Plastic Surgery Recovery Residences

Conveniently located to serve Beverly Hills,  Hollywood,  Los Angeles,  NYC, and  Miami.

If you are considering a plastic surgery recovery residence in Beverly Hills for your aftercare accommodations, you won’t need to look any further than our Emer Oasis residences. No one does luxury post-operative care like Dr. Jason Emer, and our team can help you explore the many add-on services available to make your stay everything you want and need it to be.

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What Is a Plastic Surgery Recovery Residence?

From Dr. Emer’s perspective, a cosmetic surgery recovery house is a private, upscale, relaxation-inducing residence with all of the amenities and services patients need as they begin the post-op healing process.

Full service cosmetic surgery recovery can mean different things to different people. This is why patients who book an Emer Oasis recovery residence have the option to include as many of the additional cosmetic recovery services Dr. Emer offers as they’d like.

However, one non-negotiable component of an optimal aftercare environment is having a caregiver on-site, and at your service, until you regain the ability to care for yourself. Emer Oasis residences include a qualified, trusted caregiver who can ensure that you are healing well, staying hydrated, staying comfortable, and getting enough rest. Your caregiver will also assist with wound care, medications, bathing, and other tasks that may be difficult or unadvisable for you to do on your own.
Beyond caregiver services, the Emer Oasis residence experience is characterized by private outdoor spaces, plush beds with crisp, fresh sheets, and cheerful, sophisticated décor. For a truly worry-free, wellness-enhancing post-op recovery you can include add-on services like:

  • Personal chef
  • Cleaning services
  • Personal driver
  • Concierge
  • IV and spa treatments
  • Integrative life coach
Woman with beautiful face.

Right for you?

Is an Aftercare Residence Right for Me?

The optimal recovery environment for you is the option that makes it easiest for you to put healing first. Outside of meeting your needs in terms of accessibility, you want your recovery environment to evoke a state of relaxation, to be conducive to peaceful sleep, and to minimize your exposure to stressors and circumstances that would make it difficult for you to adhere to your physical activity restrictions.

Emer Oasis aftercare residences provide an accessible, convenient, and comfortable alternative to hotel recovery accommodations for patients who have traveled from other states or countries for cosmetic surgery. Add-ons like personal drivers and concierge services can be invaluable for patients who are far from home.

In addition to being the preferred choice of aftercare residence for non-local patients, Emer Oasis plastic surgery recovery houses are available to residents of Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, and Los Angeles, whether they are a patient at Dr. Emer’s practice or had a procedure performed by another provider.

Some of the reasons that patients opt out of an at-home recovery to stay in our aftercare residences include:

  • Privacy – If you prefer to be discreet about your cosmetic procedure, a recovery residence can be ideal. You will be safe from the prying eyes of your neighbors as you come and go to your aftercare appointments or take a restorative walk to get some fresh air and support healthy circulation. 
  • Accessibility – If your home lacks a suitable recovery area, which should allow you easy, stair-free access to a comfortable place to rest and sleep, full bathroom, and a kitchen, you’ll want to consider alternative accommodations.
  • Access to care – If you do not have access to an in-home caregiver, you can get the care you need at an Emer Oasis residence.
  • Stress minimization – Stress is a major deterrent to optimal healing. If it is likely that you will encounter people or circumstances at home that will elevate your stress level, the neutral space of a plastic surgery recovery house may be a better option.
  • Permission to relax – In order to fully commit to an optimal recovery, you must fully commit to relaxation. Often, guilt-free relaxation is only possible when you separate yourself from the people and places that you feel are more worthy of your attention and energy than yourself.

What Additional Aftercare Services Will I Need?

At Dr. Emer’s medical practice in Beverly Hills, recommended aftercare services include:

  • NAD IV therapy
  • Lymphatic massage
  • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
  • LIVV therapy
  • LIVV Wellness Lounge
  • Hormonal peptide therapy

How Much Does It Cost to Stay in a Plastic Surgery Recovery House in Beverly Hills?

The specific Emer Oasis residence you book, the length of your stay, and the services you choose to include will factor into the total cost. While the lower price associated with in-home recovery may seem appealing upfront, budget should not be your only consideration. You owe it to yourself to invest in the opportunity to align yourself with an exceptional treatment outcome.

Book Your Emer Oasis Experience

Contact our office to learn more about booking one of our plastic surgery recovery residences near Beverly Hills. We look forward to helping you recover luxuriously!

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