Conveniently located to serve Beverly Hills,  Hollywood,  Los Angeles,  NYC, and  Miami.

Once a complicated surgical procedure involving long incisions and vein removal, vein treatments are now possible with minimally invasive procedures. In Beverly Hills, board-certified dermatologist and aesthetics expert Dr. Jason Emer provides sclerotherapy, laser treatments, and other solutions for improving the appearance of damaged veins, including varicose, spider, and reticular veins.

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Dr. Jason Emer is a board-certified cosmetic dermatologist and pioneer in the world of aesthetic procedures. He specializes in a variety of cosmetic and dermatological treatments, using state of the art technology and innovative, groundbreaking solutions to help patients reach their beauty goals. Patients from all over seek his dermatological expertise and services to treat symptoms like spider veins.


Dr. Emer has found that sclerotherapy and laser vein treatments can achieve significant improvements in the appearance of broken veins. For optimal results, he may include companion proceduresz in your treatment plan to promote healing and aid in preventing venous conditions.

The ideal vein treatment for you will depend on your skin type, skin tone, and the location and condition of the damaged veins. To determine the best approach for achieving your aesthetic goals, Dr. Emer will meet with you for a consultation at his medical practice in Beverly Hills.

During this appointment, Dr. Emer will examine your veins, learn about your medical history, and ask you about your desired outcome for vein treatment. He can then create a customized treatment protocol for you. You will receive an outline of your treatment plan that details all the benefits and risks, costs, downtime, and what you can expect from your results.

Right for you?

Am I a Good Candidate for VEIN TREATMENT?

Men and women who are affected by spider veins, varicose veins, and other venous conditions can be good candidates for this treatment. Patients considering vein treatment should be in good general health and have a positive, realistic outlook for their vein therapy results.

Vein treatments are not suitable for all patients. A consultation with a qualified dermatologist like Dr. Emer is necessary to determine your candidacy. Vein treatments are not advised for:

  • Pregnant women
  • Patients with certain health conditions, including skin cancer, herpes, diabetes, and vitiligo
  • Patients who take photosensitizing drugs
  • Patients with tattoos in the targeted treatment area

Sclerotherapy Procedure: What to Expect

For patients looking to reduce the appearance of damaged veins—whether for cosmetic reasons or to quell pain and discomfort—sclerotherapy is a safe, effective treatment with minimal post-procedure downtime. Sclerotherapy can reduce the appearance of spider veins, varicose veins, and reticular veins that occur throughout the body. Dr. Emer can also perform sclerotherapy to treat spider veins on the face.

Using a polarized, infrared light, Dr. Emer first inspects the blood vessels through the skin so that he can target specific veins without disrupting the surrounding tissues. He then injects small amounts of a sclerosing solution directly into each damaged vein. Injections are performed in multiple areas of the vein to ensure optimal results.

The sclerosing solution causes the walls of the vein to collapse and stick together. As a result, blood will no longer flow through or pool in the treated vein. Blood can then flow through healthier veins, which means that in addition to improving the appearance of the veins, patients also benefit from improved circulation in the treated area.

Two to three treatment sessions may be needed to comprehensively treat damaged veins with sclerotherapy. After treatment, patients can expect varicose veins to disappear within three to four months of the last sclerotherapy session. Spider veins treated with sclerotherapy can disappear within three to six weeks after the final treatment session.

Sclerotherapy : Leg Vein Treatment : Varicose Veins and Spider Veins video thumbnail
Leg Veins and Blood Vessels : Vascular Laser MeDio Star NeXT : Los Angeles video thumbnail

Laser Vein Treatments: What to Expect

Dr. Emer can safely use cosmetic laser devices to reduce the appearance of damaged blood vessels and restore a more even skin tone. He often recommends laser vein treatments for patients with spider veins, venous lakes, rosacea, port-wine stains, and/or cherry angiomas.

During laser vein treatment, Dr. Emer uses the laser device to deliver a precise amount of light energy to the targeted blood vessels. The light energy heats the vein and creates a seal around the dilated blood vessel, closing it off. Blood is naturally rerouted, and the body will absorb the treated vein over time.

For small veins, results can be immediate. It may take a month or more for varicose veins and large spider veins to disappear. A series of laser vein treatments is often needed to achieve optimal results.

What Venous Conditions Can Dr. Emer Treat?

Dr. Emer’s vein treatments can improve the appearance of many types of damaged blood vessels. He can safely perform vein treatments throughout the body, including on the face, ankles, calves, thighs, and feet, to address the following conditions:

Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are the bulging veins that appear like raised blue or dark purple cords. The legs and feet are most commonly affected by varicose veins.

Varicose veins occur when increased blood pressure in the vein weakens the valve that normally prevents blood from flowing away from the heart. Blood then pools in the vein, and the vein becomes enlarged.

Patients with varicose veins are often self-conscious about the appearance of the damaged veins. Patients may also experience physical discomfort, such as itchiness, discoloration, and pain due to varicose veins.

Sclerotherapy is often the preferred method for treating varicose veins. Dr. Emer also educates patients on how they can prevent the formation of varicose veins. He may recommend lifestyle adjustments, compression garments, or other methods.

Spider Veins

Spider veins are damaged or dilated capillaries near the skin’s surface that resemble spider legs. Spider veins are also referred to as telangiectasias and spider angiomas. Spider veins often develop and appear during childhood and while a woman is pregnant. Depending on the appearance and location of your spider veins, Dr. Emer may recommend sclerotherapy or laser treatment with Aerolase Neo, VBeam, or other advanced laser systems.

Reticular Veins

Reticular veins are less common than spider and varicose veins and are only about 2 mm in diameter. Like spider veins, reticular veins do not protrude above the skin, but they can appear in clusters on the thighs, legs, ankles, and face. Sclerotherapy is often the ideal treatment for reticular veins.

Cherry Angiomas

Angiomas are non-cancerous skin growths that are made of small blood vessels. Cherry angiomas, which can look like reddish moles, are one of the most common types of angioma.

Dr. Emer often employs VBeam or Excel V laser treatments to address cherry angiomas. At-home treatments with ISDIN body lotion can then be used for prevention.

Venous Lakes

This type of vascular dilatation appears as purple or dark-blue papules. Venous lakes typically develop in areas that are frequently exposed to the sun, including on the lips, face, neck, ears, and backs of the hands.

These soft and compressible bumps most often are benign and do not cause physical discomfort. However, due to their tendency to appear on our highest visibility features like the lips, many patients choose to seek treatment in order to achieve cosmetic improvements.

Dr. Emer can treat venous lakes with laser devices. He also recommends keeping skin hydrated to prevent venous lakes and can develop a personalized skincare protocol to support your healthiest, clearest complexion.


Poikiloderma is caused by long-term sun exposure and is characterized by patches of brownish-red discoloration. Fair-skinned adults are more likely to develop poikiloderma than those with darker skin tones. The upper chest, cheeks, and neck are most frequently affected by poikiloderma.

Dr. Emer employs an advanced combination approach for treating this complex condition. Using non-ablative lasers, vascular lasers, radiofrequency devices like Fraxel or Venus Viva, and PRP treatments, Dr. Emer can target hyperpigmentation to achieve a more even skin tone. This treatment approach also promotes healing, supports healthy cellular function, and stimulates collagen production to significantly improve the appearance of skin affected by poikiloderma.


Rosacea is a condition that causes chronic redness of the face due to broken blood vessels. Patients with rosacea may also experience skin sensitivity, tenderness, and pus-filled bumps in the affected area. Exercise, sun and wind exposure, eating spicy foods, drinking alcoholic beverages, and certain medications can intensify rosacea symptoms.
Dr. Emer’s approach to treating rosacea often includes treatment with one or more laser devices. He has found that non-ablative lasers like Clear+Brilliant can help reduce inflammation caused by rosacea. Dr. Emer also uses vascular lasers like Excel V, which are designed to target the blood vessels of the skin.
To extend and enhance the improvements achieved with laser treatments, Dr. Emer may recommend at-home light therapy. He will also create a patient-tailored skincare regimen to support clear, healthy skin.



I first went for a consultation with Jason Emer in March 2016 as I had just moved to Los Angeles. Since then I’ve trusted him to help treat my life long issue of rosacea. He has succeeded were other doctors have not. My skin is now flawless, with the help of Jason, the sensational Jennifer and his incredible team (especially Michelle and Jonathan). I love going in to the offices as the team are warm and friendly. Last week I discovered that Dr Emer could treat the veins on my eyelids, not something others would have noticed, but for me I saw them every time I looked in the mirror. One session of yellow laser and they are GONE. I hadn’t realized the impact this simple procedure would have on my self confidence. I believe that if you go to see Jason it could change you in ways that are so much deeper than cosmetic enhancements.

– NM

Found Dr. Jason Emer on Instagram and started following his videos and posts. His knowledge is so helpful and he responds to your questions quickly. His suggestions for products and advice has made a difference in my skin care . Thanks Dr. Emer for taking the time with me and sharing your personal experiences with me. I turned 54 this month and feel great!

– T

I’ve been seeing Dr. Emer for 4 years now for all my skin, body and face care procedures to keep that youthful glow and toned skin both for the face and bod! He is very innovative with his treatments and often combines treatments to give me the best results…

– P

What Are the Benefits of Vein Treatment by Dr. Emer?

Dr. Emer’s minimally invasive vein treatments have helped many patients in Beverly Hills reclaim their confidence and live more comfortably. Benefits of vein treatment can include:

  • Greater comfort in showing off one’s body
  • Reduction in the appearance of embarrassing veins
  • A more diverse wardrobe is finally possible
  • More confidence and self-esteem
  • Relief from discomfort and pain
  • No more need for compression garments
  • Reduced swelling in the legs
  • Increased mobility and energy
  • Improvement in circulation
  • Little to no downtime
  • Long-lasting results

Vein Treatment: The Dr. Emer Difference

Dr. Emer is a board-certified cosmetic dermatologist and a pioneer in the field of aesthetics and skincare. He specializes in a variety of cosmetic and dermatological treatments, using state-of-the-art technology and advanced techniques to provide innovative, groundbreaking solutions. Patients from all over the world seek his dermatological expertise and services to treat bothersome conditions like spider veins and varicose veins.


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Acne Scar Treatments, Cosmetic Dermatologist Dr. Jason Emer

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From Cosmetic Dermatologist Dr. Jason Emer

Recommended by Sciton and on ABC’s LOCALish as the perfect treatment before and after laser and light therapies to maximize results.

How Much Does Vein Treatment Cost?

The cost of vein treatment varies based on the specific procedures performed, the number of veins treated, and the number of treatment sessions needed to achieve your desired results. Pricing details will be provided once Dr. Emer has developed your vein treatment protocol.

Schedule a Consultation for Vein Treatment in Beverly Hills

If you are troubled by the appearance of broken veins, vein treatment by Dr. Emer could be instrumental in helping you to regain your confidence and quality of life. Contact our West Hollywood office today to schedule a consultation and find out if Dr. Emer’s minimally invasive vein treatments are the solution you’ve been waiting for.