Mini Arm Lift

Conveniently located to serve Beverly Hills,  Hollywood,  Los Angeles,  NYC, and  Miami.

If you are unhappy with your upper arm contours due to a moderate degree of skin laxity and/or sagging, you may be a candidate for an abbreviated brachioplasty, or mini arm lift. At the medical practice of Dr. Jason Emer, mini arm lift surgery is performed by double board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Yoel Rojas.

Dr. Rojas has earned recognition as a top provider of the mini arm lift in Beverly Hills. He employs his innate artistic sensibility and refined surgical skill to consistently exceed his patients’ expectations.

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What Is a Mini Arm Lift?

A mini arm lift, or mini brachioplasty, is a surgical procedure that creates more aesthetic upper arm contours. This procedure is also referred to as a limited incision brachioplasty.

Like a traditional arm lift, a mini arm lift can slim and reshape the arms. Improvements are primarily achieved through the elimination of excess skin, though a minor amount of fat may also be removed during full or mini arm lift surgery. Key differences between an arm lift and a mini arm lift involve the:

Size and location of incisions

A mini arm lift requires a crescent-shaped incision placed in the underarm crease. Full arm lift incisions begin near the armpit and can extend as far down the arm as the elbow.

Quantity and scope of tissue removal

A mini arm lift is intended to remove a much smaller quantity of skin than an arm lift and targets only the uppermost third of the upper arms. An arm lift includes more extensive skin removal and the resolution of skin laxity along the entire length of the upper arm.

Recovery period

Since the mini arm lift is not as invasive as an arm lift, it is associated with significantly shorter recovery times and less discomfort.

Visibility of post-op marks

Due to the size and placement of mini arm lift incisions, post-op marks can only be seen when the arms are raised. Since arm lift incisions are longer, this procedure results in more noticeable post-op marks.

Right for you?

Who Is a Good Candidate for a Mini Arm Lift?

Candidates for a mini arm lift can be men or women who:

  • Have mild to moderate sagging and skin laxity in the upper third of the arms due to diet and exercise-induced weight loss and/or the natural progression of the aging process
  • Require minimal-to-no fat removal to accomplish their arm contouring goals
  • Desire slimmer and more sculpted upper arm contours
  • Want to reduce the size of the arms for more aesthetic proportions
  • Do not require a traditional brachioplasty to resolve their cosmetic concerns but also cannot achieve their desired results with non-surgical body sculpting alone

A full arm lift may be necessary for patients who have experienced massive weight loss as a result of bariatric surgery or other rapid weight loss procedures. In such cases, the amount of excess skin to be removed typically exceeds the limitations of the mini arm lift. Older patients with more severe skin laxity and drooping that affects the lower third of the upper arm will likely be better candidates for a full arm lift as well.

A mini arm lift is not intended for significant fat reduction and can only eliminate a very small quantity of superficial fat. If there is a considerable accumulation of body fat in the upper arms, arm liposuction may be necessary in lieu of, or in addition to, an arm lift or mini arm lift.

Your current health and prescription medications, along with your history of surgical procedures, can affect your candidacy for mini arm lift surgery. Dr. Rojas will need access to your relevant medical records in order to ensure that cosmetic surgery is a safe and suitable option for you.

Procedure Details

Preparing for Mini Arm Lift Surgery

Several weeks before your procedure, we will provide you with detailed information on how to prepare for your mini arm lift surgery. Following all of your pre-procedure instructions will minimize the risk of complications and prevent unnecessary stress and discomfort during your recovery.

Your preparation instructions will be tailored to your needs based on your medical history and current medications, as well as the extent of your arm sculpting procedure.

General pre-procedure instructions require you to:


  • Review the details of your procedure and reach out to our office if you have questions.
  • Stop smoking four weeks prior to surgery.
  • Adjust the dosage of certain prescription medications and/or temporarily cease taking them several days before your mini arm lift, as directed by Dr. Rojas.
  • Make arrangements with your employer and other applicable parties, so they can plan for your absence on the day of your surgery followed by 4-5 days of downtime.
  • Coordinate with a family member or trusted friend to drive you home after your procedure.
  • Pick up any medications our doctor has prescribed.
  • Choose your outfit for the day of the procedure, making sure to select clothing that can be worn and taken off without causing pressure or strain in the upper arms.
  • Plan to have plenty of nutritious snacks, pre-prepared meals, and water on hand for your recovery period. This step ensures that you do not have to over-exert yourself in order to provide your body with the nourishment it needs as you heal.

Procedure Details

What Happens During the Mini-Brachioplasty Procedure?

A mini arm lift is considered an outpatient procedure. In most cases, this cosmetic surgery takes between one and three hours. Prior to your mini-brachioplasty, Dr. Rojas can estimate how long your surgery will take based on the complexity and extent of your unique procedure.

Before your surgery begins, you will be asked to change into a surgical gown. Dr. Rojas will also mark the treatment area to illustrate his surgical plan for your mini arm lift. You are welcome to ask any final questions you have about the procedure at this time.

Anesthesia will be administered to keep you from feeling discomfort during your mini arm lift. Once the anesthesia has produced its intended effect, Dr. Rojas can begin the process of creating your slimmer arm contours.

Mini arm lift surgery requires an incision just under each armpit. Dr. Rojas will then remove excess superficial fat and loose skin from the upper arms. The remaining tissue will be repositioned as needed to achieve your desired outcome. Sutures will be used to close the incisions once all changes have been made.

Procedure Details

Mini-Brachioplasty Recovery and Aftercare

Since the scope of a mini arm lift is limited, the body can recover in a relatively short time compared to a full arm lift and other more involved plastic surgeries. However, downtime and activity restrictions are still necessary for expedient healing and maximum improvements.

It is normal for the arms to bruise and swell after mini arm lift surgery. Soreness can be expected as well.

Fortunately, these symptoms will largely dissipate within three to five days. Most patients find that post-op discomfort can be easily managed by following Dr. Rojas’s directions for the use of pain relief medications, compression garments, and cold compresses.

You must restrict your arm movements and physical activities, as instructed by Dr. Rojas, for several weeks after mini arm lift surgery. Do not raise the arms above the shoulders until this motion is approved by Dr. Rojas. Strenuous lifting and vigorous exercise should not be resumed for four to six weeks, or as otherwise advised by Dr. Rojas.

Properly caring for your incision sites is crucial to prevent infection and minimize post-op marks. Be sure to adhere to Dr. Rojas’ instructions for cleansing the treatment area and taking prescribed oral antibiotics.

Procedure Details

​What to Know About Mini-Brachioplasty Results

You will notice some improvements in the size and shape of your arms right away. The full effect of your mini arm lift can be expected after several weeks when swelling has completely subsided.

Your mini arm lift results can last for many years if you keep your weight stable. Establishing healthy lifestyle habits like regularly exercising and taking care to eat a nutritious and calorically appropriate diet is essential for avoiding weight fluctuations that can compromise your results.

There is no way to completely stop the natural aging process from affecting your arms. However, Dr. Emer can help you mitigate the effects of decreased collagen production, reduced skin elasticity, a slower metabolism, and other age-related issues, so you can extend the longevity of your enhanced arm contours.

Thermage and/or Ultherapy are frequently included in Dr. Emer’s anti-aging protocols to tighten skin, stimulate collagen production, and prevent skin laxity. Dr. Emer may also incorporate non-invasive body shaping treatments like BodyTone to strengthen and tone the muscles of the upper arms and/or BTL Exilis Ultra or BTL Vanquish ME for “touch-up” fat removal.

Our Approach to Providing the Best Mini Arm Lift in Beverly Hills

Dr. Rojas relies on a personalized, multi-faceted treatment solution approach to provide his patients with exemplary mini arm lift results. He designs a unique surgical plan for each mini brachioplasty patient based on his or her anatomy and specific goals for the procedure.

In order to optimize the effects of a mini arm lift, complementary cosmetic treatments can be included in a patient’s treatment plan. Dr. Rojas often combines mini arm lift surgery with additional plastic surgeries and/or non-surgical procedures in order to achieve complete and harmonious upper body enhancement.

How Much Does a Mini Arm Lift Cost?

The surgical techniques required and the complexity of your mini arm lift surgery will affect the price of your procedure. Complete cost details, including anesthesia and facility fees, will be provided once Dr. Rojas has created your personalized treatment plan.

Contact Our Office

If you are considering a mini arm lift in Beverly Hills, a consultation with Dr. Rojas is the best way to access the information and expert advice you need to make an educated decision about whether cosmetic arm surgery is right for you. Reach out to our office today to reserve a convenient time for you to take this important first step of the mini arm lift treatment process.