Hairline Lowering / Forehead Reduction

Conveniently located to serve Beverly Hills,  Hollywood,  Los Angeles,  NYC, and  Miami.

A disproportionately broad forehead can cause aesthetic concerns and can lead to emotional distress. Fortunately, hairline lowering surgery can help many men and women get the forehead they want and find relief from self-consciousness. We take pride in improving patients’ facial appearance with this procedure, so they can feel more confident and live more fully.

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What Is Hairline Lowering?

Hairline lowering surgery decreases the size of the forehead by repositioning the hairline to sit closer to the brow. More specifically, the procedure aims to bring the hairline within the typical height range of 5-6.5 centimeters above the brow. When the hairline is more than 6.5 centimeters from the brow, the forehead can have a dissonant effect on the facial appearance.

Hairline lowering surgery, also called forehead reduction surgery or foreheadplasty, is often the best way to bring the upper face into balance with the midface and lower face. This procedure takes between one and a half to three hours, on average, and is associated with a relatively short recovery period.

Woman with beautiful face.

Right for you?

Who Is a Candidate for Hairline Lowering?

The best candidates for hairline lowering are patients who:

  • Have a large forehead naturally
  • Have thick, dense hair
  • Have adequate scalp laxity
  • Are healthy and can safely undergo elective surgery
  • Are non-smokers
  • Understand what can and cannot be achieved with a forehead reduction

Right for you?

Who Is Not a Candidate for Hairline Lowering?

Patients who may not be good candidates for forehead reduction surgery include those who:

  • Have male pattern baldness
  • Have experienced hair loss, thinning hair, and/or hairline recession
  • Have a family history of hair loss
  • Have had a coronal brow lift surgery
  • Have had certain hair restoration procedures
  • Have a medical condition that compromises the body’s wound-healing ability

Procedure Details

What Happens During Hairline Lowering Surgery?

Hairline lowering surgery is performed in a state-of-the-art surgical facility as an outpatient procedure. During the surgery, the amount of skin between the hairline and the brow will be reduced to create a smaller forehead area.


First, you will need to be sedated with anesthesia. Next, the location of your desired hairline position will be marked on the forehead.


An advanced technique called a trichophytic approach will then be used to make an undulating incision along the marking. Compared to other types of incisions, this method produces a more natural-looking hairline after surgery.

The skin between the incision and the hairline will be removed. The hairline will then be advanced to the new hairline position, as previously marked. 


Sutures will be used to close the incision. A layering technique is used when placing the sutures to help prevent noticeable post-procedure marks. When this process is finished, the incision site will be bandaged.

What Causes a High Hairline?

A high hairline can be a genetic trait or can be caused by a past facial surgery, such as a coronal brow lift. Some patients develop a receding hairline as they age, which leads to the appearance of a larger forehead and atypical hairline height.

Procedure Details

What to Know about Forehead Reduction Surgery Recovery

You will be cleared to leave the surgical facility and return home within hours of your procedure. Prior to your surgery, you will need to make transportation arrangements, as you will not be able to drive yourself home.

There will be some swelling and bruising in the treatment area during the first days of your recovery. Keeping the head elevated can help to reduce swelling. Temporary numbness behind the hairline is common after forehead reduction surgery. This sensation may last several weeks.

Downtime is minimal after hairline lowering, though you should plan to take a few days off work to rest and recover. Many patients can resume light work duties within three or four days. Sutures will not be removed for about a week, so patients often wear a hat or other headwear to cover the treatment area if they return to social settings before that time.

Detailed aftercare instructions will be given to you, which will include how to care for the incision site and the appropriate activity levels for each stage of your recovery. Closely following these directions will support the healing process and ensure the best possible treatment outcome.

Procedure Details

Hairline Lowering Results

Forehead reduction surgery results include a more balanced and youthful facial appearance. Women can also achieve a more feminine face shape with this procedure. Because women are less likely to experience hairline recession than men, their results tend to last longer.

Many patients worry that they will have a noticeable scar after hairline lowering. Our advanced incision and suturing techniques work to encourage optimal healing and natural hair regrowth, so patients typically find that their post-surgery marks are well-camouflaged within their hair.

Our Approach to Hairline Lowering Surgery

A thorough candidate screening process is essential for successful hairline lowering outcomes. During your consultation, your head will be physically examined. We will pay particularly close attention to your scalp, hair, and facial proportions. Your treatment plan will be based largely on the assessments of:

Height of hairline

The distance between the brow and the hairline wil be measured. If the measurement is more than 6.5 centimeters, the hairline is considered high, and we will continue evaluating your candidacy for forehead reduction surgery.

Propensity for hair loss

The potential for visible scarring after forehead reduction surgery is greater among patients who have personally experienced hair loss and hair thinning and/or have family members who have lost their hair. This procedure is not recommended for patients at high risk for hairline recession and/or male pattern baldness.

Scalp laxity

To find out how far the hairline can be lowered, the mobility of the scalp will be evaluated. This involves pushing the forehead skin forward and backward with a fingertip and measuring the distance the scalp moves. A measurement of the amount of forehead skin that can be pinched between two fingers will be used in conjunction with the mobility measurements to establish the optimal location of your new hairline.

Direction of hair growth

The hairs along the hairline will be examined to see if they grow forward, downward, or in another direction. Forward-growing hairs are ideal for this procedure, as they most effectively conceal post-treatment marks.

How Much Does Forehead Reduction Surgery Cost?

The cost of this surgery is affected by the surgical techniques used, duration of the procedure, and anesthesia and facility fees. The price of your hairline lowering procedure will be determined after you have a consultation, and your treatment plan has been developed.

Schedule a Consultation for Hairline Lowering in Beverly Hills

If you are constantly trying to hide your forehead under hats or with specific hairstyles because you feel it is too large, hairline lowering surgery could hold the key to unlocking a look you love and improving your self-esteem. Reach out today to schedule a consultation, so you can find out if forehead reduction surgery is right for you.