Post-Op Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy IN NYC

Conveniently located to serve Beverly Hills,  Hollywood,  Los Angeles,  NYC, and  Miami.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can give your body the full amount of oxygen it needs to quickly restore optimal wellness and function after surgery, illness, and other circumstances associated with elevated demands on the body’s systems and processes. At the prestigious medical practice of board-certified dermatological surgeon Dr. Jason Emer in NYC, hyperbaric oxygen therapy is considered a vital component of cosmetic surgery aftercare for its ability to expedite healing.

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What IS Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?

During hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), pure oxygen is pumped into a pressurized air chamber. As the patient rests in the chamber and breathes naturally, the amount of oxygen in his or her blood increases, providing a range of therapeutic benefits.

Dr. Emer and his team of exceptionally trained medical professionals in NYC utilize HBOT to address numerous patient needs. One of the most frequent applications of HBOT at our medical practice is surgical aftercare.

This gentle, restorative treatment is invaluable to patients recovering from cosmetic surgery. The influx of available oxygen within the body that results from HBOT allows the body to fuel essential aspects of its regenerative processes, so healing can progress at an optimal rate.

HBOT can shorten the post-op healing period and support exceptional procedure outcomes by:

  • Improving blood circulation
  • Reducing swelling, inflammation, and bruising
  • Decreasing the risk of infection
  • Preventing excessive scar tissue formation

Right for you?

Is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in NYC Suitable for Your Needs?

HBOT is an integral part of the personalized, combination aftercare treatment plans that Dr. Emer and his team create for each of their cosmetic surgery patients. Whether you are recovering from one of Dr. Emer’s signature HD liposculpture treatments like Gladiator Liposuction or Supermodel Liposuction or a surgical body lift performed by one of our top NYC plastic surgeons, you can benefit from the oxygen boost provided by HBOT.

Candidacy for hyperbaric oxygen therapy is not exclusive to patients recovering from a surgical procedure. HBOT can also be used to reduce downtime after non-surgical aesthetic treatments, such as aggressive laser skin resurfacing, and it is frequently utilized by high level athletes who take advantage of HBOT to accelerate their recovery from rigorous training sessions and/or sports injuries.

Patients can also be good candidates for HBOT if they are affected by any of the following conditions:

Soft tissue injuries
Air and gas bubbles in the blood
Radiation injuries or exposure during cancer treatments
Diabetic foot ulcers

To determine your candidacy for HBOT, we will review your relevant health information, including your medical history and your current medications. If you have a sinus or ear infection, we will delay your sessions until it has subsided.

HBOT is not advisable for patients who have recently suffered an ear injury and those who have been diagnosed with certain conditions, such as lung disease or claustrophobia. In such cases, we will inform the patient of more suitable, alternative treatment options.

Procedure Details

How Is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Different from Regular Breathing?

The air we breathe every day is only about 20 percent oxygen, and there is a limit to how much oxygen we can accumulate in our blood under normal environmental conditions. During hyperbaric oxygen therapy, patients inhale 100 percent oxygen within a precisely pressurized atmosphere that enables us to collect and absorb more of this precious molecule than would be possible otherwise.

As a result of HBOT, you can achieve up to a tenfold increase in the amount of oxygen available to the various systems of your body.

Procedure Details

How to Prepare for a Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Session

Be sure to follow the pre-treatment instructions we provide to you, which will include detailed directions regarding skincare, hair care, and other products you should not use prior to an HBOT session. You will also be advised about items that cannot be taken into the HBOT chamber, such as battery-powered devices and lighters.

Procedure Details

What Happens During Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?

First, you will need to enter the chamber and find a comfortable resting position. Our technician will assist you, as needed, to accommodate any post-op mobility limitations. When you are ready to begin the HBOT session, the chamber will be sealed.

It will take about 15 minutes for the chamber to completely pressurize and begin the full flow of oxygen. You may feel your ears “pop” during this process, just like you would on an airplane or when driving up a steep mountain.

Throughout the session, you will simply breathe normally. If you have questions or experience any discomfort, you will be able to communicate with our technician at any time during the HBOT session.

The duration of an HBOT session varies based on the patient’s needs. Our technician can provide details regarding the total expected length of your HBOT session prior to performing the treatment. Once the session is nearing completion, the chamber’s pressurization will be incrementally adjusted to match that of the outside room.


Procedure Details

What to Expect After a Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Session

After you exit the hyperbaric chamber, we will assess your response to the treatment and address any questions or post-treatment concerns you may have. You will then be able to leave our facility and return home.

Procedure Details

How Many Post-Op HBOT Sessions Will I Need?

The frequency and total number of HBOT sessions recommended for you will depend on the extent of your surgery and the amount of healing assistance needed. In most cases, daily HBOT sessions are recommended for the first week or two of cosmetic surgery recovery.

As healing progresses, patients will be instructed to reduce the frequency of their HBOT treatments. The patient will be guided through a transition into a period of bi-weekly HBOT sessions and then to weekly HBOT sessions until healing is complete.

How Dr. Emer Does Post-Op HBOT Differently

Dr. Emer has revolutionized every aspect of patient care when it comes to cosmetic enhancement procedures. Cosmetic surgery recovery is no exception, and Dr. Emer has devoted considerable time and effort to the development of leading-edge aftercare strategies.

Patients of Dr. Emer’s NYC practice, as well as patients who have undergone plastic surgery under the care of other providers, can improve their post-op experience and maximize their results with our expertly planned and highly personalized aftercare protocols. Our innovative cosmetic surgery recovery plans incorporate a patient-tailored combination of treatments like:

 IV therapy – Intravenous (IV) infusions of essential nutrients and fluids are recommended before and after cosmetic surgery. Our Primetime IV infusion and/or NAD IV therapy are ideal for surgical aftercare and are administered to provide quick rehydration and rapidly replenish nutrients lost during surgery.

Radiofrequency treatments – In Dr. Emer’s experience, non-invasive radiofrequency (RF) treatments with FDA-approved devices like BTL Vanquish ME, BTL Exilis Ultra, or Venus Legacy can accelerate healing and maximize the aesthetic improvements achieved with cosmetic surgery. Externally delivered RF energy works to create smoother final contours and provide skin firming and tightening in the treatment area(s).

Lymphatic massage – Dr. Emer and his team are proud to work with massage therapists who are trained in manual lymphatic drainage. Using gentle, specialized tissue manipulation techniques, our lymphatic massage experts can improve the flow of lymphatic fluid to alleviate post-op swelling, flush toxins, and enhance cosmetic surgery outcomes.

Muscle sculpting treatments – The advanced technology behind devices like truSculpt® flex and BodyTone gives patients the option of staying on track with their fitness goals without jeopardizing their cosmetic surgery results. Non-invasive, bioelectrical stimulation of targeted muscles with truSculpt® flex or BodyTone prevents a loss of muscle tone and can even improve muscle definition despite post-op physical activity restrictions.  

How Much Does Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Cost?

The price of your post-op HBOT protocol will reflect the necessary session length and number of sessions needed to provide optimal healing support. Complete cost information for your aftercare regimen will be reviewed with you prior to your surgical procedure.

Learn More About Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in NYC

If you are interested in this invaluable post-op and wellness-boosting therapy, reach out to our New York City office today. Our knowledgeable staff is happy to provide additional information and assist you with scheduling an in-office consultation.