinoids, anti-seizure medications, antibiotics, diuretics and hypoglycemics.

When melasma is triggered there is an interaction with the body’s melanocytes. Melanocytes are skin cells that produce pigment in order to protect the skin from UV rays that can cause lasting skin damage. Melasma is the superficial manifestation of melanocytes being signaled to create more melanin pigment than normal.

Myth #2: Only Women Can Develop Melasma

Since melasma and pregnancy are so closely associated, it is a common myth that only women can develop melasma. In reality, since melasma is caused by UV/blue light exposure, genetics, and hormone imbalances – all things men can experience – men may also develop this condition. Melasma often affects men with darker skin tones, particularly men of Asian and African descent.

Another reason for this common misconception is based in statistics. Women are generally much more likely to experience melasma, particularly women in their 20s, 30s, and 40s, and 90 percent of melasma sufferers are female.

Myth #3: Genetics/Heredity Are the Cause of All Melasma Cases

Genetic makeup can increase the risk of developing this hyperpigmentary disorder, but it is not safe to assume that melasma’s cause is always genetic in nature. While genetic makeup can play a role, melasma can affect people of all skin tones and ancestries. A family history of melasma does increase the likelihood of experiencing this skin condition, however patients without a family history may develop it also.

It is important to note that melasma does affect patients with darker skin tones more frequently. Since the cause is often related to sun exposure, it is also more likely to affect inhabitants of regions of the world where UV radiation is stronger.

Myth #4: If You are Not Going Outside, You Don’t Need to Wear Sunscreen to Prevent Melasma

woman wearing suncreen to prevent melasma

Most people assume that sunscreen is only for outdoor use. Because of this, they do not take the necessary steps to avoid melasma and may still develop the condition.

It is vital to apply sunscreen even if you are staying indoors all day. Sunscreen is necessary for protecting skin from UV light that comes in through windows in your home, no matter the weather outside. Additionally, sunscreen must be worn to protect against the blue light rays emitted from LED screens.

Myth #5: If You Already Have Melasma, There’s No Reason to Wear Sunscreen

If a person has developed this form of facial hypermelanosis after excessive UV radiation exposure, they may feel like there’s no longer a reason to protect their skin with sunscreen. These people are forgetting that there are numerous types of hyperpigmentation that can form on the skin, along with rough patches and other forms of sun damage. If you have melasma, you can still get sunburned, develop age spots or even get skin cancer.

Sunscreen is an essential part of a melasma treatment plan. Sunscreen must be applied daily, regardless of the weather and should be reapplied consistently. It is very important to choose the right sunscreen since an incorrect choice can result in further darkening of melasma. Sunscreens with ingredients that cause hormonal changes should be avoided and certain chemical sunscreens can exacerbate pigmentation issues. Having a strong understanding of your skin type is vital.

It is best to use a sunscreen with an SPF (Sun Protection Factor) of 30 or higher. A broad-spectrum sunscreen with titanium dioxide and/or zinc oxide is ideal. Additionally, physical blockers are recommended for melasma sufferers. Physical blockers are sunscreens that block UV rays from the skin. These are generally more effective than chemical blockers which absorb UV rays as heat. Chemical blockers are absorbed by the skin, whereas physical blockers stay on the skin.

Myth #6: Melasma Cannot Be Treated

This is a particularly harmful myth. If a melasma sufferer believes that there is no treatment option available, they will never seek a solution. Even those who seek treatment may feel hopeless after numerous failed attempts. However, as stubborn as melasma can be, it can be treated effectively. Visiting a skilled cosmetic dermatologist who knows how to treat melasma is the first step in finding the right melasma solution for you.

Dr. Jason Emer utilizes a proven treatment process for melasma that is customized for each patient’s unique physiology. This treatment process involves multiple modalities and has proven effective for a wide variety of patients. Dr. Emer uses kojic acid, vitamin C, hydroquinone, retinol and glycolic acid. Dr. Emer often begins this process with a Cosmelan peel. The Cosmelan peel is a safe and popular option for all skin types and tones. This salicylic-acid-based chemical peel is extremely effective for melasma treatment. It lessens pigmentation and reduces melanin formation by affecting tyrosinase enzymes. This peel also primes skin cells for laser therapies. SilkPeel Dermalinfusion is another popular peel option. It lightens melasma when coupled with Lumixyl (a synthetic peptide) and vitamin C.

After the chemical peel has been performed, Clear + Brilliant or Venus Viva laser treatments are conducted. These fractional treatments are quite safe and utilize laser energy to heat the skin tissues, stimulating the cellular healing process. Once the appropriate laser treatment has been conducted, procedures like microneedling and various peels can be used to lower the chance of a reoccurrence of melasma. Microneedling involves the use of tiny microneedles to create controlled microinjuries in the skin. This triggers the body’s healing process. Dr. Emer also prescribes a customized skincare regimen with effective sun protection.

The “Vampire Facial” is another skin treatment offered by Dr. Emer to address melasma. For this injectable treatment, blood is drawn from the patient and then turned into platelet-rich plasma. After injection, the growth factors in these injections treat melasma and a host of other issues.

Dr. Emer also offers red LED light therapy for reduction of the appearance of melasma. This can be delivered using a LightStim bed, which contains numerous LED lights.

Myth #7: Aggressive Home Exfoliation Can Lessen the Appearance of Melasma

Some people think that scrubbing away at skin to remove dead and damaged skin cells will lighten melasma. After all, in-office treatments remove skin cells and can lighten the appearance of melasma on the face, so why would aggressive at-home exfoliation methods not be effective?

Unfortunately, irritation of the skin often only makes melasma worse. Irritation caused by certain skincare products or aggressive scrubbing is a trigger for the production of more pigment, darkening the melasma patches. Because of this, it’s best to avoid aggressive scrubbing.

Myth #8: Melasma Can Be Addressed Using Any Laser Skin Treatment

Laser skin treatments can make a major difference when it comes to addressing melasma, all laser skin treatments are not the same. They vary in intensity, depth, and many other aspects, and they must be specially calibrated to treat melasma. When the wrong laser treatment is used or the wrong settings are chosen, it can darken melasma. Laser treatments that are low-energy and low-density are ideal for melasma correction. Clear + Brilliant and Venus Viva laser treatment are suitable options. These treatments are both safe for the majority of skin types.

Clear + Brilliant is a non-ablative fractional laser treatment. Non-ablative lasers do not destroy tissue, and because of this, they are less intensive and require much less recovery time. Fractional treatments focus on small sections of the skin as opposed to the entire skin layer. This allows the surrounding skin tissue to increase healing in the treated zones.

Venus Viva is a fractional radiofrequency laser treatment. Because it utilizes radiofrequency energy instead of traditional CO2 laser energy, it is much gentler and results in much less downtime.

Laser treatments often are not enough on their own to fully address facial melasma. Because of this, they are sometimes paired with complementary therapies in order to treat the condition and create optimal results. The exact treatments chosen depend on the details of each unique case. Before selecting a treatment, it is important for a skin analysis to be performed by an experienced cosmetic dermatologist. This analysis determines the exact nature of the melasma, along with the skin’s specific attributes.

Myth #9: Melasma Manifests the Same Way for Everyone

Many people assume melasma is the same for every patient, however it manifests differently in different patients. Melasma can manifest in three ways:

Dermal – This type of melasma is located in the deeper dermal skin layer. Its borders are not always well-defined, and it appears in the form of patches that are bluish or tan in color. Dermal melasma is typically harder to treat due to its depth in the skin layers.

Epidermal – This type of melasma is located in the epidermis, which is the superficial skin layer. Its borders are well-defined, and it appears as darker brown patches on the skin. Epidermal melasma is more easily treatable due to its superficial nature.

Mixed – Patients with mixed melasma have both of the aforementioned types of melasma. Most patients have mixed melasma.

Being aware of the different types of melasma helps explain why all melasma is not treated in the same way. Because of the variance in depths, different types of melasma must be treated using different specialized modalities. Epidermal melasma is addressed using more superficial skin treatments, whereas dermal melasma is addressed with deeper-reaching treatments.

Myth #10: Once Melasma Is Treated, It Will not Come Back

It can be very tempting to believe that after your melasma has been fully cleared away, it will not return. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that melasma will not manifest again, either in the treated area or in other regions. No matter which treatment modality is chosen, melasma can always come back due to UV/blue light exposure or hormone imbalances. Because of this, it is vital that patients pair treatment with prevention.

To prevent melasma from reoccurring, it is best to closely follow the long-term skin regimen prescribed by your cosmetic dermatologist. This maintenance therapy will involve high-quality products chosen specifically for your skin that do not cause inflammation or sunlight sensitivity.

Additionally, you must make sure to avoid the triggers that caused your melasma in the past. Wearing proper sunscreen is key. Since melasma is most likely to develop on areas like the forehead, cheeks, above the upper lip and around the nose and eyes, wearing a wide-brimmed hat is also an excellent way to protect your face from sun exposure.

Melasma Treatment from Dr. Jason Emer

Dr. Jason Emer, a well-respected cosmetic dermatologist with years of experience, has the knowledge needed to create a customized melasma treatment plan for each patient’s unique case. Contact us to arrange your consultation and discover the best melasma treatment for you.

Dr. Jason Emer standing in front of a melasma before and after treatment photo


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Treating Acne Scars with RF Microneedling and Dermal Fillers Mon, 17 May 2021 23:32:13 +0000 Have acne scars been bothering you for years? Want them gone for good? Dr. Jason Emer has treated countless patients who wanted to get rid of their scars and has developed highly refined and innovative methods to help patients attain their aesthetic goals. No other cosmetic dermatologist approaches acne scar treatments with the same pioneering […]

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acne scars

Have acne scars been bothering you for years? Want them gone for good? Dr. Jason Emer has treated countless patients who wanted to get rid of their scars and has developed highly refined and innovative methods to help patients attain their aesthetic goals.

No other cosmetic dermatologist approaches acne scar treatments with the same pioneering mindset and individualized approach as Dr. Jason Emer of Beverly Hills, CA. After successfully treating numerous patients, he realized that the most effective way to improve acne scars is through individualized blends of cutting-edge treatments that maximize results and minimize downtime. One of these innovative combinations involves radiofrequency microneedling and dermal fillers.

How Radiofrequency Microneedling Addresses Acne Scars

Dr. Emer uses InMode Fractora to treat acne scars. In this procedure, the treatment area is penetrated with a microneedling device to trigger pinpoint bleeding and stimulate new collagen production. This highly effective treatment can be done frequently, with minimal pain and downtime.

Microneedling is combined with RF, so the power of radiofrequency energy is delivered into the skin, increasing collagen production and promoting healing to an even higher degree. The energy level can be adjusted according to the severity of the scars.

InMode Fractora is at the cutting edge of RF microneedling technology. The non-invasive fractional skin remodeling and microneedling device treats scarring and irregularities by sending RF energy deep into the subdermal layers to stimulate collagen production and thicken subdermal tissue, resulting in tightened skin, improved complexion, and a reduction in pore size.

Treating Acne Scars with Dermal Fillers

To treat acne scars, dermal fillers such as silicone, Bellafill, Belotero Balance, Juvederm Ultra, Juvederm Ultra Plus, Restylane, Restylane Silk, Restylane Lyft, Voluma, Renuva and Sculptra can be used to raise the scar tissue and give them a smoother appearance.

Other filler options include natural body fat, and Volbella. This treatment, though, is typically used in combination with lasers, microneedling and sometimes TCA CROSS (trichloroacetic acid chemical reconstruction of skin scars) for optimal results.

Dr. Emer will make specific product recommendations during the consultation phase based on each patient’s unique needs and skin type. Treatment is customized to meet the specific type of scarring involved.

Generally, the process involves making subcisions under the scar tissue to break the bonds that weigh the skin down. Filler is used to stimulate collagen, lift the scar and provide long-term structure that can improve the scar’s appearance.

Afterwards, stem cells and PRP are injected into living tissue to help build and remodel damaged areas, for natural improvements over time.

How Subcision Addresses Acne Scars

Acne scars are formed when the top layer of skin is being pulled down, which creates a divot or dent and a shadow. With subcision, Dr. Emer inserts a blunt cannula under the surface of the scar to release the top layer of the skin, which breaks up the scar and allows Dr. Emer to then use lasers, microneedling and fillers to minimize the depth of the scar divot or dent.


Free yourself from those scars, reveal the beauty underneath. Dr. Jason Emer is a board certified dermatologist and is world-renowned for his expertise in treating all skin types and ethnicities. Schedule a consultation today! Contact Dr. Emer to take the first step; serving patients in Beverly Hills, Hollywood, Los Angeles, Culver City, Burbank, Glendale, Santa Monica and all over California.

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The 6 Facial Fillers Everyone Is Asking For In 2021, According To Plastic Surgeons Fri, 14 May 2021 05:15:16 +0000 From makeup to skin care, what you decide to put on your face is ultimately up to you (and, don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise). Likewise, the same goes for any type of plastic surgery or facial fillers. No one needs face injections, but, there’s also no harm in doing so if it appeals […]

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facial fillers

From makeup to skin care, what you decide to put on your face is ultimately up to you (and, don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise). Likewise, the same goes for any type of plastic surgery or facial fillers. No one needs face injections, but, there’s also no harm in doing so if it appeals to you. Whether you’re new to the world of cosmetic enhancements or are an established veteran of your dermatologist’s office, there’s no harm in learning 2021’s biggest dermal filler trends, straight from the experts.

Although the number of people receiving dermal fillers dropped from 3.8 million in 2019 to 3.4 million in 2020, there are still a lot of injections taking place, pandemic or not, and many leading dermatologists and plastic surgeons feel busier than ever despite social distancing limitations. “With many people working from home and video conferencing, I have seen an uptick in patient requests for facial fillers throughout the pandemic,” Dr. Samuel J. Lin, MD, MBA, a Boston plastic surgeon, tells TZR. Additionally, he says dermal fillers are a popular option for patients who want to rejuvenate their face with minimal downtime, which (depending on what type of treatment or effect you’re going for) is a matter of hours or days. “Most patients do not need to take time off from work or other responsibilities after undergoing the procedure,” he says.

facial fillers
Getty/ Medioimages/Photodisc

Another reason dermatologists and plastic surgeons have seen an increase in filler requests is that masks are still very much a part of daily life, which in turn can hide any redness or swelling from recent injections. “Because a lot of people are wearing masks, they don’t care if they get bruised — they can cover it up,” Dr. Jason Emer, MD, a cosmetic dermatologist in Beverly Hills, tells TZR. “You would think people would do more of the upper face because that’s what’s exposed, but I’m finding people are actually doing more of the lower face, like the lip, jawline, and chin more frequently.” He cites virtual calls (and more people staring at their face day after day) are to blame — or credit — for more patients looking to address sagging, drooping, or lack of volume.

And although hyaluronic acid fillers like Juvaderm or Restylane are the most popular options for areas like the lips, cheeks, and jaw (with 2.6 million treatments in 2020) New York City dermatologist Dr. Dhaval Bhanusali, MD FAAD, is seeing a lot more Radiesse usage recently (just over 201,000 requests last year alone). According to Dr. Lin, Radiesse is a calcium hydroxylapatite gel that is also firm and strong enough for the cheek region. On top of the cheeks, Dr. Bhanusali is seeing dilute Radiesse in the neck and chest areas to soften crepiness. “Also, [I’m] seeing more requests for off-face locations like arms and even around the knees,” he explains. “I think people, in general, are more interested in trying things now, and given the additional downtime, a lot feel OK with trying once and at least knowing if it is something they want to commit to long-term.”

Curious to know what types of dermal filler procedures people are asking for lately? Below, find the six trends that experts are seeing ahead of summer.

Facial Filler Trend: Reduce Under-Eye Puffiness

undereye puffiness
Victor VIRGILE/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images

“The most common complaint we continue to hear from patients is that they have bags under their eyes and that their eyes appear sunken, giving a person a tired appearance,” Dr. Lin explains. Therefore, to reduce the hollowness and improve eye bags, he says fillers are used to add volume to the area under the eye and eliminate shadows.

The plastic surgeon says this sunken eye appearance can be caused by aging, smoking, sun exposure, and lack of sleep. “Typically, softer fillers are used since the skin around the eyes is naturally thinner,” he notes. “These include soft hyaluronic acid fillers, as well as autologous fat.” How long these various HA fillers last depends on your metabolism (as your body will naturally break them down over time) but six months is good rule of thumb. Radiesse is also a longer-lasting option here, which can last roughly 15 months. “Radiesse has an opaque color and can additionally help blend out dark vasculature behind the eye.”

Facial Filler Trend: Heart-Shaped Look

heart-shaped face
Rosdiana Ciaravolo/Getty Images

Rather than a square facial structure, Dr. Emer says women are gravitating towards more of a heart-shaped look. “They are doing more things to project the chin, lift the cheeks, inject in the temples so the brow and eyes are open, so it makes the face look slimmer.” Filler-wise, this trend entails a lateral cheek elevation by using the fillers across the cheekbones to lift the area and make it more contoured from the side. “We would bring the chin forward, so [we’ll] lift the neck and slim the face instead of widening it.” He says achieving this effect also includes injecting the temples and the eyebrow to give more of an angled open look to the face. Then, he would plump up the lips a bit. “Women are wanting less of that rubbery and overdone look and more of a softer feel.”

Facial Filler Trend: Smooth & Enhance The Nose

smooth skin and enhanced nose
Rosdiana Ciaravolo/Getty Images

Dr. Peter Lee, M.D., F.A.C.S., CEO and founder of Wave Plastic Surgery, says the use of fillers to enhance and smooth the contour of the nose has exploded over the past few years. He calls this nonsurgical rhinoplasty. “For patients with large dorsal hump and tip that is droopy, utilizing fillers in a strategic location can help smooth out the nose and achieve some lifting of the tip,” he explains. “For patients who have a very small nose, we can accentuate the overall shape of the nose to deliver, more clear definition.”

Facial Filler Trend: Defined Lips

defined lips
Victor VIRGILE/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images

Lip shape trends these days are less about volume and more about shape, according to Dr. Bhanusali. “There is definitely less asking for bigger lips and more asking about defining [the natural shape],” he explains. For this, a traditional hyaluronic acid filler is used. “I think people are happy to accentuate something that may be covered all day, but I think we’ve gone back more to a conservative look rather than over-the-top — something I personally love.”

Dr. Lee agrees that the too-full lip look (which Kylie Jenner is arguably to blame for) is getting replaced with something slightly more subtle. “[The] more recent trend is that of naturalness, balanced, and making a lip more youthful,” he says about the current lip injections trend. As with any filler placement, it’s important to be honest with your injector about the look you’re trying to achieve, and they can advise you on what is feasible, as well as what will complement your anatomy.

Facial Filler Trend: Cheek Injections

cheek augmentation
Victor VIRGILE/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images

“Cheek injections are becoming the new lip injection,” Dr. Lin argues. Fillers in this area are used to increase the volume around and above the cheekbones, which in turn, restores a fuller, more youthful look to the face. “The illusion of a more defined bone structure and contoured face is becoming increasingly desirable.”

Dr. Lin says for cheek injections, two FDA-approved hyaluronic acid fillers — Juvederm Voluma and Restylane-Lyft — are most commonly used in this location. Your injector will advise on what will work the best for you, but generally the softer fillers will allow them to sculpt your cheeks and add natural-looking volume to areas that you want to enhance.

Facial Filler Trend: Angular Jaw

jaw enhancement
Victor VIRGILE/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images

When it comes to the jaw, Dr. Catherine Chang, a board-certified craniofacial and reconstructive surgeon, is noticing more requests to enhance the projection of the chin and the angularity of the jaw. “Restylane Lyft and Voluma are good fillers for this area as they tend to hold their shape better,” she says. Typically, these filler options will last for nine months to a year. But again — fillers are not permanent, and they can range in price from about $300 to several thousand dollars depending on where you live, the amount of filler required for the area, and who is performing your injections.

Like anything else in beauty or aesthetics, it’s a choice to budget accordingly for yearly or biannual injections, but never ever skimp when it comes to someone pricking your face with a needle. Some things are worth splurging for, and dermal fillers definitely fall into that category.

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Front-line worker gets needed rest on National Nurses Day Fri, 14 May 2021 05:14:05 +0000 HOLLYWOOD, Calif. — Usually, when Elvira Hernandez is in her scrubs, she is helping others as a Los Angeles-based surgical nurse. But this time, after a long year of tireless service throughout the pandemic, she is getting the service. She is being treated to a facial by dermatologist Dr. Jason Emer’s office as a thank […]

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HOLLYWOOD, Calif. — Usually, when Elvira Hernandez is in her scrubs, she is helping others as a Los Angeles-based surgical nurse.

But this time, after a long year of tireless service throughout the pandemic, she is getting the service. She is being treated to a facial by dermatologist Dr. Jason Emer’s office as a thank you on National Nurses Day.

She says serving as a nurse, especially throughout a pandemic, requires a mentality of selflessness and humility.

“It’s a caring, a rewarding feeling, to be with patients, whether they are ill, or healthy, having surgery, you know, just seeing them through a process,” Hernandez said.

Hernandez nearly lost her mother-in-law to COVID-19 and yet, still worked full-time as a nurse to support her husband and two children.

“As a mother, you know, I always put myself last. I have a 21-year-old and a 19-year-old and my husband, caring for them, putting them first all of the time. It kind of feels nice to get spoiled,” she said.

The spoiling includes a hydration facial, which Hernandez says her skin could really use. Throughout the pandemic, she was constantly afraid that her work as a nurse would endanger her family, bringing home the virus.

That’s why it was important for Dr. Jason Emer and his team to give back to front-liners, many of whom have had very little time for self-care.

“We know during this global pandemic time, our nurses have been working extremely hard to take care of all the patients, and because of that, they have so much stress. I really wanted to give back to one lucky nurse who works really hard,” Emer said.

Hernandez is one of many front-line workers who endured the greatest risk of exposure throughout the pandemic, many having lost their lives. She said she is grateful to have hers.

“It’s risky, but this is what we signed on for. Your patients are your No. 1 priority. I would pretty much risk it all,” she said.

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SuperVision180 Introduces a Unique Accelerated Training Model for Aesthetic Medicine Fri, 14 May 2021 04:27:00 +0000 HERMOSA BEACH, Calif., April 26, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Training in new medical aesthetic procedures used to involve days of travel and peering over shoulders to catch a glimpse of what was happening on the table. Now, doctors and nurses can watch the top experts in their field work up close without the expense of travel […]

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HERMOSA BEACH, Calif., April 26, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Training in new medical aesthetic procedures used to involve days of travel and peering over shoulders to catch a glimpse of what was happening on the table. Now, doctors and nurses can watch the top experts in their field work up close without the expense of travel or the inconvenience of shutting down the practice for a day.

SuperVision180 is a cutting-edge virtual learning platform featuring LIVE procedural webinars, online courses, and hands-on classes. Medical professionals can learn the latest procedures from their home or office. SuperVision180 programs emphasize off-label uses—the in-demand applications practitioners most often want to learn. The training is approved for continuing medical education (CME) credits (AMA Category 1). Courses in more than a dozen aesthetic topics are currently available on the platform, with more on the way.

“This is not Zoom,” CEO Tom Kristy says. “It’s much better. We have high-definition, medical-grade cameras zeroing in on each procedure in extreme detail down to the suture level.”

In the LIVE webinars, viewers can interact with the surgeon, asking questions in real time and getting immediate answers from the expert. The view is often better than being in the OR itself. As every physician knows, unless you are standing right at the table, you may as well be watching online. SuperVision180 trainers are luminaries at the forefront of their disciplines. They include the pioneers who invented the procedures and the innovators who are perfecting them.

SuperVision180 introduces a unique accelerated training model that provides a fast track to competency. Novices start with high quality online courses covering the basic science of each procedure accompanied by didactic lectures. The online programs are step by step and include high quality videos, animated lectures and integrated exams that test knowledge, with CMEs awarded after passing the tests. Online courses can usually be completed in one day or less. After the online courses, students can join hands-on training classes to perfect skills working with luminary trainers. Classes are held in cities across the US and CMEs are awarded at the conclusion of the classes. Lastly, LIVE webinars provide continuing, advanced training where students can watch, ask and learn in real-time, and receive additional CMEs.

SuperVision180 launched its first training series on aesthetic medicine led by renowned surgeon Jason Emer, M.D. West Hollywood-based Emer is a board-certified dermatologic surgeon and one of the top cosmetic surgeons in the world. A key opinion leader in his field, Emer has more than 80,000 YouTube subscribers and nearly half a million Instagram followers.

“Most medical training is presented by no-name trainers who share basic information,” Kristy said. “Until recently, it’s been very hard to get access to people at Jason Emer’s level. But now that’s changed. Our trainers are professionals at the top of their field whose reputations are well known.” Training is designed for physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, estheticians and aestheticians.

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Perspectives: The Evolution of Aesthetics presented by Aesthetics Biomedical® Fri, 07 May 2021 19:53:53 +0000 Dr. Ava Shamban, with Aesthetics Biomedical®, shares what the latest aesthetic trends are & ABC’s The Bachelor’s Ashley Iaconetti Haibon about her results Author: Arizona Midday Published: 1:08 PM MST April 23, 2021 Updated: 1:08 PM MST April 23, 2021 On behalf of Aesthetics Biomedical® Inc. we are honored to invite you to our unique […]

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Dr. Ava Shamban, with Aesthetics Biomedical®, shares what the latest aesthetic trends are & ABC’s The Bachelor’s Ashley Iaconetti Haibon about her results

Author: Arizona Midday
Published: 1:08 PM MST April 23, 2021
Updated: 1:08 PM MST April 23, 2021

On behalf of Aesthetics Biomedical® Inc. we are honored to invite you to our unique boutique style symposium, Perspectives: The Evolution of Aesthetics. Designed to be an interactive exchange of personal perspectives and conversations that will focus on hot topics, the latest aesthetic trends, combination therapies, disruptive technologies, marketing strategies with local social media influencers and best practices.

Leading Aesthetic Technology Demonstrations

Insights From Social Media Influencers

Free Headshots

Trending Treatments

Combination Therapies

Networking Opportunities

This exclusive conference will be held in a private, safe, and socially distant environment bringing together leading aesthetic key opinion leaders for a full-day of educational curated content.

Featured Guest Speakers & Panelists

Dr. Ava Shamban

Dr. Grant Stevens

Dr. Shino Bay Aguilera

Dr. Vivian Bucay

Dr. Victor Ross

Lori Robertson MSN, FNP-C

Dr. Jason Emer

Dr. Michael Somenek

Dr. Michael Gold

Dr. Patricia Farris

Dr. Michael DeWolfe

Dr. Robert Troell

Kara Schell McClanahan, CMPE

Jessica Chia, Allure Contributing Editor

Kate Sandoval Box, SHAPE Editorial Beauty Director

Maya Allen, InStyle Beauty Director

MaryAnn Guerra, Chief Executive Officer

Sheldon Larson, Chief Marketing Officer

Featuring Ashley Iaconetti Haibon. Ashley I. is a TV personality most known for her appearances on The Bachelor franchise on which she met her husband, Jared Haibon. Ashley has been a guest on Good Morning America, The Ellen DeGenerous Show, and Jimmy Kimmel Live. She is a host for both The Almost Famous podcast with iHeart Radio and The I Don’t Get podcast with Wave Network. Ashley works as a correspondent for Access Hollywood and is a columnist for Ashley has her Masters’s degree in Broadcast and Digital Journalism from Syracuse University’s Newhouse School of Communication. She enjoys talking skincare and reenacting scenes from her favorite rom coms for her following of 1.1 million on Instagram.

The Vivace® Microneedle RF device is the newest generation of radiofrequency microneedling and is FDA-cleared for your safety. This minimally-invasive treatment stimulates the natural production of collagen and is shown to be effective in alleviating facial wrinkles, fine lines, and tightening and toning the face and neck. If you are looking for the optimal results, look no more. Welcome to The Vivace Experience®. Learn more at

Aesthetics Biomedical® Inc. is committed to the development and distribution of novel aesthetic devices, products, and services in the global market. Aesthetics Biomedical’s innovation center is a leader in breakthrough technologies and combination therapies for its clients, physician network and the aesthetic arena, creating novel patient treatment experiences that benefit from ongoing research, approved clinical indications for use, as well as a personalized approach designed for consumer benefit.

The post Perspectives: The Evolution of Aesthetics presented by Aesthetics Biomedical® appeared first on Jason Emer MD.

I Tried A $250 Chemical Peel Kit To Treat Dullness & Fine Lines — Here Are My Thoughts Tue, 04 May 2021 14:55:35 +0000 As a teenager and well into my 20s, my main skin concerns typically revolved around acne and my always-oily complexion. Keeping blemishes and oil at bay was the bane of my existence. Fast-forward to my current age of 35, and new obstacles in the form of acne scars, hyperpigmentation, crow’s feet, and collagen loss have […]

The post I Tried A $250 Chemical Peel Kit To Treat Dullness & Fine Lines — Here Are My Thoughts appeared first on Jason Emer MD.

teenager skin

As a teenager and well into my 20s, my main skin concerns typically revolved around acne and my always-oily complexion. Keeping blemishes and oil at bay was the bane of my existence. Fast-forward to my current age of 35, and new obstacles in the form of acne scars, hyperpigmentation, crow’s feet, and collagen loss have become my latest frustration. Enter the $250 medical-grade chemical peel kit that I swear every 30-something should know about.

After years of reacting to my skin’s breakouts and unpredictable behavior with harsh astringents, mattifying powders, and oil-free moisturizers, I’ve happily adopted a more intentional, long-term skin care plan to give my skin exactly what it needs in this stage of my life, and this latest addition fits right in to my routine.

I first learned about said peel, Emerage’s Aerify Complexion Kit, from its creator, cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Jason Emer (who administers my Botox and filler treatments). During my last visit, Dr. Emer mentioned Aerify as a means to enhance and improve upon the results of my injectables. Up until then, my only experience with peels had been those of the professional variety, which left me with memories of itchy, enflamed skin that peeled excessively for a week straight. The idea of going through that at home without a trained professional nearby made me a bit hesitant.

That said, Dr. Emer’s reputation and knowledge, not to mention the before-and-after results I saw captured on his Instagram account put me at ease. He even offered to walk through the application of the overnight peel and the rest of the two-week kit, step-by-step to ensure all was done safely and correctly. At this point, my skin was feeling the effects of excessive mask wearing and the stress of the past year, so maskne, dullness, and fine lines were my main concerns I wanted to address with this kit. Dr. Emer’s reassurance coupled with promises of glowing, supple skin had me sold.

Now, the kit itself consists of six products that are each incorporated into a two-phase process. The first phase consists of first washing your face with a provided Foaming Polish, which contains papaya enzymes and a complex of vitamins A, C, and E, and the overnight peel itself, the Aerify Illuminating Mask. According to Dr. Emer, this hero formula contains trichloroacetic acid (TCA), retinol, and lactic acid to gently remove dead skin cells and stimulate new skin cell growth. Right before bedtime, I washed my face with the foaming cleanser and followed up with a generous layer of the orange-tinged Illuminating Mask all over my face and upper neck. To avoid making a mess while you sleep, I recommend covering your pillow with a towel!

Angela Melero
Angela Melero

The next morning, after rinsing the mask off my face, my skin had a nice sheen to it. It felt a bit tight, but that’s to be expected of this treatment, according to literature on the product. I then proceeded with the two-week second phase which consists of a morning routine that includes the Foaming Polish, High Spot (a light cream that’s infused with vitamin C and hydrating botanicals), and the Fusion Shield (a tinted broad-spectrum SPF). At night, the roster includes the Polish, Hyla-A (a retinol-infused moisturizer), and High Spot. I was also given a gel-like solution called Soothe that I could apply as needed throughout the day and night to help with itchiness, tightness, and flaking.

To ensure optimum results, I followed this regimen diligently, and made sure to avoid working any other skin care into the mix to avoid flare ups or irritation. I also used makeup sparingly, which was easy as the Fusion Shield has some camouflage properties that gave my skin some nice coverage.

Within two to three days, the peeling process was well underway, particularly around my mouth and cheeks. As tempting as it was to scratch the areas, I managed to control myself (scratching and picking can cause scarring!). I also kept sun exposure to a minimum, wore a hat and sunnies when outdoors, and avoided strenuous exercise for the first few days into my peel process. I was determined to achieve the shiny, radiant complexion of my 20s!

About a week into the treatment, said radiance appeared. After all the peeling around my face had run its course (it only took about three days total), my skin had a natural glow that I hadn’t seen in years. My pores around my nose also appeared smaller, the lines around my eyes and upper forehead seemed a bit less pronounced, and much of the maskne I had been experiencing around my chin was clearing up considerably. I was impressed. And while I didn’t see increased improvement in that final second week, the results from the first seven days were enough to keep me happy as a clam in my newly shed skin.

Angela Melero
Angela Melero

The Aerify Kit is intended to to be used once a month or so, but at $250 bucks a pop, that may be a bit steep for some — including me. However, I can definitely see myself working the peel in as a seasonal refresh every few months or so and supplementing with regular professional facials. Consistent upkeep and deeper exfoliation is so important for 30-something skin (and beyond!). I also think this a great product for those preparing for a major event or special occasion. All in all, I give this experience two enthusiastic thumbs up.

If you’re interested in jumping on the peel parade, check out the Aerify Complexion Kit below, as well as other at-home peel options to get the party started.

Emerage Cosmetics – Aerify Complexion Kit


This six-product kit promises more radiant, refined skin in two weeks.

Angela Melero

Kate Somerville – KateCeuticals Resurfacing Overnight Peel with Glycolic Acid, Retinol & Niacinamide


This clinical-grade overnight treatment reduces the appearance of dark spots, lines, and wrinkles while you sleep, revealing clearer and plumper skin.

Kate Somerville - KateCeuticals Resurfacing Overnight Peel with Glycolic Acid, Retinol and Niacinamide

PCA Skin – Micro-Peel At-Home Kit


This extensive set comes with everything you need for the complete peel experience. From offering proper cleansing, proper post-care, and of course, the enzymatic peel, this is the ultimate at-home formula.

PCA Skin - Micro-Peel At-Home Kit

Dr. Dennis Gross – Clinical Grade Resurfacing Liquid Peel


This two-step process stars potent alpha-hydroxy acids to slough away dead skin cells, revealing a smoother, brighter complexion.

Dr. Dennis Gross - Clinical Grade Resurfacing Liquid Peel

goop – GOOPGLOW 15% Glycolic Overnight Glow Peel


“Inspired” by chemical peels, these pads feature 15% glycolic acid to refine and improve skin texture.

goop - GOOPGLOW 15% Glycolic Overnight Glow Peel

Perfect Image – Glycolic 70% Gel Peel


This ultra-strength peel includes a potent concentration of 70% glycolic acid to target wrinkles and lines.

Perfect Image - Glycolic 70% Gel Peel

Thrive Cosmetics – Overnight Sensation™ Gentle Resurfacing Peel


This overnight peel packs a punch to address dark spots, brighten dark spots and uneven texture.

Thrive Cosmetics - Overnight Sensation™ Gentle Resurfacing Peel

The post I Tried A $250 Chemical Peel Kit To Treat Dullness & Fine Lines — Here Are My Thoughts appeared first on Jason Emer MD.

April beauty favourites: Clear Start Cooling Aqua Jelly, Nudeskin by Nudestix & more Mon, 03 May 2021 13:57:05 +0000 With a mix of indoor and outdoor occasions this month, our April beauty favourites list is slightly longer to include more makeup and skincare. Looks this month are kept simple with a serum-like foundation, and a bright burst of red lipstick for when the mask comes off. But first, healthy and glowing skin sets the […]

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nudestix products

With a mix of indoor and outdoor occasions this month, our April beauty favourites list is slightly longer to include more makeup and skincare. Looks this month are kept simple with a serum-like foundation, and a bright burst of red lipstick for when the mask comes off. But first, healthy and glowing skin sets the stage. Take a look at the best new beauty drops:

Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse

Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse
Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse. (Image credit: NUXE)

French cosmetics brand Nuxe has returned to Malaysia! Oh how we’ve missed the Huile Prodigieuse, founder Aliza Jabès’s first success product in 1991. This multi-purpose oil can be used for you hair, face and body, made from plant-based active ingredients. There’s a reason the Huile Prodigieuse is one of the most famous products still in French pharmacies, it leaves everything it touches smoother. Nuxe is now available online at at selected major Guardian outlets.

YSL Beauty Rouge Volupte Shine Burning Chilis

YSL Beauty Rouge Volupte Shine Burning Chilis
YSL Beauty Rouge Volupte Shine Burning Chilis. (Image credit: YSL Beauty)

While matte lipstick ruled in the last few years, high-shine is making a big comeback. YSL Beauty’s new Rouge Volupte Shine lipsticks can attest to that, with its hydrating balm-like texture that colours as it conditions. The Burning Chilis lipsticks are made with 65% essential oils, and the brand even says that after four weeks of continued application, your lips will look healthier and more nourished.

AHC Luminous Glow Eye Cream for Face

AHC Luminous Glow Eye Cream for Face
AHC Luminous Glow Eye Cream for Face. (Image credit: AHC)

Korean skincare brand AHC has just launched 2-in-1 brightening and anti-ageing eye cream. The product contains an exclusive ingredient called Gluta-I ™ Complex with glutathione, alpha-bisabolol and more, packed with a micro-capsule technology to keep the active components stable. AHC’s new eye cream is dermatologist-tested and developed specifically for Southeast Asian skin-types.

Burberry Beauty Ultimate Glow Cushion & Ultimate Glow Foundation

Burberry Beauty Ultimate Glow Cushion and Ultimate Glow Foundation
Burberry Beauty Ultimate Glow Cushion (left) and Ultimate Glow Foundation (right). (Image credit: Burberry Beauty)

Take your pick between the new Ultimate Glow Cushion or Foundation by Burberry Beauty. Both are formulated with active skincare ingredients like hyaluronic acid, viola and white tea extracts, giving your skin come TLC while also offering full coverage. We love how the formula glide effortlessly as you apply it, yet it’s still lightweight with serum-like texture.

Clear Start Cooling Aqua Jelly

Clear Start Cooling Aqua Jelly
Dermalogica Clear Start Cooling Aqua Jelly. (Image credit: Dermalogica)

If you have yet to find a good moisturiser for oily or combination skin, turn your attention to the latest from Dermalogica‘s sister brand, Clear Start. This skin-refining jelly moisturiser is designed for exactly those skin-types as it helps in reducing excess sebum while cooling down the skin. Key ingredients include a retinol-like Bioflavonoid Complex and Hyaluronic Acid. The fun blue shade actually comes from a combination of other plant ingredients such as Red Algae, Aloe Flower, Holy Basil Leaf, and Turmeric Root.

Louis Vuitton Les Parfums: Pur Oud

Louis Vuitton Les Parfums: Pur Oud
Louis Vuitton Les Parfums: Pur Oud. (Image credit: Louis Vuitton)

Master Perfumer Jacques Cavallier Belletrud was inspired by the art of layering fragrances so commonly practiced in the Middle East. He then composed what is arguably ‘s most minimalist fragrance to date, Pur Oud. This one is made simply with white musk, oud, and agar wood. It smells spicy and earthy, and pairs perfectly with any other of your favourite scents.

Nudeskin by Nudestix

Nudeskin by Nudestix

Nudeskin by Nudestix has launched with 4-step skincare regimen designed in collaboration with celebrity dermatologist, Dr. Jason Emer, MD. Inside the pouch is a cleansing balm, face cleanser, micro-peel, toner and moisturiser. This set focuses on skin renewal as its goal, with all formulations made vegan, gluten and cruelty-free, and without sulphates, synthetic fragrance or parabens.

The post April beauty favourites: Clear Start Cooling Aqua Jelly, Nudeskin by Nudestix & more appeared first on Jason Emer MD.

Beat Acne with Dermalinfusion and LED Light Therapy Thu, 22 Apr 2021 21:32:41 +0000 Busy lifestyles and stressful careers have their consequences. Aside from the physical effects of stressors, those who are constantly on the move might not have enough time to take care of their skin. The entire ordeal that was 2020 was definitely not good for anyone’s complexion either. Needless to say, running from event to event, […]

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Busy lifestyles and stressful careers have their consequences. Aside from the physical effects of stressors, those who are constantly on the move might not have enough time to take care of their skin. The entire ordeal that was 2020 was definitely not good for anyone’s complexion either. Needless to say, running from event to event, being exposed to sun and dust, experiencing increased stress hormone production, and so on will take a toll on skin health by clogging up pores, increasing oil production, and causing acne, redness and inflammation.

Thankfully, Jason Emer is here to help, offering a variety of cutting edge proven treatments to improve skin complexion and beat back acne. Two of Emerage Medical’s go to treatments are: Dermalinfusion and LED Light Therapy. These are non-invasive procedures done on an outpatient basis, that can restore skin health with minimum downtime.

How Dermalinfusion Works

Dermalinfusion is one of our favorite monthly treatments. It uses customized serums to improve the skin glow and improve acne, pigmentation, and dullness. It is safe to use on all skin types, including those with sensitive conditions like rosacea and eczema. This 3-in-1 treatment combines exfoliation, extraction and hydration infusion with fully customizable, condition-specific serums to clarify, hydrate and brighten the skin.

A combination effect is what produces results — diamond tip gently exfoliates the surface dead skin cells and opens the pores; suction extracts black heads and debris from congested pores; simultaneous infusion of customized serums into the skin give an active medical grade treatment.

This monthly treatment keeps the skin radiant and clear and is customized to meet each individual patient’s needs. Over time, our skin can begin to lose its glow and youthful appearance because of damaged skin cells and the accumulation of dirt. Our skin appears dehydrated and dry, affecting not only the appearance of our skin but also the texture. So for those who are looking for an all-in-one skincare solution, Dermalinfusion is a great option.

Let There Be LightStim

LED Light or Photodynamic Therapy employs targeted, UV-free LED lights—available in various wavelengths (or colors of light)—to offer multiple benefits and address a wide range of skin issues including:

  • Acne
  • Fine lines
  • Wrinkles
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Stretch marks
  • Sun damage
  • Enlarged pores
  • Age spots
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis

Dr. Jason Emer customizes each treatment to your unique goals in order to reduce inflammation and redness, energize and regenerate cells, build new proteins, and/or destroy acne bacteria.

When used both before and after laser, radiofrequency, ultrasound, microneedling, and injectable filler treatments, LED Light Therapy can increase circulation and speed up the healing process (up to 150 to 200 times faster).

Using FDA-approved, cutting-edge LightStim technology, Dr. Emer is able to deliver this beneficial, natural light energy into the skin. Our LightStim “bed” is composed of more than 18,000 LED lights designed specifically to rejuvenate, repair and re-energize every cell in your body.

Acne Away at Jason Emer

Are you dealing with acne breakouts or age-related wrinkles and fine lines and seek a safe, non-invasive approach tailored to your unique needs and skin type? Contact Dr. Jason Emer and his team today to set up a personalized treatment to help improve your skin health.

The post Beat Acne with Dermalinfusion and LED Light Therapy appeared first on Jason Emer MD.

Is Your Lube Full of Toxic Chemicals? (Probably.) Fri, 16 Apr 2021 22:02:35 +0000 lOld-school lubes are full of weird — and probably toxic — chemicals. It’s time to go natural. What’s all this hype about organic lube? Courtesy of brands BY MICHAEL STAHL @MICHAELRSTAHL While immersed in the throes of sexual pleasure — with another person or just yourself — sometimes a little extra slickness is required. But […]

The post Is Your Lube Full of Toxic Chemicals? (Probably.) appeared first on Jason Emer MD.

lOld-school lubes are full of weird — and probably toxic — chemicals. It’s time to go natural.

sex lubes
What’s all this hype about organic lube? Courtesy of brands


While immersed in the throes of sexual pleasure — with another person or just yourself — sometimes a little extra slickness is required. But in that moment, do you really know what you’re putting on your genitals?

Many legacy lubricants, like KY and Astroglide, for example, are made with ingredients linked to a host of health issues. Glycerin, and other sugar derivatives that are common lube ingredients, can trigger yeast infections. Quaternium-15, an ammonium salt and preservative that’s also a formaldehyde releaser, is known to cause skin irritation and allergic reactions. And though the jury is still out on parabens, this chemical group — used in preservatives and also found in many cosmetics — may increase chances of breast cancer.

The health concerns that these and other traditional lube ingredients raise are among the primary reasons for the recent emergence of organic lubes.

“If you can’t pronounce it, denounce it,” says Taylor Sparks, founder of Organic Loven, a digital marketplace brimming with sexual products, including a plethora of natural lubricants.

Boasting certifications in holistic aromatherapy and human behavior, Sparks says a large portion of what people put on their skin is absorbed through pores and funneled into the bloodstream. (Some, like Gwenyth Paltrow, believe this figure is as high as 70 percent, though other experts say such a number cannot be quantified precisely.) Human beings put nine different personal care products on their body on a daily basis, according to one survey, while another study found the average woman puts 515 different synthetic chemicals on her body every day. These types of practices begin at birth, Sparks points out, with parents patting substances like powder — which has a recent, widely publicized history of cancer connections — on their babies’ skin. “We’re talking about, over the course of our lifetime, what is being absorbed and affecting our bodies?” she says.

Two of the lubes that Sparks slings on her site come from a company called TOCA, described as “a plant-based, gender-fluid, freaky, nature-loving product line that was founded on the desire to bring pleasure and eros to the forefront of our well-being and self-expression.” TOCA’s oils contain easy-to-pronounce ingredients like peppermint, ginger, Vitamin E oil, basil and whole hemp plant extract. Founder Anne Louise Burdett, a clinical herbalist who focuses on sexual reproductive health and trauma, says the CBD element of the products is both what makes them work well and, unfortunately, has kept them out of the hands of consumers.

(Courtesy of Anne Louise Burdette) Courtesy Anne Louise Burdett/TOCA

“We were super-excited to launch into this field because cannabis is so powerful in the realm of sexual health and trauma,” Burdett says. “The endocannabinoid system is our safety system, the way that our organs and cells and tissue can understand when to stop being afraid and when to be able to relax.”

But some private companies — like payment processors and advertisers, which can help a new product find its market footing — have been hesitant to link up with a cannabis-friendly brand. However, Burdett says TOCA has overcome these hurdles and has grown satisfactorily since its founding two years ago.

“We’ve tapped into a community of folks with endometriosis, vaginismus, as well as OBGYNs and midwives that are now promoting our product because they are seeing results that they have never seen with anything else,” Burdett says.

Ballsy, a company that primarily sells men’s grooming products made with natural ingredients, recently jumped on the organic lube bandwagon as well. It released the aloe-based All The Feels agent in January, initially with a seasonal run through Valentine’s Day in mind. But founder Adam Hendle says the product has been such a hit that the company is leaning toward selling it year round.


“Our stance is if you’re going to use something in your most intimate areas and internally, why not make it as natural as possible?” Hendle says. “So we worked with our manufacturer on a formula that uses natural ingredients such as aloe, quinoa and tremella fuciformis, which all have incredible properties for use as a natural lubricant and for your skin.”

He adds that aloe is an ingredient that has been used throughout history “to help moisturize, protect and rejuvenate your skin,” while quinoa “helps promote skin elasticity and regenerates skin cells,” and tremella fuciformis “promotes blood flow through your skin.”

Another point of concern for Sparks is the fact that the FDA categorizes many ingredients found in old school lubes as “GRAS,” or, “generally regarded as safe.” The way Sparks sees it, that means “if four or five hundred people do not call the FDA and complain about that ingredient,” a mere disclaimer directed at consumers to stop using the product if they experience irritation is all that will be required, “and they just let it be.”

That said, according to board-certified dermatologist Jason Emer, the health risks associated with legacy-lube use aren’t as overwhelming as the concerns driving the growing movement towards more holistic lube products may suggest.

“At typical concentrations and amounts used,” Emer says of the dubious ingredients in old-school lubes, “I would say 99.9 percent of people are never going to experience those [adverse] reactions.”

However, Emer, who’s also an advisor to the aesthetic healthcare market RealSelf and oversees his own “ingredient-conscious” skincare company, does agree that quaternium-15 is a substance that people should avoid, as there is a relatively large number of individuals who can develop an allergy to the substance across repeated use. Emer’s not a fan of parabens, either, noting that, today, many skincare lines — including his own — advertise that they are “paraben-free.”

In terms of slick substances, he says he’s an “advocate for things like avocado oil,” as well as aloe, which he notes is anti-inflammatory.

“It’s just like food,” Emer says. “I always tell people: Processed foods aren’t as good for you. The same thing with skincare. Skincare with added ingredients that don’t have medical benefits aren’t as good for you.”

In other words, it might be best to find the kale-salad equivalent of lube for your privates, versus what you’ll get out of a metaphoric Big Mac.


The post Is Your Lube Full of Toxic Chemicals? (Probably.) appeared first on Jason Emer MD.
