Perform IV Therapy

Conveniently located to serve Beverly Hills,  Hollywood,  Los Angeles,  NYC, and  Miami.

The more dedicated you are to the pursuit of optimal wellness and peak athleticism, the more a treatment like Perform IV therapy can benefit you. At our IV Lounge in Beverly Hills, Perform IV therapy is among the many IV infusion choices available. Board-certified cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Jason Emer is proud to offer comprehensive IV therapy options to patients in the greater Los Angeles area.

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Perform is an IV hydration infusion packed with vitamins and electrolytes to speed up the body’s natural healing process after a workout. The goal is to maximize muscle performance, reduce post-workout muscle cramping and pain, and prepare you for tomorrow’s gym session or competitive athletic event faster.

Our Perform IV hydration infusion is designed to benefit athletes and gym enthusiasts after workouts. It rehydrates the body and provides critical vitamins for a smoother recovery from intense and frequent physical activity.

In particular, this infusion features N-Acetyl L-Cysteine (NAC), which has been found to be beneficial for patients wanting to enhance their athletic endurance and increase lean muscle mass. Other components that play a starring role in our Perform IV infusion include the amino acid glutamine, which is associated with decreased muscle soreness, the amino acid L-arginine, which supports muscle growth, and the compound carnitine, which supports improved blood flow and muscle endurance.

The complete list of nutrients provided by this specific IV hydration cocktail is as follows:

  • N-Acetyl L-Cysteine (NAC)
  • L-Arginine
  • B Vitamins
  • Vitamin C
  • Calcium
  • Carnitine
  • Glutamine
  • Magnesium
  • Selenium
  • Taurine
  • Zinc 
Man with sculpted abs

Right for you?

Am I a Good Candidate for Perform IV Infusions?

Perform IV hydration therapy in Beverly Hills is the preferred treatment for Dr. Emer’s athletic patients. Since it can take a considerable amount of time for the body to reap the benefits of drinking water or taking oral supplements, Perform is sought after by patients looking for accelerated workout results, speedier training recovery periods, and more significant gains in muscle building and endurance.

To confirm your candidacy for Perform, we’ll first check your medical history to make sure there are no allergy concerns and that you are otherwise in good health. We will also speak with you about your motivation for treatment with Perform to ensure that this IV infusion formulation is the ideal option for you or if you are a better candidate for one of our other micronutrient IV hydration therapy selections.

How to Prepare for a Perform IV Infusion

While it may sound counterintuitive, we ask that you eat a healthy snack or meal and drink plenty of water before coming in. Eating beforehand greatly reduces the potential for nausea or lightheadedness that can occur in patients with sensitivity to certain vitamins. Drinking a few glasses of water in the hours before your session will make your vein easier to find and will allow the Perform IV infusion nutrients to move through the body smoothly.

To help you relax further, we recommend bringing a book or headphones to keep you occupied. Also, don’t forget to wear a comfortable short-sleeved shirt or one with sleeves that can be rolled up.

What to Expect During Perform IV Hydration Therapy

A Perform IV therapy session takes place in our state-of-the-art IV Lounge in Beverly Hills under the care of our highly trained medical staff. Besides feeling a slight prick initially, as the needle is inserted into the vein, the average patient has a very comfortable IV therapy experience.

The inserted needle will be attached to a small tube that connects to the IV bag that contains your Perform micronutrient infusion. The Perform solution will then be allowed to drip through the tube and directly into the vein, so it gradually enters your bloodstream over the next 20 to 60 minutes.
During this time, you are welcome to use your smartphone or other smart device with headphones to stream a show you like to watch or to listen to music. Some of our patients prefer to read a book or just enjoy the opportunity to take a relaxing break from the demands of their busy life.


What to Expect After a Perform IV Therapy Session

Once the Perform IV therapy session is complete, no recovery period is needed, and you can head home immediately. Many patients start to feel a positive difference during the treatment itself, with full effects often occurring within two to four hours.

Our patients who are high-level athletes and/or are otherwise exceptionally fitness-oriented tend to opt for regularly scheduled Perform IV infusions. Our experts can advise you regarding the right frequency of treatment for you during your initial consultation.

How Much Does Perform IV Hydration Therapy Cost?

Your unique health needs and performance goals can impact the cost of your Perform IV therapy, as your treatment plan will be customized based on those and other factors. Once your IV therapy schedule and the specific formulation of your Perform IV infusion has been determined, the exact price associated with your treatment plan can be calculated and reviewed with you.

Reach Out to Our Office to Learn More

If you’d like to learn more about Perform IV hydration therapy in Beverly Hills and how it can enhance your athletic performance, contact our office today. Dr. Emer’s highly professional team takes pride in helping physically active patients excel at what they love and take care of their bodies, so they can continue to push themselves to new levels of fitness.