Male Rhinoplasty

Conveniently located to serve Beverly Hills,  Hollywood,  Los Angeles,  NYC, and  Miami.

The size and shape of the nose often determine whether a man has a balanced, masculine facial appearance. Board-certified dermatologist and pioneer in male facial sculpting, Dr. Jason Emer, offers many advanced, non-surgical options for recontouring the nose. However, some men are better candidates for male rhinoplasty, or male nose surgery.

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What Is Male Rhinoplasty?

Male rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that reshapes the nasal structure to create more aesthetic nasal contours and/or to improve nasal breathing. Men may choose to undergo this procedure to resolve congenital irregularities. In other cases, male rhinoplasty is performed to correct damage caused by sports-related injuries or other trauma.


Right for you?

Am I a Good Candidate for Male Rhinoplasty?

Ideal candidates for male rhinoplasty are men who are in good general health and do not smoke. Candidates must be willing to follow all pre-and post-treatment instructions.

Men considering a nose job must also understand the limitations and potential of this procedure. Male rhinoplasty is more complex and challenging if there is a history of injuries or traumas to the nose. Additionally, men with thick, sebaceous skin may have limited results, and this will be discussed in detail at your consultation.

Age can be a factor when determining male rhinoplasty candidacy, as the patient must have a fully developed nose. In males, the nose reaches its adult size around the age of 17, so this procedure is typically not advised for younger patients.

Procedure Details

What Can Male Rhinoplasty Treat?

A wide range of functional issues and cosmetic concerns can be treated with male rhinoplasty. Nose surgery for men can be ideal for correcting a deviated septum and addressing nasal obstructions caused by nasal valve collapse or stenosis and inferior turbinate hypertrophy for easier nasal breathing.

In terms of sculpting more masculine nasal contours, male rhinoplasty procedures commonly involve one or more of the following objectives:

  • Bringing the size of the nose into balance with the face by decreasing or augmenting its size
  • Reducing the nasal bridge (dorsal hump)
  • Straightening the nasal bridge (twisted nose)
  • Eliminating humps and/or bumps
  • Modifying the angle of the nasal tip
  • Refining the shape of the nasal tip
  • Increasing or decreasing the projection of the nasal tip
  • Shortening or lengthening the nose

Procedure Details

Male Rhinoplasty Treatment Process


The first step in the male rhinoplasty treatment process is a consultation. Your initial consultation will include a physical examination of the nose and a review of your medical history.

You will also be invited to view before and after photos of previous male rhinoplasty patients. These photos are helpful for refining your aesthetic goals and developing realistic expectations for your procedure.


Male rhinoplasty is an outpatient procedure, which means patients can return home the same day as the surgery. The total surgery time depends on the complexity of your unique procedure. Most male rhinoplasty procedures take about 3-4 hours.

General anesthesia is used to ensure your comfort during rhinoplasty surgery. Rhinoplasties are performed through an “open” or “external” approach. This approach involves making an incision on the columella nasal skin in addition to internal incisions.

These incisions allow the necessary modifications to be made to the nasal bone, cartilage, and/or soft tissue. Once all changes have been made, the incisions will be closed with sutures.


Male rhinoplasty patients should plan to take at least a week off work to rest and recover after surgery. Sutures will be removed around 6-8 days after rhinoplasty. Swelling and bruising typically lasts for two weeks.
Light activity is generally approved after seven days. Strenuous activity typically must be avoided for three to six weeks.

Procedure Details

Male Rhinoplasty Results

Initial results will be noticeable after about two or three weeks. Gradual changes will occur over the next several months as the area heals. It can take a year or more to arrive at the final outcome of your male rhinoplasty procedure. During your consultation, the expected recovery time will be discussed in detail.

Male rhinoplasty provides permanent facial enhancement. When functional corrections are involved, patients also enjoy long-lasting improvements in nasal breathing. We can effectively treat both breathing concerns and cosmetic concerns in the same surgical procedure.

A new sense of self-confidence is common among male rhinoplasty patients after their surgery. This shift often leads to positive developments in many aspects of the patient’s life, such as the quality of their relationships and their professional accomplishments.

Procedure Details

Special Considerations for Rhinoplasty for Men

While the same surgical techniques are employed for male and female rhinoplasty procedures, a successful male rhinoplasty outcome requires careful consideration of the angles, curvature, and proportions associated with a masculine nose.

Generally speaking, men have larger noses with stronger features when compared to their female counterparts. Male rhinoplasty procedures must also be planned to accommodate for:

Bone and cartilage strength

Men have stronger cartilage and bone than women, so the surgical approach must be adjusted accordingly.

Skin thickness

Men tend to have thicker nasal skin than women, and this significantly impacts what can be achieved with male rhinoplasty. The same alteration to the underlying nasal structure will result in more dramatic visible changes in a patient with thinner skin than it will in a patient with thick skin.

Damaged nasal structure

Previous sports injuries affecting the nose are common in male rhinoplasty patients. Addressing structural damage caused by injuries or trauma can require the use of advanced techniques, such as cartilage grafting. If there is too much damage to the native nose cartilage, Dr. Sanan will harvest cartilage from the patient’s rib to rebuild the nasal structure.

How Much Does Male Rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills Cost?

The price of rhinoplasty for men varies based on the specific surgical techniques required to achieve the patient’s goals for treatment. The details of your nose surgery, including the associated anesthesia and facility fees, will be reviewed with you during your consultation.

Find Out if Male Rhinoplasty is Right for You

If you are bothered by the appearance of your nose and/or if you suffer from nasal breathing difficulties, contact our office today to schedule a consultation. We employ advanced surgical techniques, exceptional skill, and personalized care to provide the best male rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills.