Conveniently located to serve Beverly Hills,  Hollywood,  Los Angeles,  NYC, and  Miami.

You can’t travel back in time and stop yourself from getting a tattoo you no longer want, but you can visit Dr. Jason Emer’s West Hollywood medical practice to have your tattoo removed. Dr. Emer is a renowned expert in the field of cosmetic dermatology who provides advanced laser tattoo removal treatments. Patients from around the world have experienced successful tattoo removal with Dr. Emer’s precision technique.

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A tattoo is a long-lasting insertion of ink beneath the skin, so reversing this procedure is a challenge. Tattoo removal requires an intensive treatment plan involving specialized lasers—such as the TattooStar Q-Switched laser. This high-energy device emits ultra-short pulses that “attack” the skin pigmentation and aid in the removal of tattoos and pigmented lesions.

A series of six or more treatment sessions may be needed to remove a small, simple tattoo. The larger, more complex, and more colorful the tattoo, the longer it will take to remove.


Dr. Jason Emer is a renowned expert and visionary in the field of laser dermatology. Patients from around the world have experienced successful tattoo removal with Dr. Emer’s precision technique.

video cover of Dr. Emer performing a tattoo removal procedure on a patient with dark tattooed eyebrows

Right for you?

Am I a Good Candidate for Tattoo Removal?

Thanks to today’s advanced, cutting-edge laser technology, many tattoos can be safely and effectively removed. Dr. Emer can treat tattoos of all ink types, sizes, and ages.

The patient’s skin tone also plays a role in how much improvement is possible with laser tattoo removal. Dr. Emer’s skill and knowledge when it comes to cosmetic laser devices allows him to perform laser treatments on patients of all skin colors. However, those with lighter skin will find the laser tattoo removal process a bit faster and easier because of the greater contrast between ink and skin.

Candidates must have realistic expectations for laser tattoo removal. Patients should understand that laser tattoo removal may not completely erase some tattoos and can potentially lighten the treated skin.

The better your health and immune system, the better your tattoo removal process will go. Non-smoking patients who eat a healthy diet and get ample exercise will have the best results from their tattoo removal experience.

Procedure Details

How Does Laser Tattoo Removal Work?

Laser tattoo removal is conducted with lasers that produce pulses of light energy that penetrate the skin. The light energy breaks the tattoo pigment into tiny pieces. The body’s immune system can then excrete the fragments through its natural processes.

before & after



He’s super nice, felt so comfortable talking with him regarding my concerns. He made it really easy to discuss everything. His staff is friendly, helpful & knowledgeable. I had a great experience overall. His office is minimalistic which I love and very organized. – LG

Jason Emer is the best in LA. He really lives up to his name and social media presence. He has been my skincare provider for a few years now. I originally was referred to him by a well respected nurse in the industry because he is the best of the best. Over all it’s always a positive experience in a welcoming cleanly environment with highly educated and helpful staff. – SM

#1 Doctor in LA hands down! Everyone in the office was so accommodating to my needs. Brittany explained the entire process and my treatment plan to me in a way that I could understand. I am so pleased with my laser of clear and brilliant and I can’t wait to continue my progress! – PC


What to Expect During a Laser Tattoo Removal Treatment

Dr. Emer will perform your procedure at his state-of-the-art West Hollywood medical practice. He provides several options for keeping patients comfortable during the laser treatment. Nerve blocks, numbing creams, and sedation are all effective methods of minimizing discomfort during this procedure.

Dr. Emer will guide the laser device across the tattoo surface until the area has been completely treated. The length of the procedure will depend on the size of your tattoo. Small tattoos may require only a few minutes of laser treatment per session.

What to Expect After Laser Tattoo Removal

Laser tattoo removal requires minimal downtime. It is important to adhere to Dr. Emer’s post-treatment instructions in order to get the most out of each treatment session and encourage optimal results.
In general, the area should not be exposed to sunlight or submerged in water for a period of two weeks after treatment.

Additionally, situations or activities that cause sweating should be avoided for the first few days after the laser treatment.

Swelling, scabbing, discoloration, and peeling can occur as part of the healing process. If needed, Dr. Emer can provide recommendations for easing discomfort and supporting healing.

Laser Tattoo Removal Results

Since they are meant to be permanent, there is no quick fix for removing tattoos. Patients should expect gradual improvements over multiple laser treatment sessions.

Laser tattoo removal treatments should be spaced several weeks apart, depending on how quickly the patient’s body processes the treated pigment. The total treatment time needed to arrive at your final results could range from several weeks to several months.

Results from laser tattoo removal vary based on many factors, including:

Skin tone

Dr. Emer can safely perform laser tattoo removal for patients of all skin tones. However, contrast is key for optimal laser tattoo removal results. Patients with dark ink and light skin will see the most dramatic improvements.


Light blue and green are the most challenging colors to remove. Brown, black, and dark blue are some of the easiest colors to remove.


The newer the tattoo, the more vibrant the color and the more sessions will be needed. In contrast, the ink in older tattoos will have already started to fade, so aged tattoos can be easier to erase.


  • Helps to correct a mistake made in one’s youth
  • Reverses a decision you may regret for any reason
  • Creates a more professional look for certain fields
  • Perfect for all skin types
  • No scarring – healthy skin cells are preserved
  • Safe and effective for diminishing tattoo ink
  • Brief recovery period of a few days
  • Can remove entire tattoos or partial tattoos
  • Ideal for removing all colors of ink as well as black ink
  • Minor discomfort
  • Short treatment time
  • Works long term

Laser Tattoo Removal: The Dr. Emer Difference

Dr. Emer helps his patients reduce the number of treatment sessions needed by incorporating Perfluorodecalin (PFD) patches into the laser procedure. The PFD patch absorbs a portion of the light energy emitted by the laser, which means Dr. Emer can perform up to four more passes with the laser in each treatment session. With the PFD patch, patients can achieve quicker results in fewer sessions.

The First


From Cosmetic Dermatologist Dr. Jason Emer

Recommended by Sciton and on ABC’s LOCALish as the perfect treatment before and after laser and light therapies to maximize results.

How Much Does Laser Tattoo Removal Cost?

Laser tattoo removal pricing is determined by the size, age, and location of the tattoo. The number of treatment sessions required to achieve your desired outcome will also affect the cost of laser tattoo removal.

Schedule a Consultation for Laser Tattoo Removal in Beverly Hills

Whether an unwanted tattoo is stopping you from making a career change, letting go of the past, or wearing the clothes you want to wear, tattoo removal can help. For the best laser tattoo removal in Beverly Hills, contact our office to schedule a consultation with Dr. Emer.