Classic IV

Conveniently located to serve Beverly Hills,  Hollywood,  Los Angeles,  NYC, and  Miami.

IV therapy is the most efficient way to replenish lost fluids and depleted nutrients in the body. At our IV Lounge in Beverly Hills, Classic IV is a patient favorite and our go-to recommendation for optimal healing and recovery.

Whether you need to bounce back from a stressful week at work, are feeling sluggish from travel and jet lag, or are feeling the effect of too many late nights and early mornings, our Classic IV contains exactly what you need to feel more refreshed.

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What Is the Classic IV?

Classic IV is one of many hydrating and nutrient-rich cocktails available to patients seeking intravenous (IV) therapy at our IV Lounge. If you’re feeling run-down, stressed, or exhausted, your body needs a highly absorbable, powerful dose of precisely what is included in our Classic IV cocktail.

Our Classic IV is an optimized variation of the Myers’ Cocktail, which was originally developed by Dr. John Myers in 1954. Our proprietary Classic IV infusion contains therapeutic doses of:

  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • B Vitamins
  • Vitamin C
  • Selenium
  • Zinc
Woman with sculpted abs

Right for you?

Am I a Good Candidate for a Classic IV Treatment?

Many men and women are great candidates for our Classic IV infusion. This blend of fluids, minerals, and vitamins can be a good option for patients with symptoms of respiratory conditions, mood disorders, allergies, migraines, and many other conditions. Classic IV infusions can help to relieve general fatigue and are also highly recommended as a pre- and post-operative therapy.

Procedure Details

What to Expect During a Classic IV Therapy Session

While comfortably seated in our IV Lounge, you will be attended by one of our experienced medical staff members. A small tube will be inserted into one of your veins, so the Classic IV liquid can be delivered directly into your bloodstream. You can relax for the duration of your Classic IV treatment, which will take 20-60 minutes to complete.

It’s here that Dr. Emer’s skill and artistry are critical to obtaining great results. He knows precisely how to place and pull the threads in such a way that they don’t pinch or overlap, and he uses just the right number of threads to achieve a natural look. After applying the main threads, he then uses smaller needles loaded with smooth baby threads to plump and build collagen in key places.

This same-day, in-office procedure offers immediate results that improve even more in 6 to 12 weeks as the threads dissolve and collagen rebuilds.

Liquid Lounge at Emerage Medical | IV Therapy | West Hollywood, CA | Dr. Jason Emer video thumbnail

Procedure Details

How Quickly Will I Notice Results?

After a Classic IV treatment, you may notice improvements within minutes, or it may take a day or so to feel its effects. If there is considerable toxicity within the body, a series of Classic IV sessions may be necessary for you to experience fast-acting, longer-lasting relief from pain, exhaustion, and other symptoms.

Procedure Details

Benefits of Classic IV

Designed to restore balance and optimal function throughout the body’s systems, this treatment includes the hydrating fluids, minerals, and vitamins you need to feel your best. Some of the benefits Classic IV infusions can provide include:

  • Accelerated recovery from surgical procedures and cosmetic treatments
  • Higher energy levels
  • Elevated mood
  • Immune system support
  • Boost in overall wellness
  • Healthier metabolic function

How Often Should I Have Classic IV Infusions?

The ideal Classic IV treatment schedule varies from one patient to another. Our knowledgeable IV Lounge staff can advise you regarding an appropriate IV therapy treatment plan for you.

Is Classic IV the Best Micronutrient Infusion for Me?

Our IV Lounge offers a variety of nutrient cocktails to support different aspects of wellness. You will be able to consult with one of our experts for assistance with selecting the best infusion for your needs.

Depending on your current state of health, what is happening in your life, and your goals for IV therapy, we may recommend an alternative to our Classic IV infusion, such as Perform, Detox, Primetime, or Glow. Personalized hydration and vitamin therapy is also an option.

How Much Does a Classic IV

Infusion Cost?

The price of your Classic IV infusion will be reviewed with you prior to administering the treatment. The total cost may be affected if the infusion is customized with modifications or additions to the formula.

Learn More about the Classic IV

Our team is dedicated to providing exceptional IV therapy services. We are happy to answer any questions you have about IV therapy with our Classic IV in Beverly Hills, and we look forward to helping you achieve your wellness goals.