Conveniently located to serve Beverly Hills,  Hollywood,  Los Angeles,  NYC, and  Miami.

While some moles are painless and invisible to the public, these dark-colored growths on the skin can be painful, bothersome, or simply unattractive depending on their size, color and location. When a mole compromises a patient’s health, confidence, or quality of life, board-certified dermatologist Dr. Jason Emer often recommends mole removal. He provides advanced mole removal treatments at his Beverly Hills medical practice.

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What Does Mole Removal Involve?

The first step of the mole removal process is a consultation with Dr. Emer in West Hollywood. During your confidential consultation, Dr. Emer will examine your mole and provide the best options for its removal. When determining your ideal treatment approach, Dr. Emer will consider your overall aesthetic goals and personal preferences in terms of the modalities utilized.

In most cases, Dr. Emer can remove moles painlessly in a 5-minute procedure. First, he uses a precision microblade to “shave” or remove the surface of the mole. Dr. Emer then uses laser treatments or electrosurgery to smooth the edges of the scar and prevent recurrence of the mole. If necessary for optimal results, Dr. Emer may use a YAG tattoo laser to address deep, residual pigmentation that remains once the mole has been removed.

What Is a Mole?

A mole, or nevus, is a common type of skin growth. Most people have several moles. Moles can be brown, flesh-toned, pink, or red. Moles are typically classified into one of the following three categories:


Atypical mole

Atypical moles have irregular shapes and tend to be larger than congenital and acquired moles. Atypical moles have a higher risk of becoming cancerous.


Congenital moles

If a mole is present at the time of a patient’s birth, it is considered a congenital mole. Most congenital moles are flat, and they typically do not become cancerous.


Acquired moles

Moles that develop over the course of a patient’s life are called acquired moles. Sun damage is a common cause of acquired moles, which are round and can grow darker over time.

The Dr. Emer Difference

How Does Dr. Emer Do Mole Removal Differently?

Dr. Emer is considered a respected medical professional as well as an artist by his peers in the aesthetics and skin care field. He is world-renowned for achieving incredibly aesthetic results with his innovative, patient-tailored treatments. His advanced technique and attention to detail allow him to provide precise, targeted treatments to resolve your skin concerns and enhance your complexion.

Right for you?

Am I a Good Candidate for Mole Removal?

If you are concerned about a mole’s appearance or that it may be cancerous, mole removal can provide valuable peace of mind and increased confidence. It can also provide relief from any irritation the mole may cause as it rubs against the skin, jewelry, or clothing.

Candidates should be healthy, both emotionally and physically, with no major medical conditions that might interfere with their treatment or recovery. They should also be realistic in their expectations for their results, understanding that improvement—not perfection—is the most likely outcome for any cosmetic procedure.


Procedure Details

When you trust your skin to leading cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Emer, you can trust that you will love the results of your mole removal procedure. Dr. Emer’s unparalleled skill and artistry allow his mole removal patients to enjoy many benefits, including:

  • Minimally invasive, non-surgical procedure
  • No downtime
  • No incisions
  • Highly precise and accurate treatment
  • Healthy surrounding skin cells preserved
  • No scarring
  • Improved self-confidence


In many cases, moles do not pose a risk to one’s health. However, some moles can become cancerous. A mole should be examined by a physician with a dermoscope if:


The mole is asymmetrical


The mole has uneven borders


The mole is several different colors


The mole is larger than 6 millimeters


The mole changes in any way over time

before & after




What to Expect After a Mole Removal Treatment

Following the procedure, Dr. Emer will craft an at-home skin care protocol tailored specifically to your skin to accelerate healing and promote optimal results. Post-treatment skin care typically involves a silicone-based scar gel infused with the patient’s own growth factors. In most cases, skin care treatments are applied regularly for several weeks after mole removal to promote and accelerate skin healing.

How Much Does Mole Removal Cost?

The price of mole removal depends on the complexity of your procedure. After evaluating your mole(s), Dr. Emer will discuss your treatment options with you and provide detailed information about the associated costs.

Schedule a Consultation

If you are interested in removing unwanted moles and would like to schedule an appointment with skin care expert and cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Jason Emer, contact our West Hollywood office to book your consultation. We look forward to meeting you and helping you achieve your most radiant, clear complexion.