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When performed by an exceptionally qualified provider like Dr. Yoel Rojas, breast implant removal and replacement surgery can successfully resolve complications and beautifully revise your breast contours. Dr. Rojas is a double board-certified plastic surgeon who is recognized as a top provider of breast implant removal and replacement in Beverly Hills.

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Breast implant removal and replacement is among the most frequently performed breast revision surgeries. This procedure is intended for women who want to exchange damaged, outdated, unwanted, or otherwise problematic implants with a new set. It is common for women to have their implants replaced once or twice over the decades after their initial breast implant surgery.

Though breast implants are FDA-approved and are regarded as a reliable and effective breast contouring solution, these medical devices are not intended to provide lifelong enhancement. After about ten years, the implant shell begins to lose integrity. If the implant is not replaced, shell degradation can progress until a rupture occurs.

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    Right for you?

    Am I a Candidate for Breast Implant EXCHANGE SURGERY?

    If you are considering breast implant replacement for aesthetic, medical, or precautionary purposes, you can meet with Dr. Rojas for a consultation to find out if this procedure is right for you. During your initial consultation, Dr. Rojas will speak with you about your motivations and expectations as they relate to removing and replacing your breast implants.

    He will also need to verify that you are in good health. If you have an underlying medical condition that interferes with the body’s healing processes, additional screening measures may be necessary before your candidacy can be determined.

    Procedure Details

    When to Remove and Replace Breast Implants

    There are many reasons that a patient may develop a need or desire to exchange her current breast implants for new ones. Dr. Rojas performs implant replacement surgery to address aesthetic, functional, and medical concerns, including:

    Capsular contracture

    It is expected that scar tissue will form around a breast implant after its placement. Under normal circumstances, capsular scar tissue helps to secure the implant in place and is not visible or palpable.

    However, if the body’s response to the implant is abnormal, an excess of thick, hard scar tissue may accumulate around the implant. In extreme cases, the breast will feel hard and stiff, and the patient may experience considerable discomfort.

    Implant rupture

    Breast implant exchange surgery can be performed to replace ruptured saline and silicone implants. Ruptured silicone implants are unlikely to distort the breast contour. However, the body can experience adverse effects when exposed to the contents of silicone implants, so the issue should not remain untreated.

    When a saline implant ruptures, the device’s sterile salt water contents will leak into the body, effectively deflating the implant shell. Though the body can absorb the saline without issue, the aesthetic impact is profound. The implant must be removed and replaced in order to restore the lost volume.


    If your breast implants have rotated in place or have shifted laterally either outward or inward, they will need to be removed and replaced in order to restore natural-looking contours. Breast implant revision can also be necessary if your implants drop below the breast crease, or “bottom out.” Breast pocket revision and tissue repairs are often involved to establish an improved implant position for the replacement devices.

    Botched implant surgery

    Dr. Rojas has performed implant removal and replacement for many patients who unwittingly had their first breast implants placed by an underqualified or unskilled surgeon and were devastated by the outcome. Botched breast implant placement can leave the patient with excessive scarring, asymmetry, unnatural contours and/or breast position, and other unwanted effects.

    Cosmetic improvements

    Implant replacement surgery can be an ideal treatment option when a patient becomes dissatisfied with the breast contours achieved with her current implants. Dr. Rojas can exchange a patient’s breast implants with implants of a different type, shape, and/or size to accommodate the patient’s aesthetic preference

      Procedure Details

      How to Achieve Your Ideal Breast Contours with Implant Replacement Surgery

      After identifying which type of breast implant is right for you, you can further customize your new look by choosing the size, degree of projection, firmness, and shape of your replacement implants.



      The proportions of your torso and your cosmetic goals are the most important considerations when determining the optimal implant profile for you. The profile of an implant and the degree of projection it provides relates to the width of its base. The larger the base width of an implant, the flatter it will appear. Low profile implants have the widest bases and offer the least projection.

      High profile and ultra-high profile implants yield the most projection due to their narrower base widths. Implants with narrow base widths are not likely to provide natural-looking results if a patient has a wide chest but can work well when a patient has a small frame.



      You can choose between round saline implants and round or teardrop silicone implants. Teardrop-shaped implants are designed to resemble natural breast contours, which tend to be fullest in the lower breast and have limited volume in the upper breast area. A round breast implant provides ample upper breast volume for beautifully feminine cleavage.



      The cohesiveness of a breast implant affects the stability of an implant’s shape and how soft or firm your breasts will feel after your implant replacement surgery. The firmness of a silicone implant depends on the consistency of the silicone it was made with. Traditional silicone implants have a softer feel and contain a thinner silicone gel than gummy bear implants, which are firm and form-stable.

      The sterile salt water used to give saline implants their volume is the least cohesive implant material. However, when properly placed by a double board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Rojas, saline implant results can still look and feel as natural as silicone implants.



      The size of your breasts after implant removal and replacement will be determined by the specific volume and profile of your breast implants. While this can seem confusing compared to the ABC’s of bra cup sizing, Dr. Rojas will provide the expert guidance you need to make your aesthetic goals a reality.

      Choosing Your Replacement Implant Type

      If you love the way your current breast implants look and feel, you can choose to exchange your implants with a new, identical set. If you desire a change, Dr. Rojas will work with you to select the replacement implants that best meet your needs. To begin the implant selection process, you’ll need to decide which type of implant you prefer.

      You can choose to replace your implants with saline, silicone, or cohesive silicone “gummy bear” implants. Dr. Rojas will have samples of each implant type available, so you can observe the differences in the way each moves and feels.

      He will also discuss key differences between silicone and saline implants regarding implant ruptures. While ruptures can occur regardless of implant type, saline implant ruptures are more easily diagnosed. Additionally, since the body can safely absorb sterile salt water, a leaking saline implant will not cause adverse health effects. Implant removal and replacement will be necessary to resolve the flattened, irregular contours that result from a saline implant rupture.

      Silicone implant ruptures do not result in a “deflated” breast, as with saline ruptures and often do not cause any noticeable change in the breast contour. Ruptured silicone implants can be detected with an MRI scan. However, many patients cannot accommodate the cost of frequent MRI screenings, so it is common for ruptured and leaking silicone implants to go undiagnosed and untreated for extended periods of time.

      Such a delay in treatment can result in long-term exposure to leaking silicone, which can
      lead to health complications. To mitigate this risk, the FDA recommends that patients with silicone implants have periodic, precautionary MRI scans to screen for ruptures.

      What to Expect During Breast Implant Removal and Replacement Surgery

      Your surgery details will be unique to you and based on your anatomy, history of breast surgery, desired outcome, and other factors. Prior to your procedure, Dr. Rojas will review your customized surgical plan with you. He can also address any questions you have at that time, so you have a clear and accurate understanding of what to expect before, during, and after your surgery.

      General anesthesia or IV sedation will be used to keep you comfortable during your implant exchange surgery. During your consultation, Dr. Rojas will recommend the type of anesthesia that is best for you and can provide any information you need to understand his reasoning.

      Once you are under the effect of the anesthesia, Dr. Rojas can begin the implant removal process by making the required incisions. Your surgical plan will specify the type of incision he has determined to be the most advantageous for achieving your desired outcome.

      He will then remove your breast implants, complete repairs and alterations to the breast pockets and/or surrounding tissue, and place your new implants. Your incisions will then be closed and dressed.

      Breast Implant Replacement Recovery

      One of the most common questions Dr. Rojas is asked by patients considering breast implant removal and replacement in Beverly Hills is how long it will take to recover. You can expect your total recovery time to span several weeks beyond an initial seven to 14 days of downtime.

      Your breast implant replacement recovery period may be shorter or longer than another patient’s based on how efficiently your body naturally heals and how well you adhere to your aftercare instructions.

      For many women, recovery from breast implant removal and replacement takes less time and is associated with less discomfort than their first breast implant surgery. One reason for this is that primary breast augmentation with implants involves considerable tissue dissection and other techniques to create breast pockets, while implant replacement is typically less extensive.

      Post-op soreness, swelling, and bruising will reach peak intensity and begin to dissipate over the first week or two of your recovery. Medications prescribed by Dr. Rojas and/or over-the-counter pain relievers can help you manage discomfort.

      Wearing a compression bra, as directed by Dr. Rojas, can minimize swelling and support expedient healing. This garment also serves to secure your new breast shape.

      Aftercare treatments like IV therapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and lymphatic massage are highly recommended after breast implant revision surgery. These gentle therapies support expedient healing and help to alleviate discomfort.

      Dr. Rojas will encourage you to book your aftercare therapy sessions at the time of scheduling your surgery. This strategy ensures stress-free access to these restorative treatments when they can benefit you most.

      Is there an Alternative Treatment Option?

      There is no alternative to breast implant removal in cases of ruptured implants, implant displacement, and severe capsular contracture. However, there is an alternative to implant replacement for restoring breast volume after implant removal. Dr. Rojas offers natural breast augmentation with fat transfer to fill out and reshape the breasts without the need for silicone or saline breast implants.

      Additionally, fat grafting can be used to improve the outcome of a breast implant procedure and potentially circumvent the need for implant removal and replacement. In some cases, a moderate increase in volume, concealment of implant rippling, and other minor cosmetic corrections can be accomplished by strategically injecting the patient’s purified and PRP-enriched fat around the implant.

      Fat grafting, or fat transfer, to the breasts appeals to many women. In addition to natural breast enhancement, patients benefit from the slimming effect of liposuction. During a fat transfer procedure, stubborn body fat from the upper arms, thighs, buttocks, back, and/or abdominal area is extracted from the body via liposuction. It is then repurposed to create the patient’s fat injections.

        What Is the Cost of Breast Implant Removal and Replacement?

        The price of implant replacement surgery in Beverly Hills varies considerably due to the highly individualized nature of this procedure. The characteristics of the specific breast implants you choose will impact the cost, as will the overall complexity of your surgery. Cost details, including applicable anesthesia and facility fees, will be provided to you after Dr. Rojas has finalized the surgical plan for your procedure.


          If you are considering breast implant removal and replacement in Beverly Hills, contact our office to schedule your consultation with Dr. Rojas. We look forward to helping you accomplish your breast contouring goals by providing unparalleled care at every step of the treatment process.