Alar Base Reduction Rhinoplasty

Conveniently located to serve Beverly Hills,  Hollywood,  Los Angeles,  NYC, and  Miami.

Alar base reduction rhinoplasty can be an ideal solution for permanently reshaping the nostrils. Alar base reduction rhinoplasty is frequently performed in Beverly Hills for patients who are concerned that the base of their nose is too broad or that their nostrils are too large.

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What Is Alar Base Reduction Rhinoplasty?

Alar base reduction, or alarplasty, is a surgery that changes the shape of the nostrils to improve the appearance of the nose. This modified version of rhinoplasty, or nose job surgery, can minimize nostril flaring and reduce the width of the nostrils, so the base of the nose has a narrower shape.

Compared to a traditional rhinoplasty, alarplasty is less invasive. This is because it only addresses the soft tissue around the nostrils, rather than altering nasal bone and cartilage. In some cases, combining traditional rhinoplasty with alar base reduction is necessary to accomplish a patient’s desired outcome.

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Right for you?

Candidacy for Alar Base Reduction

Healthy adults of many ages can benefit from alar base reduction. This procedure can be performed for patients who have unwanted nostril contours due to an injury or congenital abnormality.

Some patients undergo alar base reduction after a previous rhinoplasty did not produce their anticipated nostril contours. In these cases, the patient must wait until the nose has fully healed from the primary rhinoplasty before they can be considered a candidate for alar base reduction.

We will need to meet with you for a consultation to assess your candidacy for alarplasty. During your consultation, your nasal structure and tissue will be evaluated. We will also ask you about previous nose surgeries, relevant medical history, and the specific enhancements you are seeking.

If you are a good candidate, you will be provided with detailed information about what to expect on the day of your surgery. We will also advise you regarding the estimated duration of the procedure and how you can prepare for your recovery.

How Does Alar Base Narrowing Work?

This procedure affects the alae, which consist of soft tissue and attach the nostrils to the cheeks. The height and width of the alae vary greatly from one person to another. Alarplasty involves excising a tiny amount of tissue from the alae to bring the nostrils into balance with the nose.

Alar Base Reduction Procedure Details

Many alar base reduction procedures can be performed using topical anesthesia rather than general anesthesia. If alarplasty is being combined with a traditional rhinoplasty or other facial plastic surgery, general anesthesia will likely be necessary.

After the patient is under the effect of the anesthesia, the doctor can make the applicable incision(s) and excise nasal tissue. Alar base reduction techniques can involve one or more of the following incision types:

  • Sill – A sill excision technique requires incisions inside the nose and is used to narrow the width of the nostrils and the alar base.
  • Wedge – This is an external incision technique used to correct nostril flaring.
  • Weir – The Weir approach is an advanced version of the wedge technique that facilitates expanded contouring options.

After removing nasal tissue and placing sutures to secure the changes, the treatment area will be bandaged.

Alar Base Reduction Recovery and Results

Alarplasty recovery takes one to three months, on average. However, you can see noticeable improvements in as little as one to two weeks when post-op redness and swelling have dissipated. A follow-up appointment will be needed after about one week, so your sutures can be removed.

Our Approach to Alar Base Reduction Rhinoplasty

Our approach to alar base reduction surgery is characterized by:

Personalized treatments

Every patient is different in terms of their anatomy and treatment goals. Each alar base reduction is customized to the patient in order to provide the safest, most effective treatment for their needs.

Meticulous planning

Many factors are evaluated when planning an alarplasty procedure. Once the optimal surgical approach for you has been identified, we will assist you in selecting the most appropriate type of anesthesia for your needs. We will also review instructions for preparing for your surgery, so you can plan for transportation and a stress-free recovery.

Holistic perspective

Alarplasty is a means of both enhancing the nose and improving the facial appearance. We consider the shape and proportions of the nose in the context of the entire face in order to ensure a harmonious final result.

How Much Does Alar Base Reduction Cost?

The price of your nostril narrowing procedure will depend on the best alar base reduction technique for achieving your desired results. During your consultation, we will provide complete information regarding anesthesia and facility fees, as well as all other costs related to your personalized treatment plan.

Schedule a Consultation for Alar Base Reduction Rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills

If you feel that the base of your nose is too wide or that your nostrils are too prominent, you may be able to accomplish your aesthetic goals with an alar base reduction. Find out your treatment options for getting the nose you want by contacting our office to schedule a consultation.