Conveniently located to serve Beverly Hills,  Hollywood,  Los Angeles,  NYC, and  Miami.

Breast scar revision procedures can address breast surgery scars that are more prominent than you expected, cause you to feel self-conscious, or are a source of physical discomfort. Board-certified cosmetic dermatologist, Dr. Jason Emer, and double board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Yoel Rojas, are renowned providers of breast scar revision in Beverly Hills who use advanced non-surgical and/or surgical techniques to minimize the appearance of irregular breast scars.

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Breast scar revision treatments are intended to make post-op marks from a previous breast surgery less noticeable. Achieving optimal results may involve minimally invasive techniques, minor surgery, or a combination of surgical and non-surgical procedures. Scar revision treatments cannot completely get rid of breast surgery scars but can provide significant aesthetic improvements.

Scarring is to be expected after any surgery, as scar tissue formation is an inevitable and important part of the body’s natural healing process. When breast surgery is performed by a qualified plastic surgeon like Dr. Rojas, the initial raised, reddish appearance of your incision sites will fade and flatten considerably over time.

For most patients, “normal” breast scars do not detract from the enhanced breast position and contours accomplished with cosmetic breast surgery. However, there are various factors that can lead to severe breast scars and the need for breast scar revision to feel more confident and more comfortable in your body.

At our medical practice in Beverly Hills, breast scar revision treatments are available to patients concerned about post-op marks that:

  • Are dark and/or otherwise discolored
  • Are wider than anticipated
  • Are raised (hypertrophic)
  • Are itchy, feel tight, or are painful
  • Have distorted the shape of the breast
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Right for you?

Am I a Candidate for Breast SCAR REVISION?

If you want to reduce the appearance of scars from a previous breast enhancement procedure, you may be a candidate for breast scar revision. Scar revision can be a good option for women who are dissatisfied with the extent of post-surgery marks after undergoing one or more of the following surgeries:

  • Breast augmentation with saline implants
  • Breast augmentation with silicone implants
  • Breast lift (mastopexy)
  • Breast reduction (reduction mammaplasty)

Breast surgery scars can fade considerably in the first year to two years after your procedure. It is not recommended to undergo breast scar revision until your post-op marks have matured.

It is important that candidates have an accurate concept of what can be accomplished with breast scar revision. There is no way to completely eliminate scars from a prior breast surgery, and treatment outcomes vary. However, many patients achieve dramatic results under the care of our doctors.

Certain medical and/or dermatological conditions can limit the extent of scar reduction that is possible for a patient, as well as complicate treatment. Patients with a history of keloid scars, for instance, may require extensive pre- and post-treatment care in order to benefit from breast scar revision.

Procedure Details

Why Are My Breast Surgery Scars So Noticeable?

Factors that can contribute to the formation of large, wide, raised, painful, or discolored breast surgery scars include:

Incision Technique

The surgeon’s placement of the incisions for a particular surgery can differ from one patient to the next based on the extent of tissue removal and/or remodeling required. In some cases, discreet incisions can be made in the underarm area, while other incision techniques require multiple incisions on each breast and cannot be concealed.

Complexity and extent of the procedure

The greater the size and number of incisions, the more involved the healing process can be, which increases the risk of abnormal scarring. Your treatment goals and anatomy will affect whether you need one, two, or three incisions per breast.

Minor breast tissue modifications can often be accomplished without the need for multiple incisions. Larger incisions and/or more than one incision per breast will be necessary for more complex and intensive breast surgery procedures.

Complications during healing

If the body’s natural wound-healing process is interrupted or compromised during recovery from breast surgery, scar tissue irregularities can occur. Breast surgery patients can significantly raise or lower their risk for complications based on how closely they follow their surgeon’s post-procedure protocols regarding:

  • Smoking – Smoking impedes wound-healing. If you did not abstain from smoking during your breast surgery recovery, it may have contributed to irregular scarring.
  • UV radiation – If your incision sites were exposed to ultraviolet radiation via direct sunlight or tanning beds during your recovery, this may have caused your scars to mature to be more prominent due to the resulting disruption in the healing process and hyperpigmentation.
  • Wound care – Deviating from your aftercare instructions, such as using unapproved topical products, itching or scratching the treatment area, or aggressively scrubbing the incision sites can cause an abnormal scar appearance.
  • Hydration and nutrition – If your body did not get an adequate supply of fluids, minerals, vitamins, and nutrients during recovery, interruptions in the healing process may have affected the appearance of your scars.
  • Infection prevention – One of the many undesirable effects that can occur in relation to infected incision sites is irregular scarring. If you developed an infection while recovering from breast surgery, you would have been at increased risk for abnormal scarring.
  • Downtime – If your breasts were subjected to excessive force, motion, stretching, or strain before sufficient healing had occurred, you may have distorted, enlarged post-op marks as a result.

Healing can also be disrupted by factors beyond the patient’s control, including:

  • Genetics – Some patients are predisposed to irregular scarring. For instance, patients with lighter skin tones have a lower risk of keloids than patients with darker skin tones. A personal or family history of scar formation complications puts a patient at a higher risk for abnormal breast surgery scars.
  •  Surgical error – Under the care of an experienced and highly qualified plastic surgeon such as Dr. Rojas, post-op incision marks from breast augmentation, breast reduction, and/or breast lift surgery heal well and fade substantially over time. However, the same quality of outcome cannot be expected from surgeons who lack experience or skill or are negligent. 

Procedure Details

What Is the Best Scar Treatment after Breast Surgery?

If you are planning to undergo breast surgery or are recovering from breast surgery, there are several aftercare therapies and at-home treatments that can support proper healing to minimize scarring. The best way to avoid the need for breast scar revision is to follow all of your aftercare instructions closely, so you can avoid delaying or disrupting the body’s wound-repair processes.

If you have already had breast surgery, are unhappy with the appearance of your scars, and a year or more has passed since your procedure, you can schedule a consultation with one of our doctors to find out the best breast scar treatment for you.

Breast scar revision treatments must be carefully tailored to the patient based on factors like the degree of scar tissue formation, whether the patient has a history of keloids or other conditions that complicate the body’s wound healing process, the patient’s desired outcome, and other considerations.

Depending on the characteristics of your breast scars, you may not require surgical intervention to accomplish your cosmetic goals. Dr. Emer can deliver remarkable breast scar revision results using proprietary combinations of minimally invasive treatments like:


Laser skin resurfacing

Dr. Emer can treat many discolored and/or irregularly textured scars with cosmetic laser devices. Laser skin treatments can remove the outermost layers of skin cells to lift pigmentation and stimulate cellular renewal processes, making scars less visible.


Medical tattooing

If discoloration is your primary concern, medical tattooing may be recommended to camouflage your breast surgery scars.


Steroid injections

Raised scars, such as keloid and hypertrophic scars, may necessitate steroid injections to reduce discomfort and provide aesthetic improvements. Steroid injections are often performed after surgical scar revision procedures to prevent new keloid scarring, as well.


PRP injections

Platelets play a starring role in the body’s natural healing and regenerative processes, which is why platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is such a versatile medical and cosmetic treatment. PRP injections can accelerate and optimize cellular turnover to make breast scars less noticeable, particularly when used in combination with laser scar treatments and scar revision surgery.


Microneedling with radiofrequency

Microneedling with radiofrequency (RF) is another way to make breast scars less prominent. During this treatment, the microneedling device creates tiny punctures in the skin and delivers RF heat to break down scar tissue and prompt the body to produce collagen and new, healthy skin cells.


Chemical peels

Dr. Emer often incorporates chemical peels into scar revision treatments to provide collagen-stimulating benefits. Chemical peels like Enlighten and Cosmelan can also be used to prepare your skin for laser treatments and/or complement the effects of other minimally invasive scar reduction procedures.


Breast scar revision surgery

If you have severe scarring, surgical breast scar revision is an option. This treatment can replace raised, enlarged, and discolored scars with flatter, thinner, and less visible marks. Surgical breast scar revision is typically the best approach to correcting breast scars that have distorted the breast shape.

Your Breast Scar Revision Consultation

Dr. Emer or Dr. Rojas will determine the best treatment approach for your needs during your initial consultation. This appointment involves a physical examination of the breast scars you wish to treat, a discussion about your cosmetic goals, questions about your medical history and health, and an explanation of your treatment options. Any concerns or questions you have can also be raised at this time.

What to Expect During Breast Scar Revision Surgery

Scar revision surgery is performed under anesthesia, so you will not experience any discomfort during the procedure. During your surgical breast scar revision, Dr. Rojas will make an incision, so he can carefully excise discolored skin and scar tissue.
Next, Dr. Rojas will use a layering technique to suture the underlying tissue, so the new incision site can heal properly, without being subjected to unnecessary tension. Sutures can then be placed to close the skin.

What to Expect During Breast Scar Revision Surgery Recovery

Though complete healing will take several weeks, post-procedure discoloration, discomfort, and/or swelling will subside within a week or two. Light walking is advisable to promote healthy blood circulation, which will support the healing process. However, you should not reintroduce moderate or high intensity exercise until approved by Dr. Rojas.

Engaging in activities that create tension at the incision sites, such as high impact cardio or lifting heavy weights, can negatively affect your results. Your follow-up appointments will include an assessment of your healing progress, so we can advise you when you can resume your normal routine without jeopardizing your treatment outcome.

Breast Scar Revision Aftercare

Optimal breast scar revision results are possible when patients follow the aftercare instructions we provide. Whether your breast scar revision procedure was surgical or non-surgical, the treatment area will be sensitive and vulnerable to damage from UV radiation, abrasion (such as itching), forceful motion, and harsh skincare products.

Your personalized post-treatment instructions will include the information you need to properly care for your incision sites, correctly use approved topical scar reduction products, and minimize the risk of irregular scar tissue formation.

    Breast Scar Revision Results

    Breast scar revision can result in post-op marks that are:

    • Smaller
    • Flatter
    • Smoother
    • Thinner
    • Closer in coloration to your natural skin tone
    • No longer itchy or uncomfortable

    Outcomes vary depending on the patient’s unique case and treatment plan. While a single surgical scar revision procedure can dramatically and permanently reduce breast scars, multiple minimally invasive scar revision treatments will likely be needed to successfully revise breast scars.

    How Much Does Breast Scar Revision Cost?

    The price of breast scar revision depends on the characteristics of the scars you want to treat and the complexity of resolving your cosmetic concerns. After Dr. Emer or Dr. Rojas has evaluated your breast surgery scars and has spoken with you about your desired results, he will determine the ideal scar revision procedure(s) for your needs. Your customized treatment plan, including the associated cost, will then be reviewed with you.

      Learn More About Breast Scar Revision in Beverly Hills

      If you’ve ever wondered how you can get rid of old breast lift scars, what you can do about breast reduction scars, or how to minimize breast augmentation scars, reach out to our office today to schedule a consultation. Our advanced breast scar revision treatments can help you reclaim your body from excessive scarring caused by a previous breast surgery, so you can fully enjoy your enhanced figure.