
Conveniently located to serve Beverly Hills,  Hollywood,  Los Angeles,  NYC, and  Miami.

Exosomes are utilized by board-certified cosmetic dermatologist and anti-aging expert Dr. Jason Emer in numerous ways to help his patients achieve maximum benefits from their cosmetic treatments and minimize their recovery time. At Dr. Emer’s prestigious medical practice in Beverly Hills, exosomes are incorporated into many patients’ treatment plans to promote optimal skin revitalization, facial sculpting, and body contouring results.

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Benefits of Exosome Therapy

In Dr. Emer’s experience, exosome therapy– especially when used in conjunction with PRP and/or stem cells like ACell—can provide numerous therapeutic, aesthetic, and restorative benefits, including:

  • Vaginal beautification™
  • Penile rejuvenation
  • Maximizing improvements from autologous fat transfer procedures
  • Natural hair regrowth
  • Reducing symptoms of erectile dysfunction
  • Restoring a healthier sexual drive for male and female patients
  • Minimizing the appearance of scars
  • Expediting post-op healing and recovery
Man with chiseled face

Procedure Details

Why Dr. Emer Recommends AnteAGE MDX® Exosomes

Dr. Emer is always at the forefront of the newest and most innovative ways to help his patients, which is why he collaborated with AnteAGE for several years to develop MDX, a next-level exosome product. He is proud to have been the first doctor in the US to offer this advanced exosome therapy, which is the strongest formulation available for skin treatments, containing 10 billion exosomes per vial!

AnteAGE exosomes are derived from bone marrow and umbilical stem cells, since these sources provide distinct benefits when it comes to achieving and maintaining healthy, vibrant skin. With AnteAGE exosome therapy, Dr. Emer can temporarily reprogram your skin so you can heal as if you were a 20-year-old athlete.

Procedure Details

Which Cosmetic Procedures Pair Well with Exosome Therapy?

Exosome therapy is an integral part of many of our patients’ treatment plans. We recommend the topical application of exosomes immediately upon completion of many spa treatments, skin resurfacing procedures, and down under treatments, including:

  • Facials
  • Lasers
  • Dermaplaning/dermarolling
  • RF microneedling
  • P-Shot®
  • O-Shot®

Immediately following the primary procedure, droplets of the exosome formula are strategically placed across the treatment site. We then massage it into your pores and microinjuries to effectively penetrate the dermis and encourage collagen and elastin production. We may then apply a mask to encourage deeper penetration and maximum absorption of the exosomes into the skin.

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Procedure Details

Exosome Therapy for Hair Restoration

Dr. Emer incorporates exosomes into his regenerative hair restoration treatments to optimize improvements in hair thickness and density. This procedure involves enriching the patient’s PRP with ACell and exosomes and then injecting it into the scalp across the affected area(s) to combat hairline recession, thinning, and balding.

This growth-factor rich substance essentially acts as fertilizer, creating more ideal conditions for hair growth. As a result, this treatment can jump-start dormant and weak follicles to stimulate hair regrowth.

Procedure Details

What to Expect After Exosome Therapy

The benefits of exosome therapy can usually be seen almost immediately. Patients receiving AnteAGE may actually notice their redness start to subside before they leave Dr. Emer’s office! Continuing the home-use version afterward can further expedite the recovery process.

Procedure Details

Exosome Therapy and Surgical Aftercare

Intensive surgical aftercare is viewed as essential rather than optional at Dr. Emer’s practice. He provides all of his cosmetic surgery patients with a personalized post-op treatment schedule that is designed to get patients back to their normal routine, feeling great, and looking their best as soon as possible.

To this end, he often recommends exosome and stem cell therapy as part of a multi-faceted aftercare protocol involving:

  • Lymphatic massage
  • IV vitamin hydration
  • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
  • Shockwave therapy
  • External radiofrequency treatments

How Much Do Exosome Treatments Cost?

The price of exosome therapy differs from one patient to another as each individual has unique needs and treatment goals. The overall cost will reflect the number of vials used and the number of treatment sessions required to accomplish the desired results.

Financing options are available through Dr. Emer’s practice to make this regenerative therapy as affordable and accessible as possible. If you are interested in learning more about financing cosmetic and/or regenerative treatments through Alphaeon, CareCredit, Cherry, Bankrate, or Lending USA, a member of our staff will be happy to speak with you.

Explore Your Options with AnteAGE Exosomes in Beverly Hills

Whether you are looking for anti-aging benefits or have an upcoming facial or body sculpting procedure and want to heal as quickly and efficiently as possible, Dr. Emer has the experience and expertise needed to capitalize on the regenerative power of exosomes. Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Emer.