Functional Rhinoplasty

Conveniently located to serve Beverly Hills,  Hollywood,  Los Angeles,  NYC, and  Miami.

While rhinoplasty is commonly associated with enhancing the appearance of the nose, this facial plastic surgery is also performed for medical purposes. We have helped many patients resolve medical issues caused by nasal abnormalities, and we are proud to be considered a top provider of functional rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills.

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What Is Functional Rhinoplasty?

Functional rhinoplasty is a surgery that alters the structure of the nose to improve nasal breathing. The primary goal of functional rhinoplasty is not to significantly alter the appearance of the nose, as with cosmetic rhinoplasty, but rather to clear and open the nasal airways to benefit the patient’s health.

We offer functional rhinoplasty as a stand-alone procedure and in conjunction with cosmetic rhinoplasty, depending on the patient’s needs. In many cases, addressing a functional problem simultaneously corrects cosmetic concerns like asymmetry.

There are several conditions that can compromise nasal breathing and necessitate functional rhinoplasty. Functional rhinoplasty is frequently recommended for patients affected by:

A deviated septum

The nose is divided in two by a wall of cartilage called the nasal septum. If the septum is crooked or off-center, it can obstruct one side of the nose and restrict nasal breathing through that nasal passage.

Narrow nasal passages

Breathing difficulties can arise when a patient’s nasal passages are too narrow to allow healthy airflow. Some people are born with narrow nasal passages. In other cases, the nasal passages gradually collapse as a patient ages.

Trauma to the nose

Sports injuries and car accidents are just two ways a patient can suffer trauma to the nose. If the nose is broken, the nasal structure can become misaligned, which can inhibit nasal breathing.

Sinus issues

Turbinate tissue helps to filter and humidify air as it passes through the nose. Sinus infections and severe allergies can cause the lowermost turbinates to become swollen, which can interfere with nasal breathing. If there is chronic swelling, functional rhinoplasty involving turbinate reduction may be needed.

Right for you?

Who Is a Candidate for Functional Rhinoplasty?

If your health and/or quality of life is negatively affected by suboptimal nasal breathing, you may be a candidate for functional rhinoplasty. Functional rhinoplasty patients often cannot breathe through a particular side of the nose or through either nasal passage.

Candidates may experience nosebleeds on a regular basis and/or frequent sinus infections due to nasal irregularities. Poor sleep, dry mouth (as a result of having to breathe through the mouth), and nasal congestion are additional symptoms that may indicate that you are a good candidate for this medical procedure.

Procedure Details

What Is the Functional Rhinoplasty Treatment Process?

The first step of the treatment process is a consultation. During the consultation, we will perform an examination of the nose, learn about your symptoms and goals for treatment, and evaluate your medical history. This information will be used to determine if functional rhinoplasty is an ideal treatment option for you.

A customized surgical plan is created for each functional rhinoplasty. The details of your procedure will be unique to you, but the surgical process will involve:


Medications will be administered to ensure your comfort for the duration of the surgery.


A discreet incision will be made, so the internal structure of the nose can be accessed.


Turbinate reduction, septum alignment, and other modifications can then be made to clear and/or widen the nasal passages.


Sutures will be placed to secure the new nasal structure and close the external incision.

Procedure Details

Functional Rhinoplasty Recovery and Results

You will be able to go home the same day as your surgery, as functional rhinoplasty is an outpatient procedure. Swelling and bruising can be expected in the treatment area for about two weeks. You will be advised to keep the head elevated during the first phase of your recovery. This will help to minimize swelling.

Many patients can return to light or sedentary work after a week. However, high intensity activities, such as heavy lifting, should not be resumed until approved.

Improved nasal breathing may not occur until swelling begins to dissipate. On average, patients notice their initial results after two to three weeks. It will take several months for the area to heal completely. Functional rhinoplasty permanently alters the nasal structure, so it provides long-lasting results.

Procedure Details

How We Provide the Best Functional Rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills

We understand how debilitating it can be to live with impaired nasal breathing. We are meticulous about identifying the structural issues that must be corrected and the optimal surgical approach for each unique patient. We can achieve precise improvements to the appearance of the nose in addition to restoring functionality.

Your exceptional patient experience begins in your initial consultation. We welcome your questions and will speak with you in-depth about your functional concerns as well as any aesthetic goals you may have for your nose surgery. From there, treatment plan can be designed that will accomplish your desired outcome in the safest way possible.

How Much Does Functional Rhinoplasty Cost?

The price of your functional rhinoplasty will reflect the complexity of your surgery. Anesthesia and facility fees will also apply. All costs associated with your functional rhinoplasty surgery will be discussed with you during your consultation.

Learn More about Functional Rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills

If a nasal obstruction, congenital abnormality, or injury has made it difficult for you to breathe through your nose, contact our office today. A member of our caring staff can assist you with scheduling a consultation, so you can find out if functional rhinoplasty is right for you.