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Thanks to advancements in cosmetic technology and plastic surgery techniques, women have many options for getting a “designer vagina” and resolving functional issues that can affect the genital area. Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure that addresses aesthetic and medical concerns with the vaginal lips.

This intricate procedure should only be performed by highly trained and skillful plastic surgeons. For this reason, “down under” enhancement expert Dr. Jason Emer recruited Dr. Yoel Rojas to join his prestigious medical practice and provide this transformative treatment to his valued patients. Dr. Rojas is a double board-certified plastic surgeon who has earned recognition as a top provider of labiaplasty in Beverly Hills.

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Labiaplasty, or labia reduction surgery, involves removing excess tissue to reduce the size of the labia minora. The labia minora are the inner tissues of a woman’s genitalia.

Among the female population, there is a wide natural variance in the size and appearance of these skin folds. Many women have labia minora hypertrophy, which is the term used to describe enlarged inner labial folds that extend beyond the outer vaginal lips, or labia majora.

Some women with large labia minora never have any cosmetic or functional issues. However, others suffer considerable physical discomfort and/or emotional distress due to excess labia minora tissue.

When the size of a woman’s labia minora negatively impacts her quality of life, Dr. Rojas can perform labia reduction surgery. Under Dr. Rojas’ care, labiaplasty patients can achieve a more balanced, aesthetic vaginal appearance and relief from painful and embarrassing physical symptoms.

Right for you?

Am I a Good Candidate FOR LABIAPLASTY?

As with any plastic surgery, candidates must be in good health and committed to following Dr. Rojas’ pre-operative instructions and aftercare directions. Patients who smoke must be willing and able to quit smoking 4 weeks prior to their surgery and for the duration of the recovery period.

Labiaplasty is not appropriate for female patients under the age of 18 as labial tissue is likely still in a developmental stage. Women who plan to become pregnant are typically advised to postpone labia reduction surgery until their family is complete since hormonal fluctuations and childbirth can have a profound effect on vaginal tissue.

You may be a candidate for labiaplasty if your treatment goals involve resolving:

Disproportionately large labia minora

Asymmetrical inner labial folds

Noticeable bulges or “camel toe” when wearing tight-fitting pants

Self-consciousness about labia minora hypertrophy that interferes with sexual intimacy

Candidates can also be women seeking relief from physical symptoms like:

Skin irritation

Painful twisting and tugging of the labial tissue when exercising and/or performing other physical activities

Discomfort when wearing form-fitting legwear

Pain during sexual intercourse

Frequent urinary tract infections due to the hygiene challenges associated with excess tissue in the genital area

    Procedure Details

    What Causes Large Labia Minora?

    There are multiple causes of labia minora hypertrophy. For some women, enlarged inner labial folds are genetic. In other cases, labia minora hypertrophy occurs as a result of weight fluctuations, pregnancy, and/or giving birth.

    Aging is another reason for unwanted changes in the appearance of the vulva, or external female genitalia. The tissue of the labia majora can become thinner as women go through menopause, which can make the labia minora more visible.

    Procedure Details

    Is Labiaplasty the Right Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment for Me?

    Labiaplasty is an effective approach for modifying inner labial tissue, but it is not intended to treat other common issues affecting the appearance and function of the female genitalia. Depending on your desired outcome, it may be necessary to undergo a different procedure altogether or to combine labiaplasty with additional rejuvenating procedures.

    A consultation with Dr. Rojas is the best way to learn about your treatment options. In addition to determining your candidacy for labiaplasty, he can provide treatment recommendations for internal vaginal tightening, relief from stress urinary incontinence, sexual dysfunction, and other “down under” concerns.

    Procedure Details

    What Are the Benefits of Labiaplasty?

    Women who have large labia minora can experience considerable emotional and physical suffering. Resolving cosmetic and/or functional concerns with the labial tissue can be life-changing for many women. Some of the most frequently reported benefits of labiaplasty include:

    • Increased self-confidence
    • A more satisfying sexual experience
    • Expanded wardrobe options, such as leggings and yoga pants
    • Ability to lead a more active lifestyle
    • Relief from frequent urinary tract infections

    Procedure Details

    How Is Labiaplasty Performed?

    Local or general anesthesia can be used for this outpatient procedure, depending on the patient’s unique case. Once you are under the effects of the anesthesia, Dr. Rojas can begin modifying the vaginal tissue.

    The specifics of your procedure will be explained to you during your consultation after Dr. Rojas has determined whether the trim technique or wedge technique is the best surgical approach for your needs.

    • Trim technique – The trim procedure is predominantly used when performing labiaplasty. With this method, Dr. Rojas excises labia minora tissue, so the inner vaginal lips align with the labia majora.
    • Wedge technique – For patients who want to preserve the natural edge of the labia minora, the wedge technique may be a preferable option. This procedure involves removing a V-shaped wedge of tissue from the thickest part of the labia minora.

      When the necessary tissue has been excised and the remaining tissue has been repositioned, sutures are placed to support and secure the new shape.

    Procedure Details

    When will I see results?

    Initial labiaplasty results can be expected about 6 weeks after your procedure. Subtle, ongoing improvements will continue over the next three to five months until swelling has completely subsided.

    Procedure Details

    How Long Do Labiaplasty Results Last?

    Labia reduction surgery can provide permanent enhancement. However, pregnancy and childbirth can change the appearance of the labial tissue. Patients who have children after this surgery may require a revision procedure to restore their preferred look.

    Periodic Vaginal Beautification™ treatments can support long-term maintenance of your beautiful, youthful-looking contours. Dr. Emer’s personalized Vaginal Beautification™ protocols may include energy-based skin tightening and collagen-stimulation, PRP injections to promote optimal cellular function, and/or other non-surgical procedures.


    What to Expect During Labiaplasty Recovery

    Recovery time after this procedure varies from patient to patient. Your natural rate of healing and the extent of your surgery will affect the duration of your recovery.

    Failing to follow Dr. Rojas’ aftercare instructions can complicate and/or lengthen the recovery period. You will be given specific directions on how to properly care for the incision sites to encourage healing and prevent infection. You may need to take an oral antibiotic or apply an antibiotic cream or ointment.

    Protecting the treatment area from friction and irritation is paramount for an expedient recovery and an optimal outcome. You will need to wear breathable, loose-fitting clothing until otherwise advised.

    Though you will be able to go home the same day as your surgery, you will not be able to resume your normal activities immediately. Most women need 1 or 2 weeks of downtime to rest initially.

    Follow-up appointments with Dr. Rojas allow him to assess how healing is progressing, so he can advise you when you can safely increase your activity levels. Light activity is typically appropriate at the 2-3 week point of labiaplasty recovery.

    Patients should not engage in sexual intercourse or use tampons for a minimum of 6 weeks after labia surgery, or as directed by Dr. Rojas. Horseback riding, biking, and high intensity physical activity should also be avoided for at least 6 weeks.

    Swelling and tenderness can be expected during the healing process. Most patients find that these symptoms diminish significantly after 3-7 days, though it will take several weeks for the area to fully heal.

    Discomfort can often be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers. Cold compresses can be applied, as recommended by Dr. Rojas, to help to keep you comfortable. If necessary, Dr. Rojas can prescribe pain medication to ease post-op discomfort.

    Can Labiaplasty Be Combined with Additional Cosmetic Surgeries?

    Many women seeking labiaplasty have cosmetic concerns in other areas of the body, as well. It is often advantageous to combine labia surgery with additional cosmetic procedures. Combining procedures allows patients to achieve more comprehensive improvements with the convenience of a single recovery period.

    Labiaplasty is often performed as part of a Mommy Makeover procedure, which is designed for women who have experienced unwanted changes to their body as a result of pregnancy and childbirth. In addition to labiaplasty, a Mommy Makeover can include:

    • Tummy tuck surgery (abdominoplasty) to remove loose skin and moderate amounts of fat from the midsection and/or repair diastasis recti
    • Abdominal liposuction to eliminate fat for a slimmer, more feminine waistline
    • Back liposuction to flatten and smooth bra rolls by removing fat
    • Mons pubis liposuction to reduce volume in the upper pubic mound
    • Breast surgery to create more youthful, symmetrical breast contours

    Our Approach to Providing the Best Labiaplasty Results

    Choosing an experienced and exceptionally talented surgeon like Dr. Rojas to perform your procedure is key to getting the best labiaplasty results possible. In response to the rising popularity of “designer vagina” surgeries, many providers now offer labiaplasty. However, there are few who have the advanced knowledge of female anatomy and refined artistic sense required to safely and effectively operate on this sensitive and delicate area.

    Dr. Rojas frequently performs this surgery for patients who travel to Beverly Hills from other states and even other countries to benefit from his expertise. In these cases, our team is happy to assist patients with planning their travel and accommodations to ensure a comfortable, stress-free experience.
    Labiaplasty patients also benefit from our patient-tailored, combination treatment approach. To complement the functional and aesthetic improvements achieved with labia surgery, we offer exclusive and comprehensive Vaginal Beautification ™ and sexual rejuvenation treatment options, including:


    Internal vaginal tightening

     Labiaplasty does not affect the inner tissues of the vaginal canal. Women who desire internal vaginal tightening can benefit from radiofrequency therapy with devices like BTL Ultra Femme or Votiva.


    Laser pubic hair removal

    Frequently waxing or shaving to remove pubic hair is inconvenient, time-consuming, and all-too-often results in ingrown hairs, razor bumps, redness, and other unpleasant side effects. We provide laser pubic hair removal with the Aerolase device, so patients can enjoy smooth, hair-free skin long-term.


    O-Shot treatments

    The O-Shot is an injectable treatment that delivers platelet-rich plasma (PRP) into vaginal tissue to improve a woman’s sexual experience and promote healthy cellular turnover.


    Mons pubis liposuction

    Excess fat in the pubic mound area can cause unwanted protrusion and bulging. Mons pubis lipo permanently eliminates fat from this area for flatter, more aesthetic contours.


    Hormonal optimization

    After labia reduction surgery has resolved their aesthetic and functional concerns, women are often excited to pursue or resume a healthy, satisfying sex life. However, if the body is in a state of hormonal imbalance, which is a common effect of the natural aging process, hormonal optimization may be needed to restore and maintain optimal sexual function.


    Hormonal peptide therapy

    Peptide therapy for sexual wellness can boost libido and maximize the female sexual experience by stimulating natural processes in the body associated with attraction and arousal.

    How Much Does Labiaplasty Cost?

    The extent of your procedure will impact the price of your labia reduction surgery. After Dr. Rojas creates your surgical plan, the exact cost of your labiaplasty can be determined and reviewed with you. Anesthesia and facility fees, as well as additional procedures you choose to combine with labiaplasty, will also affect the overall cost.

    Schedule Your Consultation for Labiaplasty in Beverly Hills

    If you experience pain and/or self-consciousness due to enlarged labia minora, you owe it to yourself to explore your treatment options. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Rojas, so you can find out if labiaplasty is right for you.