Primetime IV Therapy

Conveniently located to serve Beverly Hills,  Hollywood,  Los Angeles,  NYC, and  Miami.

Our Primetime IV infusion is an invaluable pre- and post-surgery treatment for patients planning to undergo surgery. Packed with key vitamins and minerals and hydrating fluids, Primetime IV therapy in Beverly Hills supports the healing process, so patients can experience an easier, shorter recovery after a surgical procedure.

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WHAT IS Primetime IV Therapy?

Primetime IV hydration therapy is designed to make recovery after surgery more comfortable and productive. Regardless of the specific type of operation, recovery typically involves some degree of swelling, bruising, and discomfort. Ensuring that the body is properly hydrated and has adequate supply of the nutrients it needs to heal is essential for a quick recovery and to minimize post-op soreness.

A pre-operative Primetime IV infusion is recommended within 24 hours of the surgery, so the body can mitigate the stress of the procedure with minimal disruption to its normal function. A post-operative Primetime IV infusion is also advisable, as surgical procedures deplete the body’s fluid and nutrient levels. To rehydrate the body and replace lost nutrients, a second Primetime IV therapy session should be scheduled within the first few days of your recovery.

Patients who follow this protocol can:

  • Accelerate the healing process
  • Reduce downtime
  • Promote hydration and relaxation
  • Limit inflammation and scarring
  • Further, reduce the chance of infection

Making these benefits of Primetime IV therapy possible is a proprietary blend of ingredients that includes B Vitamins, Vitamin C, Calcium, Copper, Sodium, Zinc, and more. Infusing these nutrients directly into the bloodstream allows for maximum absorption and faster, more noticeable effects than are possible with oral supplementation.

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Right for you?

Am I a Good Candidate for Primetime IV Therapy?

Primetime is an excellent addition to a patient’s pre- and post-op care plans to promote smoother, more efficient healing. Dr. Emer or one of our board-certified plastic surgeons will discuss the benefits of Primetime and/or other recommended IV therapies during your surgical consultation. If you are receiving care outside our practice, the experts in our IV Lounge can assist you in determining if Primetime is an advisable IV therapy for your needs.

What Is IV Hydration Therapy?

Intravenous (IV) vitamin hydration therapy is the most efficient way to deliver fluids, minerals, and vitamins to the body. IV therapy can be provided as a stand-alone treatment or to complement other procedures and/or efforts on the patient’s part.

The benefits of IV therapy vary in relation to the specific IV infusion given. Whether you want a general wellness boost, more energy, improved athletic performance, or relief from symptoms caused by a specific medical condition, our experts can find the right formulation. We can design targeted infusions based on a patient’s distinct needs, and we also offer several proprietary IV cocktails, including Primetime.

How to Prepare for a Primetime IV Infusion

Continue to follow any pre- or post-operative instructions you are given while you prepare for your Primetime infusion, unless otherwise directed. You’ll likely be asked to drink plenty of water and eat a nourishing meal or snack before your IV vitamin hydration session. Having enough water in your system makes the veins more prominent and easier to locate, and eating lowers the risk of nausea.

IV therapy is typically administered via a vein in the arm, so wear a short-sleeved or loose-fitting shirt to your IV therapy session. You may also want to bring a book or headphones to keep you occupied during your IV therapy session.

What to Expect During a Primetime IV Therapy Session

Once you are comfortably seated in our IV Lounge, one of our highly trained clinicians will carefully insert a small needle into your vein. An IV line will connect the needle to the IV bag containing your Primetime infusion, so the fluid can be delivered into your bloodstream.

Aside from a minor pinch as the needle is initially placed, IV therapy sessions are not associated with discomfort. For patients used to being on-the-go, IV therapy is often a welcome opportunity to take a break from work and other obligations.

What to Expect After a Primetime IV Therapy Session

Once your Primetime session is complete, you’ll be able to go home immediately. You should start feeling the rehydrating effects of this type of treatment during your session or within the next few hours.

Returning to a normal routine in the days following a more invasive procedure can be challenging if steps aren’t taken to replenish lost nutrients and fluids. Receiving a Primetime infusion ahead of time, as well as in the early days of your recovery, can help give the body the energy it needs to fuel the healing process and get you back to your regular activities quickly.

How Much Does Primetime IV Therapy Cost?

The cost of a Primetime IV infusion depends on how exactly the formula is prepared for your individual needs. Additionally, if you have multiple procedures scheduled with us, Dr. Emer may recommend more than one Primetime session. The price of your overall treatment plan can be calculated during your initial consultation at our office.

Schedule a Consultation

If you’re having surgery or another complex procedure soon, contact us today about Primetime IV therapy in Beverly Hills. Our staff will arrange a consultation with you, so we can learn about your current medical needs, medical history, and other relevant factors. From there, we’ll determine if Primetime IV therapy is an ideal way to complement your treatment plan.