CO2 Before and After Photos

Surgeries performed by Dr. Jason Emer of WEST HOLLYWOOD, CA

Microneedling paired with PRP (platelet-rich plasma) prior to the immediate application of a customized peel to help the peel penetrate more deeply ⁣
Customized lightening and exfoliation peel of mixed acids and retinol which acted much more strongly when combined with microneedling on the same day ⁣
Aggressive regimen of medical-grade skincare including @emerageskin product line and AERIFY microneedling roller system⁣

CO2 LASER (deep single pass and superficial multiple pass)
Combination vascular and non-ablative lasers to improve scarring and discoloration at 6to 8-week intervals with AERIFY peeling kit done every 2 weeks between treatments⁣. It is common to have HYPERPIGMENTATION as you can see here developing between days 14-21 that will improve with medical grade skin lightening, peels, sun protection and time/patience.