Conveniently located to serve Beverly Hills,  Hollywood,  Los Angeles,  NYC, and  Miami.

The effects of dedicated gym work and mindful, healthy eating on the female body can be profound but are not guaranteed to be enough to get you the beautiful curves and elegantly defined physique you desire. Some body fat can and will resist all of your efforts to slim down and tone up. Fortunately, with Supermodel Lipo in Beverly Hills, persistent pockets of fat can be permanently eliminated, so the shapely, feminine figure you desire can finally become a reality.

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What Is Supermodel Lipo?

Supermodel Liposuction, or Supermodel Lipo, is an elite fat removal and body contouring treatment for women offered by world-renowned body sculptor Dr. Jason Emer. Supermodel Lipo is a specialized approach to high-definition (HD) lipo, which is Dr. Emer’s signature body contouring method for patients who are already fit and lean but feel that their physique lacks finesse in certain areas.

Many people associate “supermodel” with “super skinny” and have an inaccurate understanding of Supermodel Lipo as a result. While achieving thinner contours and a tighter, firmer physique are central to the Supermodel Lipo procedure, there are no specific standards, formulas, or measurements that dictate what an amazing Supermodel Lipo outcome should look like.

Instead, Dr. Emer encourages patients to see Supermodel Lipo as an opportunity to express their unique aesthetic ideals rather than as a means of altering their shape to conform to society’s or someone else’s beauty standards.

Dr. Emer’s Supermodel HD lipo treatments involve a combination of one or more advanced liposuction techniques and radiofrequency-based skin tightening for life-changing, jaw-dropping results. He devotes considerable time and energy to understanding each patient’s distinct vision for their Supermodel Lipo results, so he can design the safest, most effective treatment plan possible.

Right for you?

Am I a Candidate for Supermodel Lipo?

If you are tired of losing your fight against the mild to moderate amount of unwanted body fat that stands between you and the feminine curves and slender body contours you want, you may be a candidate for Supermodel Lipo. Patients who are eligible for HD Supermodel lipo are typically active, fit women who have localized adipose deposits that persist no matter how disciplined they are about dieting and exercising.

This procedure is intended for patients who require precision fat removal for small, stubborn fat pockets. If you are not already at or very close to your ideal body weight, you may be a better candidate for an alternative treatment approach.

    Supermodel Lipo is not a weight-loss treatment. If you are considerably overweight or obese, Dr. Emer can recommend weight loss solutions and/or refer you to the care of board-certified bariatric surgeon Dr. Michael Feiz to explore weight-loss surgery options like sleeve gastrectomy.

    Candidates for HD lipo must have adequate skin elasticity and minimal skin laxity in the treatment area(s). If you have hanging, loose skin, such as often occurs after massive weight loss, a surgical skin removal procedure will likely be recommended instead of, or in addition to, fat removal.

    Women who are interested in Supermodel Lipo should schedule a consultation with Dr. Emer, so he can evaluate your cosmetic concerns and verify that you are in good health and can safely undergo a surgical procedure.


    What Areas of the Body Can be Sculpted with Supermodel Lipo?

    Dr. Emer’s expertise with numerous liposuction techniques allows him to provide comprehensive, “360 degree,” supermodel results with this procedure. Some of the most sought-after Supermodel Lipo results include:

    • A more “snatched” waistline
    • A more pronounced inner thigh gap
    • Tighter, more defined upper arms
    • An “Emer Hourglass” figure, featuring balanced, feminine proportions

    While many other providers lack the training and skill to reduce fat in smaller, more delicate areas of the body, Dr. Emer can reshape almost any area of the body with HD Supermodel Lipo.

    • Abs
    • Hips
    • Love handles
    • Thighs
    • Buttocks
    • Upper pubic area (mons pubis)
    • Back
    • Bra rolls
    • Upper arms
    • Chin/neck
    • Knees
    • Calves
    • Ankles

    How to Prepare for Supermodel Lipo

    Dr. Emer will give you detailed instructions to follow in the weeks and days leading up to your Supermodel HD Liposuction procedure. Your pre-treatment directions will be personalized based on your lifestyle, specific medications you take, and other factors. 

    Prior to the procedure, all patients undergoing Supermodel Lipo will be instructed to:

    • Complete any necessary medical evaluations and/or lab work.
    • Adjust the dosage of certain medications, as directed.
    • Stop taking specific herbal supplements, anti-inflammatory medications, aspirin, and/or other substances that thin the blood.
    • Abstain from smoking for four weeks before their procedure.
    • Make arrangements with a trusted friend or family member to drive them home after the procedure and stay to assist them at home for the first 24-48 hours of their recovery.

    What to Expect During Your Supermodel Lipo Procedure

    When you arrive for your Supermodel HD Lipo procedure, you will be given a surgical gown to change into. Dr. Emer can address any lingering questions you may have at this time. He will mark the treatment area(s) as needed, to serve as a visual representation of your surgical plan.

    Next, you will be given medications that will prevent you from feeling any discomfort during the procedure. When Dr. Emer is certain that the anesthesia has taken its full effect, he will begin your Supermodel Lipo procedure.

    The specifics of your HD supermodel liposculpting surgery will be unique to you. However, you can expect the procedure to include one or more small incisions in each treatment area. Dr. Emer will then use VASER, RFAL, PAL, and/or WAL techniques, followed by Renuvion or BodyTite, as previously discussed with you, to remove fat and create smooth, aesthetic contours.

    What to Expect After Supermodel Lipo

    The extent of your Supermodel liposculpting procedure will affect the nature of the post-op discomfort you experience, how much downtime you will need, and the total duration of your recovery period. Most patients will need to devote the first week or two of their recovery to rest.

    Based on his observations at your follow-up appointments, Dr. Emer will advise you when you can reintroduce light activities, return to work, and incrementally increase the intensity of your physical activity until you are back to your full normal routine.

    Though Dr. Emer takes the utmost care to preserve the integrity of the tissue in the treatment area, some swelling, redness, and soreness is to be expected after surgical fat removal. You can manage post-treatment discomfort with over-the-counter pain relievers and/or pain medications as prescribed by Dr. Emer. Wearing your compression garments as directed is essential to minimize swelling and to help the skin fit as tightly as possible to your post-op shape.


    Supermodel Liposuction Aftercare

    In Dr. Emer’s vast professional experience with HD liposculpting, post-op therapies are invaluable for accelerating healing and enhancing treatment outcomes. He provides Supermodel Lipo patients with personalized aftercare protocols that typically include a combination of hyperbaric oxygen therapy, lymphatic massage, IV therapy, and external radiofrequency treatments.

    The benefits of investing in post-op care include:

    • Rapid rehydration and replenishment of nutrients, so your body has the energy and resources to heal expediently
    • Minimizing discomfort
    • Relief from swelling
    • Encouraging healthy blood circulation
    • Clearing stagnant fluids to alleviate swelling and flush toxins
    • Reducing the likelihood of irregularities
    • Shortening your total recovery time
    • Faster results
    • Less scar tissue formation

    What to Know about Supermodel Lipo Results

    For most patients, initial results are evident after about four weeks. You can expect to see your final results after healing is complete, which often takes six to 12 months.

    Patients who follow the aftercare therapy recommendations provided by Dr. Emer tend to see their results in less time. Dr. Emer’s aftercare regimens also work to maximize the sculpting and slimming effects of Supermodel Lipo.

    How Long Will Supermodel Lipo Results Last?

    The longevity of your modelesque figure will depend on how well you manage your weight and overall health. Though the fat cells that were removed with liposuction are gone for good, falling into a sedentary lifestyle or unhealthy eating habits can cause remaining fat cells to grow larger and compromise your svelte figure. 

    The natural aging process will begin to affect your supermodel shape at some point. Dr. Emer can assist you in minimizing and mitigating the effects of decreased collagen production, hormonal changes, skin laxity, reduced muscle mass, and other age-related factors that affect your appearance.

    Patients who follow a structured, customized regimen of non-surgical cosmetic treatments as directed by Dr. Emer typically enjoy the longest-lasting results from supermodel liposculpting procedures. The optimal anti-aging and maintenance treatment protocol for preserving your supermodel look may involve:

    • Non-surgical fat reduction and skin tightening with BTL Exilis Ultra
    • Muscle development and toning with BodyTone or truSculpt FLEX
    • Collagen building and skin tightening with Ultherapy, Thermage, microneedling RF, and/or thread liftingCellulite reduction with Avéli, QWO, and/or ZWave

    How Is Supermodel Lipo Different from Traditional Lipo?

    Every liposuction procedure involves the use of suction to permanently eliminate fat cells from the body. However, the indications and outcomes of a particular liposuction procedure compared to another can be radically different, as evidenced when comparing Supermodel Lipo and traditional lipo.

    Supermodel Lipo is designed to fine-tune body contours for 360-degree improvements in a patient’s physique. Achieving such comprehensive results typically involves removing fat from multiple areas of the body. A traditional liposuction procedure targets excess fat in one area of the body only.

    Traditional liposuction is widely available, and there are many providers who are qualified to perform bulk fat removal with this method. In stark contrast, the pool of providers who are willing or able to perform HD lipo is extremely small. Even among the few providers who offer HD lipo, Dr. Emer’s ability to blend advanced techniques, precision, and artistry for exceptional, natural-looking results is unparalleled

    Procedure Details

    What Fat Removal Technique is Best for Supermodel Lipo?

    Dr. Emer often incorporates multiple liposuction techniques when performing Supermodel Lipo. He is incredibly skilled and experienced in several minimally invasive liposuction methods. This high level of expertise allows him to accommodate the broad spectrum of needs and aesthetic goals that concern his diverse patient base.

    Each type of liposuction Dr. Emer uses has distinct advantages and limitations in any given application. He will consider the location of the treatment area, amount of fat to be removed, the extent of sculpting required to produce an aesthetic result, and other factors when creating your HD lipo treatment plan. He may use one or more of the following techniques to create your supermodel body:


    Vibration amplification of sound energy at resonance (VASER) liposuction is ideal for achieving supermodel contours in many areas of the body. The VASER fat removal process involves the use of ultrasound energy to gently dislodge the targeted, unwanted fat cells from the surrounding tissue.

    The ultrasound energy does not damage the surrounding tissue, which promotes a shorter recovery time. VASER lipo also allows Dr. Emer to extract intact fat cells, which can then be purified and repurposed for fat grafting to the buttocks or other areas the patient wants to add volume.

    VASER lipo is central to many of Dr. Emer’s 360 HD liposculpting transformations. Not only does VASER allow for a high degree of precision, it also helps the skin conform to your slimmer shape.


    Body-Jet is a water-assisted liposuction system. A specialized cannula with a small fan-shaped tip is inserted subcutaneously to deliver a stream of water. The water helps to separate adipose cells from other tissues, so they can be extracted easily and remain viable for fat transfer.

    Water-assisted lipo (WAL) with Body-Jet allows Dr. Emer to control the intensity of the water stream, as well as to limit the total amount of fluid delivered. These advantages keep tissue damage minimal and make Body-Jet particularly valuable for the treatment of small areas like the ankles.

    Radiofrequency-assisted lipo (RFAL)

    Radiofrequency (RF) energy can be used to liquify unwanted fat, so it can be removed without causing significant injury to the bodily tissues that surround it. The RF energy emitted by devices like BodyTite and Renuvion heats the targeted subdermal tissue to a temperature high enough to melt fat cells but low enough that it does not harm other types of cells.

    Renuvion and BodyTite are also amazing for skin tightening. The thermal effects of RF energy cause the skin to contract, promoting a “shrink wrapped” look and preventing skin laxity.

    Power-assisted lipo

    Power-assisted lipo (PAL) facilitates shorter procedure times and less post-op discomfort than traditional manual liposuction, which requires the surgeon to manipulate the cannula through the patient’s tissue to break up fat deposits.

    The specialized cannula used during PAL has a vibrating tip. The miniscule vibrations of the cannula work to gently loosen fat cells and break apart fat clusters. As a result, PAL accomplishes fat removal with a fraction of the force and resulting injured tissue associated with manual liposuction.


    How Dr. Emer Provides the Best Supermodel Lipo in Beverly Hills

    Dr. Emer’s reputation as a body sculpting expert is well-established. He approaches body contouring, including Supermodel Lipo, from a total-body perspective. His ability to anticipate how sculpting one area of the body will affect the surrounding areas as well as the patient’s figure, as a whole, is the driving force behind many of the innovative combination treatments and leading-edge techniques he has developed to solve his patients’ body contouring challenges.

    If fat removal alone cannot create the proportions and curves you desire, or if you have additional cosmetic concerns in other areas, such as the face, neck, or down under, Dr. Emer can complement your Supermodel Lipo procedure with other cosmetic treatment(s) to provide a harmonious, comprehensive final result. Many women choose to enhance their supermodel procedures with:

    • Fat transfer – Dr. Emer can harvest the fat he removes during Supermodel Lipo and use it to augment the buttocks (Brazilian Butt Lift), fill hip dips, and/or augment the breasts.
    • Facial sculpting – Cosmetic injectables like dermal fillers and neuromodulators, thread lifting,
    • Down under beautification – Dr. Emer is an expert in non-surgical Vaginal Beautification™ and Anal Beautification™ and offers treatments that provide both aesthetic and functional improvements in these areas.
    • Skin rejuvenation – Dr. Emer has an extensive selection of cosmetic dermatological devices that can be used on the face and body to revitalize, strengthen, and beautify skin. 

    What Is the Cost of Supermodel Lipo?

    The price associated with your Supermodel Lipo procedure will reflect the techniques required, number of treatment areas, anesthesia fees, and other considerations. Complete cost information will be provided after Dr. Emer has determined the optimal treatment approach for creating your supermodel body.

    Schedule a Consultation for Supermodel Lipo in Beverly Hills

    If you are ready to fully embody your inner supermodel and rock the sexy, feminine lines and stunning curves that reflect your aesthetic ideals, contact us today. Dr. Emer is proud to serve patients in the greater Los Angeles area, as well as patients who travel from all over the country and from countries around the globe.

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