Hormone Peptide Therapy in Nyc

Conveniently located to serve Beverly Hills,  Hollywood,  Los Angeles,  NYC, and  Miami.

Hormone peptide therapy can be an important aspect of supporting an expedient recovery and optimal outcome after cosmetic surgery. At the acclaimed medical practice of board-certified cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Jason Emer in NYC, hormone peptide therapy is often recommended as part of a comprehensive surgical aftercare protocol that includes hyperbaric oxygen therapy, lymphatic massage, non-invasive muscle toning treatments, and other cosmetic surgery recovery services. 

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Hormone peptide therapy involves the administration of peptides (usually via injections) to accelerate the average surgical recovery timetable. Hormones are chemicals that direct the body to perform various functions. Peptides are small clusters of amino acids, molecules that contain information. Thus, hormone peptides can coordinate the completion of tasks throughout the body.
During hormone peptide therapy, we use additional peptides to boost a particular function. We can provide one or more different types of peptides depending on which functions need assistance.

Woman with beautiful face.

Right for you?

Am I a Good Candidate for Hormone Peptide Therapy?

With all the uses for hormone peptide therapy, most patients can benefit from at least one version of this treatment. The type of peptide and dosage amount will vary based on your symptoms and their severity. Your current medications and treatments will also be evaluated during your initial consultation to ensure you are an ideal candidate.

Procedure Details

What to Expect During a Hormone Peptide Therapy Session

If a peptide injection is recommended, your session will take place at our NYC office. One method is for your practitioner to administer injections directly into the tissue around the surgical treatment area to help with the recovery process. Alternatively, peptides can be infused into the bloodstream to reach multiple sites more effectively.

Rather than an injection, we may sometimes recommend oral capsules, topical creams, or nasal sprays. The specific technique outlined in your treatment plan will be determined based on the type of peptide, diagnosis, nature of your original procedure, and personal preference.

Procedure Details

When Will You Notice Results?

Your session schedule will be timed to coincide with your surgical recovery. Over the first few weeks, patients who have used hormone peptide therapy are often noted to be further along in the healing process than those abstaining from special aftercare treatments. For standalone peptide therapy, full results are usually seen after three to six months.


Dr. Emer’s Approach to Post-Surgical Hormone Peptide Therapy

Dr. Emer and his team of elite board-certified plastic surgeons and medical professionals have seen the profound positive impact that proper surgical aftercare can have on a patient’s recovery experience and final treatment results. They have found that post-op hormone peptide therapy is most effective when used in combination with additional surgical aftercare treatments, such as:

IV vitamin hydration therapy

Maintaining healthy fluid and nutrient levels in the body is critical for a successful surgery. Our Primetime IV infusion ensures the body is properly hydrated and has the vitamins and minerals it needs for a rapid wound-healing response. It is an ideal addition to a patient’s cosmetic surgery treatment plan both before and after his or her procedure.

NAD IV therapy is another type of IV infusion we recommend during cosmetic surgery recovery. This infusion promotes a quicker and more comfortable recovery by capitalizing on the regenerative benefits of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD).

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy

Under normal circumstances, the oxygen we intake when we breathe can supply the body with the fuel it requires to keep our systems functioning at an acceptable level. However, after undergoing a surgical procedure, patients stand to benefit greatly from increasing the concentration of oxygen in their blood.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, or HBOT, is a passive, yet effective method of making more oxygen available for use throughout the body. As a result of this treatment, which involves breathing pure oxygen within a pressurized chamber, healing can progress more expediently.

Manual lymphatic drainage

Manual lymphatic drainage, or lymphatic massage, is a specialized type of massage that helps to mobilize and flush stagnant, toxic fluids from the body. Our trained lymphatic massage therapists use a variety of gentle techniques to encourage healthy lymphatic flow.

Lymphatic massage supports quicker healing and results as it can aid in preventing infections and other complications, reducing swelling, boosting immune system function, and improving blood circulation. Daily lymphatic massage sessions are typically advised for a week or more. As healing progresses, the frequency of manual lymphatic drainage sessions can be gradually reduced.

Radiofrequency treatments

Dr. Emer and the highly qualified plastic surgeons he works with take extreme care to ensure firm, taut skin at the treatment site. To promote further skin tightening after your procedure, a series of radiofrequency (RF) treatments is recommended.

RF energy can be delivered via non-invasive treatments with devices like BTL Vanquish ME, BTL Exilis Ultra, and Venus Legacy to support the formation of firm, elastic skin that fits aesthetically to your enhanced shape.

Muscle Toning

Recovery from cosmetic surgery often requires several weeks of rest, which means patients are required to take a temporary hiatus from strenuous physical activity. To prevent muscle atrophy and the corresponding loss of muscle mass and definition during the healing process, many patients opt for post-op BodyTone or truSculpt® flex treatments.

Rushing back to the gym and reintroducing unapproved exercises before adequate healing has occurred can set your recovery back by weeks and can compromise your final results. However, with truSculpt® flex or BodyTone, it is possible to safely stimulate complex and intense muscle activation at the treated site until you can resume your normal workout routine.

How Much Does Hormone Peptide Therapy Cost?

Your procedure’s overall price will include a detailed cost breakdown of each service, including hormone peptide therapy. As an independent treatment, the price of peptide therapy is based on the:

  • Dosage amount
  • Number of injections or capsules (or amount of topical cream or nasal spray)
  • Number of treatment areas or concerns
  • Number of sessions required
  • Type of peptide

Learn About All of the Ways Hormone Peptide Therapy Could Benefit You

If you’re interested in receiving hormone peptide therapy in NYC, contact the office of Dr. Jason Emer today to schedule your initial consultation. Or, if you’re already under the care of one of our dedicated surgeons, ask about this valuable post–op and general wellness therapy during your next visit.