Lip Piercing Closure

Conveniently located to serve Beverly Hills,  Hollywood,  Los Angeles,  NYC, and  Miami.

There is no do-it-yourself solution for getting rid of a lip piercing scar, but fortunately, there are minimal-downtime procedures that can address this aesthetic issue. Dr. Jason Emer is considered a scar revision expert and a top provider of lip piercing closure in Beverly Hills. He offers personalized care and leading-edge treatments to minimize the appearance of lip piercing scars.

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What Is Lip Piercing Closure?

Lip piercing closure is a cosmetic procedure intended to make an unwanted lip piercing hole less conspicuous. Many people who get a lip piercing think that they will be able to restore their original look if they simply stop wearing jewelry, but this is not the case.

The body reacts to a lip piercing by initiating a healing response, as it would with any other wound. Scar tissue develops as part of the healing process, which permanently alters the skin and underlying tissue.

After a period of time without wearing jewelry, the tissues of the mouth will ultimately close the piercing hole from the inside. However, this natural process does not affect the outer part of the lip piercing hole.

This means that whether you decide that you want to move your lip piercing to another part of the mouth or that you no longer want to wear a lip ring, you can expect a divot-like scar at the original piercing site.

While a lip ring hole does not pose a health threat, it is an aesthetic concern for many patients. Lip piercing scars are concave and difficult to conceal with makeup. If the lip piercing hole was stretched by large or heavy jewelry, it will be particularly noticeable.

The best way to repair a lip piercing hole depends on the size and depth of the scar. Optimal lip piercing closure results generally require subcision or excision procedures.

Right for you?

Candidacy for Lip Piercing Closure

Healthy men and women who are dissatisfied with the appearance of a lip ring hole can be candidates for this treatment. Candidates should be in good physical health and must have realistic goals for the procedure. Lip piercing closure cannot restore perfectly smooth, flawless skin, but it can provide considerable improvements.

Procedure Details

What to Expect During a Lip Piercing Closure Procedure

Subcision and excision are minor surgical procedures that can be performed in-office with the use of local anesthesia. On average, lip piercing closure takes about 30 minutes.


We will use surgical instruments to completely remove the piercing tract and scar tissue. Next, we will use an advanced, multi-layered suturing technique to close the skin, effectively replacing the lip piercing hole with a far more discreet, linear scar. Not only will this mark be less evident than the depressed lip piercing scar, but you will also be able to cover it with makeup if you choose.


Some lip piercing scars can be treated with subcision. Subcision is less invasive than excision as it doesn’t involve tissue removal. Instead, a special needle is inserted through the skin at various angles. The needle severs the fibers that connect the scar to the underlying tissues and cause the indention. Releasing the scar from the pull of these fibrous strands can reduce or eliminate the depression.

Procedure Details

Lip Piercing Closure Recovery

Downtime is not required after lip piercing closure, and most patients find that the procedure does not significantly disrupt their normal routine. To ensure the best possible outcome, you must closely follow all aftercare instructions you are given.

These post treatment directions will explain how to properly clean the treatment site, protect the area from sun exposure, and apply antibiotic cream or other topical medications, if applicable.

Procedure Details

Lip Piercing Closure Results

Lip piercing hole excision leaves a small mark where the doctor closed the skin after removing the scar tissue. This scar will fade over the months following your procedure. For most patients, the final result is a flat, fine-line scar that is much less perceptible than the piercing hole.

Subcision helps to raise the scar, so it is level with the surrounding skin. This makes it less noticeable and easier to cover with makeup. Dr. Emer typically follows subcision with a laser treatment. The laser provides a smoothing and blending effect that further camouflages the lip piercing scar.

Procedure Details

Are There Non-Surgical Lip Piercing Closure Treatments?

The preferred techniques for lip piercing closure are surgical excision or subcision, in most cases. In the context of repairing a lip piercing hole, non-surgical treatments are most valuable when used to enhance excision and subcision results.

However, under the care of Dr. Emer, patients who are unable or unwilling to have a minor surgery can benefit from patient-tailored combinations of non-surgical procedures, as well. A series of treatment sessions and/or regularly scheduled retreatments may be necessary to accomplish and maintain the patient’s desired outcome when non-surgical methods alone are used.

Minimally invasive cosmetic treatments that Dr. Emer regularly pairs with excision and subcision include:

  • Microneedling with PRP to encourage collagen production and accelerate cellular regeneration
  • Laser treatments to improve skin texture
  • Dermal filler injections to enhance subcision results

How We Provide the Best Lip Piercing Closure in Beverly Hills

Experience, expertise, and precision execution are fundamental to our unparalleled lip piercing closure results.


Dr. Emer is a board-certified cosmetic dermatologist who is world-renowned for his scar revision treatments as well as his proprietary combination protocols for skin rejuvenation. His carefully crafted, patient-specific lip piercing closure treatments continue to surpass his patients’ and his peers’ expectations of what can be achieved with minimally invasive scar revision techniques.

How Much Does Lip Piercing Closure Cost?

Since treatment approaches differ from one patient to another, the cost of repairing a lip piercing hole varies. Many factors affect a patient’s lip piercing closure treatment plan, including the depth and size of the lip piercing hole.

The price of a lip piercing closure treatment reflects the complexity of the surgical techniques required and whether it is combined with a complementary procedure, such as laser skin resurfacing.

Arrange a Consultation

Are you ready to learn more about your options for lip piercing closure in Beverly Hills? If so, contact our office today to schedule a consultation.