Conveniently located to serve Beverly Hills,  Hollywood,  Los Angeles,  NYC, and  Miami.

Direct brow lift surgery can elevate the eyebrows, brighten the eye area, and erase fine lines and wrinkles in the upper face. We employ advanced surgical techniques to achieve precise, natural-looking enhancements that patients can enjoy for many years.

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One of the most common cosmetic concerns among patients who visit the esteemed medical practice of board-certified cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Jason Emer is an aged appearance in the upper face. Dr. Emer is a leading authority in non-surgical brow rejuvenation, and his elite combination treatments are ideal for many patients. However, there are some patients whose aesthetic goals require a more intensive approach.

A direct brow lift is a surgical procedure that can target furrows, wrinkles, sagging, and skin laxity in the upper face. These common signs of aging create heaviness in the brow, darken and close off the eye area, and cause us to perpetually appear tired and upset.

This procedure involves excising skin directly above the eyebrows. Compared to other brow lift techniques that are performed with incisions made behind the hairline, post-treatment marks are more visible with direct brow lift surgery. However, for patients who have a high hairline or are bald, a direct brow lift may be preferable.

We select from several brow and forehead lift techniques when developing a patient’s unique surgical plan. Reasons a direct brow lift may be recommended include:


  • A patient has profound creases, furrows, and/or wrinkles in the brow area
  • A patient has considerable drooping of the brow (brow ptosis)
  • A patient’s brow has descended significantly and intrudes into the eye area
  • A patient has brow ptosis on one eyebrow but not the other
  • A patient has severely asymmetrical eyebrows due to facial paralysis or injury

Right for you?

Am I a Good Candidate for A DIRECT BROW LIFT?

Men and women who present with advanced signs of aging in the brow area can be candidates for this procedure. Candidates are most often over the age of 40. Younger patients with mild to moderate cosmetic concerns are typically better candidates for a less invasive brow rejuvenation treatment approach.

Factors that can affect your candidacy for a direct brow lift include:


  •  Your current health and medications
  • Your medical history
  • Your expectations and motivations for undergoing the procedure
  • Your willingness to the instructions regarding how to prepare for the surgery and your personalized aftercare protocol
  • The nature of the cosmetic and functional issues to be addressed
  • The elasticity and thickness of your facial skin

Procedure Details

Direct Brow Lift, Endoscopic Brow Lift, or Temporal Brow Lift: Which Is Right for Me?

The right brow lift for you will depend on your specific aesthetic and functional goals and your unique anatomy. The thickness of your brow, the degree of brow ptosis, your hairline position, and whether you’ve had previous facial plastic surgeries will factor into our recommendations.

We will need to meet with you for a consultation in order to determine the best surgical approach for resolving your concerns. Your consultation will begin with a discussion about why you are considering a brow lift and your desired outcome for the procedure. A physical examination of your facial structure and tissues will also be performed and any relevant medical and surgical records will be reviewed.

There are multiple surgical approaches for eliminating heaviness, skin laxity, and furrows and wrinkles in the brow area. If you are not a good candidate for a direct brow lift, we may advise one of the following procedures:

Endoscopic brow lift

This procedure requires four or five small incisions, which are made just behind the hairline. A tiny tube with a camera and light at the end is inserted through an incision to allow us to view the underlying muscle and tissue. A surgical instrument can then be inserted through the other incisions to make the necessary modifications for providing a natural-looking lift and smoothing out creases.


Temporal brow lifts reshape the eyebrows and minimize the appearance of frown lines. Only the outer one-third of the eyebrow is elevated with this procedure.

Hairline brow lift (hairline lowering)

Patients who have a high-set hairline or a receding hairline are often good candidates for this surgery. An incision is made below the hairline, so Dr. Sanan can excise tissue from the upper forehead. The result is a lower hairline position, a more proportionate forehead, and wrinkle reduction.

Procedure Details

Pre-Operative Instructions

To ensure your safety and a successful surgery, you will need to adhere to all of the pre-treatment directions provided. Your instructions will be personalized based on the information gathered when determining your candidacy during your consultation. In general, patients must:


  • Stop taking any supplements or medications that thin the blood, as directed
  • Not smoke during the 4 weeks prior to direct brow lift surgery
  • Abstain from consuming alcoholic beverages in the 48 hours prior to the procedure
  • Arrange for a friend or family member to drive them home after the surgery

Procedure Details

What Happens During Direct Brow Lift Surgery?

When you arrive for your surgery, the doctor will review your procedure details and/or answer any questions you may have. Once you have all of the information you need, the procedure will begin. While you are sitting in an upright position, the treatment area will be marked, as needed to create a precise surgical map for the procedure.

The next step of the direct brow lift procedure is to administer anesthesia. After you are under the effect of the anesthesia, a small incision will be made right above the eyebrow hairs.

The underlying tissue will then be repositioned to raise the brows and eyelids. Loose skin will also be excised. To complete your direct brow lift, the incisions will be closed with sutures.

Procedure Details

What to Expect as You Recover

Patients should plan for a week or two of downtime following brow lift surgery. Bruising, swelling, and discomfort are to be expected during this time. These symptoms will begin to subside after a few days with ongoing, incremental improvements that span the next several weeks.

Prescription pain medication can be taken, as directed, until post-op symptoms become more manageable. Some patients find that over-the-counter pain relief is sufficient to keep them comfortable as they recover.

As healing progresses over your three-to-four-week recovery period, you will be guided through a safe, gradual transition from light activity back to high intensity activities. It is important that you do not rush this process, as over-exerting yourself will only prolong the healing process and could jeopardize your results.

Procedure Details

What to Know about Direct Brow Lift Results

Don’t be alarmed if your eyebrows initially appear to be too high on your forehead. It can take about three weeks for the brows to arrive at their intended position. Within about six months of your direct brow lift, swelling will completely dissipate, and you can enjoy your more youthful-looking, symmetrical, and harmonious facial appearance.

The improvements achieved with a direct brow lift can last up to ten years. Greater longevity of brow lift results is possible when patients follow Dr. Emer’s recommendations for a regular schedule of non-surgical anti-aging cosmetic treatments along with a personalized at-home skincare routine that includes diligent use of a quality sunscreen.

Procedure Details

Will I Have Visible Post-Op Marks?

Since direct brow lift incisions are made above the eyebrow and are not hidden in the hairline, you will have noticeable post-treatment marks. With proper care and sun protection, these surgical scars will fade substantially over time. Once a year has passed since your surgery, if you are still bothered by the appearance of the post-op marks, scar revision treatment options can be explored with you.

Dr. Emer is trained and experienced in several techniques for minimizing the appearance of scars. Many patients choose to take advantage of our expertise in reducing the visibility of their post-surgery marks. Scar revision options we offer include:


  • Medical tattooing
  • Laser skin resurfacing
  • Dermal fillers
  • PRP injections
  • Chemical peels

Procedure Details

Can a Direct Brow Lift Be Combined with Additional Facial Plastic Surgeries?

In certain instances, a direct brow lift alone may accomplish a patient’s cosmetic and functional goals. However, there are often advantages to combining this procedure with one or more additional facial plastic surgeries.

Most direct brow lift patients have unwanted signs of aging in other areas of the face, as well. In order for you to achieve comprehensive facial rejuvenation, we may recommend that you combine your direct brow lift with:


  • Upper blepharoplasty – If visible aging in the upper eyelid area is severe, a direct brow lift alone may not fully correct functional issues with the eyes. Upper blepharoplasty, or upper eyelid surgery, can complement your direct brow lift results by surgically removing loose skin that causes the upper eyelid to obstruct your vision.
  • Lower blepharoplasty – Lower eyelid surgery is often performed in conjunction with direct brow lift surgery and upper eyelid surgery. In many cases, this approach is the best way to accomplish complete and natural-looking revitalization of the upper face.
  • Rhytidectomy – A direct brow lift can be combined with with a facelift, or rhytidectomy, for patients who have age-related cosmetic concerns in the midface and lower face, as well as the brow area.
    In some cases, a direct brow lift can be complemented with non-surgical brow and eyelid rejuvenation treatments to complete and/or maintain your enhanced look. Injectable dermal fillers and/or neuromodulators are popular and effective treatments that temporarily keep wrinkles at bay. Thread lifting and non-surgical skin tightening can also enhance the results of a direct brow lift.

Procedure Details

Is there a Non-Surgical Alternative to a Direct Brow Lift?

While there are many non-surgical treatments for refreshing the brow and forehead areas, these less invasive approaches cannot provide the dramatic results associated with a direct brow lift. Surgical intervention is the only way to eliminate excess skin and provide long-term resolution of brow ptosis.
However, non-surgical brow treatments can be a great option for patients with early signs of aging in the brow area and/or those who want to prevent sagging and wrinkling. Dr. Emer’s approach to non-surgical brow rejuvenation involves patient-tailored combinations of cosmetic treatments like:

  • Neuromodulator injections with Botox, Dysport, Jeuveau, or Xeomin to prevent the formation of furrows and creases around the brow and/or to release existing dynamic forehead wrinkles

  • Dermal fillers to temporarily increase volume in the temples and around the eyes to smooth wrinkles and restore youthful facial contours

  • Energy-based skin tightening and collagen stimulation with Thermage or Ultherapy

  • Thread lifting for subtle brow elevation and to encourage collagen production

  • Laser skin resurfacing to lift pigmentation and revitalize the complexion

  • Facial fat transfer to permanently replace lost volume

  • Chemical peels to promote an even skin tone and youthful-looking skin

  • At-home skincare regimens featuring medical-grade products that protect and nourish the skin

How Much Does a Direct Brow Lift Cost?

The cost associated with your direct brow lift will reflect the complexity of your specific procedure. The total surgery time and facility and anesthesia fees will impact the overall price as well. Your consultation will include a review of your personalized treatment plan and the related costs.

Schedule a Consultation in Beverly Hills

If you are considering a direct brow lift in Beverly Hills, the best way to learn more about the procedure and find out if it is right for you is to schedule a consultation. Reach out to our office today to take this important first step toward revitalizing your facial appearance.