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PRGF-Endoret® is an innovative new treatment that gives patients a natural and organic alternative to synthetic dermal fillers. The medical practice of visionary anti-aging expert and board-certified cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Jason Emer is the first in the United States to offer this regenerative treatment. Dr. Emer is excited to bring PRGF-Endoret® to West Hollywood, so his patients can benefit from this specialized and highly potent variation of platelet-rich plasma (PRP).

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What Is PRGF-Endoret®?

The PRGF-Endoret® system creates plasma rich in growth factors (PRGF), which is a type of platelet-rich plasma (PRP). PRP and Endoret®-PRGF are both derived from the patient’s own blood and designed to harness the regenerative power of platelets.

Dr. Emer has utilized PRP for many years to help his patients look and feel their best in the shortest amount of time possible, such as to:

  • Expedite healing and minimize recovery time after cosmetic procedures
  • Repair and revive dormant hair follicles in areas experiencing thinning or balding
  • Resolve sexual wellness concerns for men (P-Shot®) and women (O-Shot®)
  • Maximize improvements from in-office skin rejuvenation treatments, such as microneedling and facials
  • Improve the outcome of fat transfer procedures
Man with chiseled face

Right for you?

Am I a Candidate for PRGF-Endoret®?

Patients who have been waiting for a natural alternative to synthetic fillers to pursue their cosmetic enhancement goals should contact Dr. Emer’s office to schedule a consultation for PRGF-Endoret®.

Dr. Emer offers PRGF treatments for facial sculpting, acne scars, sun damage, and various other skin rejuvenation needs for both men and women. PRGF-Endoret® treatments are also available to men who prefer an autologous approach over synthetic penis fillers for penile enlargement.

Since PRGF is made from the patient’s own blood, there is no risk of allergic reaction or rejection, making it a safe option for most healthy adults, including patients who are allergic to traditional dermal fillers. However, patients with certain blood disorders are not eligible for this type of procedure.

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What Can PRGF Therapy Treat?

There are two ways to formulate PRGF-Endoret®, and each formulation lends itself to specific applications:

  • Liquid PRGF – This formulation is ideal for hair restoration, facial rejuvenation, and the treatment of acne.
  • PRGF-Endoret® Gel – This volumizing, bioactive, and versatile formulation acts similarly to a traditional dermal filler. PRGF-Endoret® Gel is a completely natural, autologous method of replacing lost facial volume and smoothing away mild to moderate facial lines. Dr. Emer also offers this PRGF formulation as an alternative to synthetic penis fillers.

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The Power of Growth Factor-Rich Plasma

When it comes to natural restorative and healing processes within the body, platelets play a vital role. These tiny cell fragments are one of the four main components of our blood.
Platelets are valuable for a wide range of medical and aesthetic applications due to the growth factors they contain. Growth factors stimulate cellular renewal and repair to help to keep our skin and other tissues healthy.
Platelets and growth factors are always present in your blood and are great internal allies when it comes to:

Fighting chronic inflammation (and staving off inflammation)

  • Repairing and replacing damaged tissue
  • Maintaining a healthy immune response
  • Reducing and preventing visible signs of aging​

However, the body has a limited supply of platelets and growth factors, which makes it difficult to impossible to support optimal healing and anti-inflammatory responses. Fortunately, with treatments like PRP and PRGF-Endoret®, we can supply extra regenerative power when and where we need it most.

Portrait of a woman with a beautiful face.

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Which Is Better, PRP or PRGF?

PRGF-Endoret® provides numerous advantages when compared to other approaches to PRP therapy. Most notably, PRGF-Endoret® technology safely and efficiently isolates growth factors carried by the platelets in our blood.

PRGF-Endoret® technology also allows Dr. Emer to differentiate between platelet-based and plasma-based growth factors after blood centrifugation. With this capability, a greater degree of customization is possible, so Dr. Emer can provide exceptionally tailored treatments to accommodate each patient’s distinct needs and goals.

Unlike other methods of obtaining PRP, PRGF-Endoret® is a closed system, which means that everything that comes into contact with your blood is strictly single-use. This ensures that accidental contamination is next to impossible.

For a provider like Dr. Emer who is passionate about optimizing his patients’ treatments and knows from experience how profoundly PRP can positively impact the outcome of surgical and non-surgical cosmetic treatments, PRGF-Endoret® is an incredibly exciting advancement in regenerative and aesthetic care.

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Benefits of PRGF-Endoret®

PRGF obtained via the Endoret® system offers patients a range of benefits:

  • 100% natural: No additives means no risk of allergic reaction.
  • 100% autologous: PRGF-Endoret® is the first type of PRP that is 100% autologous, which means you only receive growth factors from your own body.
  • Versatile: With liquid and gel formulations, PRGF can provide a range of skin rejuvenation and cosmetic enhancement benefits
  • No white blood cells: PRGF-Endoret® helps patients heal faster by excluding white blood cells, which can have an inflammatory effect.
  • Customizable: PRGF-Endoret® treatments can be formulated into a liquid or gel to best address a patient’s concerns.
  • Compatibility: PRGF can be used in combination with other cosmetic treatments for enhanced treatment outcomes.
Beautiful woman

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The PRGF-Endoret® Consultation

The first step of the treatment process is a consultation with Dr. Emer, so he can determine if PRGF-Endoret® is the best way to accomplish your desired results. During this appointment, Dr. Emer will speak with you about the physical symptoms and/or aesthetic concerns that motivated you to seek treatment. He will also complete a physical examination of the proposed treatment area(s) and a rigorous review of your medical history.

He will then share his recommendations in the form of a personalized treatment plan and explain the procedure(s) involved in detail. Pricing information will be provided at this time, as well.

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How Should I Prepare for PRGF-Endoret® Therapy?

Be sure to follow all pre-treatment instructions provided by Dr. Emer to ensure a safe, successful procedure. Overall, for most patients, minimal preparation is required for PRGF treatments.

Patients are advised to eat a meal or snack before their appointment. Also, in the days leading up to your appointment, drink plenty of water and abstain from alcohol, so you are well-hydrated for your PRGF treatment. Wearing a short-sleeved shirt to your appointment is best, so we can easily access your arm to draw blood.

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What Happens During a PRGF-Endoret® Treatment?

PRGF-Endoret® is a three-step process. Step one is to draw a small amount of blood, usually from the patient’s arm. Next, that blood is placed in a centrifuge to separate the growth factor-rich plasma from the other components of the blood.

Depending on the nature of your treatment, the PRGF will either be formulated into a liquid, so it can be applied topically or into PRGF-Endoret® Gel, so it can be injected into the designated treatment area(s).

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What to Expect After a PRGF-Endoret® Treatment

Dr. Emer will walk you through what to expect in terms of post-treatment symptoms, recovery time, and aftercare requirements following your specific PRGF-Endoret® treatment. Significant downtime is generally not necessary. However, depending on the area and symptoms treated, you may need to restrict your activity levels and/or adjust your skincare routine for a short time after your procedure.
Follow-up treatments at six-to-nine-month intervals are usually recommended to maintain results.

How Much Do PRGF-Endoret® Treatments Cost?

The price of a PRGF-Endoret® treatment depends on the extent of your symptoms, number of treatment areas, and other considerations. Once Dr. Emer has developed your personalized care strategy, the exact cost of your procedure can be determined and reviewed with you.

Financing plans are available to Dr. Emer’s patients through Alphaeon, Bankrate, CareCredit, Lending USA, and Cherry. Let us know if you would like to connect with a member of our team who can assist you with understanding the various options and completing the application process.

Learn More About the PRGF-Endoret® Difference

Available for the first time in the United States at the medical practice of Dr. Jason Emer in West Hollywood, PRGF-Endoret® is the natural cosmetic enhancement treatment so many patients and providers have been waiting for. Contact the office of Dr. Jason Emer today to schedule your initial consultation and find out if PRGF is right for you.

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