IV Therapy for Surgical Aftercare In NYC

Conveniently located to serve Beverly Hills,  Hollywood,  Los Angeles,  NYC, and  Miami.

At the medical practice of Dr. Jason Emer in NYC, IV therapy is frequently recommended as part of our comprehensive surgical aftercare programs. With our strategically designed and customizable micronutrient infusions, IV therapy can promote faster healing, so patients can benefit from shorter recovery times and ideal cosmetic surgery outcomes.

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During intravenous (IV) therapy, patients are given an infusion of fluids, vitamins, and minerals directly into the bloodstream. Unlike oral supplementation, IV vitamin hydration therapy bypasses the digestive system, which means patients receive the most potent and fast-acting dosage of nutrients possible.

At Dr. Emer’s medical practice, several proprietary IV cocktails are available for specific purposes like detoxification, post-op recovery, and general wellness. We can also create unique nutrient infusions based on a patient’s particular needs.

Right for you?

Am I a Good Candidate for Post-Op IV Therapy?

Post-op IV therapy is an integral aspect of cosmetic surgery aftercare for the vast majority of patients. This is because fluid and nutrient depletion is an unavoidable consequence of any invasive surgical procedure, and IV therapy is the most efficient method of replenishing lost nutrients and rehydrating the body.

To ensure that we create the safest, most effective post-op IV therapy protocol for you, your surgeon will consider several factors, including the specific procedure(s) performed, any known allergies or sensitivities you may have, and your medical history.

Procedure Details

How IV Therapy Makes a Difference During Surgical Aftercare

Targeted IV therapy is an essential aftercare treatment for supporting optimal healing and minimizing total recovery time. We typically advise our cosmetic surgery patients to take advantage of NAD IV therapy and/or our Primetime IV infusion within the first few days of their recovery.

Primetime is an IV hydration therapy which can be administered before surgery to mitigate the loss of fluids and nutrients during the procedure and post-operatively to replenish nutrient stores and rehydrate the body. This IV cocktail delivers a powerful blend of B Vitamins, Vitamin C, Calcium, Copper, Sodium, and Zinc to encourage a faster recovery.

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) plays a key role at the cellular level when it comes to how well our bodily systems can function. When infused intravenously after a patient has undergone cosmetic surgery, NAD offers considerable regenerative benefits and can aid in alleviating post-op discomfort, promoting restful sleep, detoxing the body, and reducing inflammation.

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Is Surgery a Prerequisite for IV Therapy?

Of course not! IV therapy is utilized by patients recuperating from minimally invasive cosmetic procedures as well as patients seeking improvements in overall health and wellbeing. For example, NAD IV therapy has a variety of nonsurgical applications, such as raising energy levels, helping patients recover from addiction, improving concentration, and strengthening the immune system.

When meeting with one of our highly trained professionals during your procedural consultation, ask if IV therapy can be a valuable part of your treatment plan. Some of our most requested IV infusions include:


  • Classic: Our Classic IV treatment is Dr. Emer’s take on the Myers’ Cocktail, originally created by Dr. John Myers. This IV infusion includes all of the nutrients and fluids found in the Myers’ Cocktail plus more to encourage optimal wellness and combat many common physical and mental health conditions, such as fatigue, depression, asthma, and allergies.
  • Detox: Designed to rapidly remove toxins from your body, Detox IV infusions are often used to fight illness, cure hangovers, and assist in food poisoning recovery.
  • Perform: With this IV cocktail, patients can get the most out of their workouts and feel better sooner after an intense training session or athletic competition. Perform IV infusions contain a long list of nutrients that facilitate faster muscle healing and strengthening for quicker recovery and a boost in athletic performance.
  • Glow: Glow IV therapy can help patients maximize aesthetic improvements from in-office and at-home skincare treatments, as this micronutrient cocktail supports the formation of healthy, elastic, and youthful-looking skin.

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How to Prepare for an IV Infusion Before or After Cosmetic Surgery

Prior to your pre- or post-operative IV infusion, continue following all procedural instructions we have provided. If your aftercare directions prohibit you from driving during the first stage of your recovery, be sure to coordinate with a friend or family member who can drive you to and from your appointment.

If a personal driver is a better option for your transportation needs after your cosmetic procedure, please let us know before your surgery. Our menu of cosmetic surgery recovery services includes options for accessible, reliable transportation, so we can assist you in making these arrangements.

Before most IV therapy sessions, we usually ask patients to drink plenty of water and eat a healthy snack or meal. Consuming nutritious food before IV therapy lowers the risk of lightheadedness and nausea. Drinking water prior to an IV therapy session improves bodily fluid movement and makes your vein easier to locate.

Be sure to wear a loose-fitting or short-sleeved shirt to your appointment, so we can access a vein in your arm. Additionally, since the administration of IV infusions takes 20 minutes or more, many patients choose to bring a book or magazine to read or headphones to use with their smart device during treatment.

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What to Expect During a Post-Op IV Infusion

Aside from a mild prick as a small needle is inserted into the vein at the start of the treatment, IV therapy is not associated with significant discomfort. Once the needle is placed, your IV cocktail will drip at a suitable rate for you through a tube connected to the needle and into your bloodstream.

Our trained medical staff will monitor you throughout your IV therapy session and can adjust the drip rate to accommodate your comfort level, as needed. Many patients find IV infusion sessions relaxing and spend the duration of the session reading or using their tablet or phone to stream a show or listen to their favorite music.

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What to Expect After an IV Infusion

After your session is complete, you will be able to return home immediately. There is no downtime following an IV therapy session, though you should continue to follow your aftercare instructions.

The benefits of quickly rehydrating and restoring normal nutrient levels are often felt within a short time. Multiple IV infusion sessions may be advisable for maximum effects depending on the individual’s needs.

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Should I Combine IV Therapy with Additional Post-Op Therapies?

Dr. Emer and his team employ every proven tool at their disposal to ensure that patients can heal in the shortest possible time frame with minimal discomfort while simultaneously working to enhance and refine cosmetic procedure outcomes. In Dr. Emer’s vast experience, he has found that a combination of post-op aftercare treatments has the most profound impact on cosmetic surgery recovery.

At our practice in NYC, IV therapy is a vital component of our intensive aftercare protocols that can also include:

Lymphatic massage
Specialized massage techniques can be used by a trained professional to manually drain stagnant lymphatic fluid. Benefits of this gentle aftercare therapy include reduced swelling and discomfort, accelerated detoxification, minimizing scar tissue formation, contouring and skin tightening refinements, decreased risk of infection, and more.

Patients are typically advised to complete an initial series of 7-14 daily sessions followed by a month of bi-weekly sessions. After that, weekly lymphatic massages can be scheduled for the duration of the healing process.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT)
Oxygen fuels the body’s wound-healing response, so HBOT is an excellent way to ensure an expedient recovery from cosmetic surgery. During an HBOT session, the patient breathes pure oxygen while in a pressurized chamber which allows for an increased concentration of oxygen in the blood.

The body can then utilize the surplus oxygen, as needed, to power its natural repair and restoration processes. The effects of daily HBOT sessions for the first week or two of cosmetic surgery recovery can translate to faster relief from bruising and swelling, prevention of tissue damage, and a reduced risk of nerve injury.

Non-invasive muscle toning treatments
Since recovery from cosmetic surgery requires a period of rest and limited physical exertion, many patients worry about losing muscle mass and definition as they heal. This is a valid concern, as a commitment to physical fitness is essential for maintaining plastic surgery results.

Fortunately, Dr. Emer and his team can safely stimulate muscle growth during cosmetic surgery recovery with the use of advanced muscle toning devices like BodyTone and truSculpt® flex. These FDA-approved devices deliver bioelectric pulses to activate targeted muscles without disrupting the healing process, so patients can maintain their strength and enhance muscle tone until their surgeon approves a return to their full workout routine.

External radiofrequency (RF) procedures
Dr. Emer’s aftercare protocols regularly incorporate external RF treatments with BTL Exilis Ultra, BTL Vanquish ME, or Venus Legacy. The RF heat delivered by these devices works to further smooth and tighten your newly enhanced contours, as well as helping to encourage efficient healing.

How Much Does Post-Op IV Therapy Cost?

If you are having IV therapy as part of a multi-faceted treatment protocol, the price will be calculated within that overall cost. In general, the cost of IV therapy for surgical aftercare will depend on the specific blend of nutrients in the IV cocktail(s) recommended for you and the number of sessions required to achieve the intended results.

Contact Our Office to Learn More About Post-Op IV Therapy in NYC

Dr. Emer and his team of board-certified plastic surgeons are proud to offer IV therapy among a full selection of post-op treatments. IV therapy is a great option for the treatment of many cosmetic and medical concerns, and our impeccably trained staff can pair you with the ideal IV infusion protocol for your unique needs. Contact the office of Dr. Jason Emer today to schedule your initial consultation, or ask about this treatment during your next visit.