Post-Op Muscle Toning

Conveniently located to serve Beverly Hills,  Hollywood,  Los Angeles,  NYC, and  Miami.

At the medical practice of Dr. Jason Emer in NYC, post-op muscle toning treatments are incorporated into many of our patients’ surgical aftercare plans. Non-invasive muscle stimulation with truSculpt® flex or BodyTone helps our patients preserve muscular strength and definition during the period of limited physical activity required as part of cosmetic surgery recovery.

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How Do Post-Op Muscle Toning Treatments Support Optimal Cosmetic Surgery Outcomes?

Proper post-op healing necessitates that you get adequate rest, take care to avoid stretching and straining the surgical sites, and refrain from rigorous exertion. It is absolutely crucial that patients follow our surgical aftercare directives regarding suitable activities at safe levels of intensity at each stage of the healing process. Doing so reduces the likelihood of complications and ensures optimal aesthetic improvements.

Depending on the extent of your cosmetic procedure, you may need to take a several-week hiatus from your normal fitness routine. Due to this period of minimal activity, the muscles you’re resting can atrophy (degenerate and shrink from lack of use).

This loss of muscle mass and strength poses fitness and cosmetic concerns that can cause patients to become impatient about getting back to the gym, court, field, or trail. Fortunately, including muscle toning treatments in our patients’ surgical aftercare protocols can prevent these undesirable effects of an appropriate, restful cosmetic surgery recovery.

At our NYC practice, truSculpt® flex and BodyTone are our go-to post-op muscle toning devices to help patients maintain their athletic physique without putting themselves at increased risk for complications or compromising their results.

trusculpt procedure

Right for you?

Which Treatment is Right for Your Surgical Aftercare Needs?

BodyTone and truSculpt® flex are both effective options for toning and developing muscles in the following areas of the body during cosmetic surgery recovery:





The truSculpt® flex device is also designed to tone the flanks, lower back, and hamstrings.

Procedure Details

How Do truSculpt® flex and BodyTone Work?

The truSculpt® flex and BodyTone devices have multiple applicators that are placed on the skin over the targeted muscle group. These applicators emit bio-electric energy pulses in a waveform pattern to trigger deep and intense muscle contractions.

Just as a gym trainer would advise you to do twisting exercises for your abdominals, for instance, rather than just crunches, the contractions initiated by these muscle sculpting devices are complex and target the muscle in multiple ways for comprehensive training. Other muscle toning devices often only use electromagnetic energy for simple contractions (like the crunch) but don’t provide the precision and range of the truSculpt® flex and BodyTone machines.

Our post-op muscle toning devices have three modes: Warmup, Muscle Toning, and Workout for BodyTone and Prep, Tone, and Sculpt for truSculpt® flex. This way, the muscles can safely progress through your customized training protocol, and you can achieve maximum benefit from each session.

bodytone procedure

Procedure Details

What to Expect During a Post-Op Muscle Toning Session

To begin your post-op muscle toning session, one of our highly trained technicians will place the applicators over the targeted muscles, as directed by your surgeon. During a BodyTone session, the applicators are held on the body with Velcro straps. For a truSculpt® flex session, the applicators are held on the body with a thin plastic material.

Treatments begin with Warmup or Prep mode for a few minutes so you can familiarize yourself with the feeling of the bio-electrical muscle movements and contractions. When you are ready, we can move into the second and third modes for maximal muscle activation.

If at any time these energy wave movements become too intense, your technician will be standing by to level down the device as needed. A BodyTone session takes about 30 minutes, while a truSculpt® flex session is preprogrammed for 45 minutes.

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What to Expect After a Post-Op Muscle Toning Session

After your session is complete, you can head home immediately and continue carefully following your surgeon’s procedural recovery instructions. Patients who adhere to their recommended muscle toning schedule as they recover can avoid setbacks in reaching their strength and fitness-related goals despite significant time away from the gym.

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Will I Need Additional Surgical Aftercare Treatments?

When it comes to surgical aftercare, Dr. Emer instills an all-of-the-above philosophy that his entire medical staff takes to heart. To that end, your surgeon will likely recommend a comprehensive post-operative approach. Some of our other surgical aftercare services are:

Lymphatic massage

This gentle, therapeutic massage technique promotes proper lymphatic fluid movement to facilitate detoxification, reduce swelling, and enhance your final cosmetic surgery outcome.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT)

Increasing the amount of oxygen in the bloodstream helps to ensure the body has the fuel it needs to maintain an optimal rate of tissue repair and regeneration, which is why HBOT is integral to surgical aftercare. With this treatment, you will breathe naturally to inhale pure oxygen while you rest in a pressurized chamber.

Hormone peptide therapy

Supplementing the body’s natural supply of specific peptides involved with wound-healing processes can support accelerated tissue repair, reduce inflammation, and minimize post-op discomfort. Hormone peptide therapy can be delivered as injections, capsules, sprays, or creams.

IV vitamin hydration therapy

IV infusions are ideal for rehydrating the body and replenishing vitamins and nutrients depleted during surgery. We provide customized IV cocktails as well as proprietary IV infusions to address a range of treatment goals. NAD IV therapy and our exclusive Primetime IV infusion are two excellent options for patients recovering from cosmetic surgery.

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Can These Treatments Be Used Outside of Surgical Aftercare?

Absolutely. Each of the surgical aftercare treatments described above has multiple applications. For example, hormone peptide therapy can be tailored to support patients’ anti-aging, sexual wellness, stress reduction, and fitness goals, and IV therapy is often used to promote general wellness, detoxify the body, and improve athletic performance.

In terms of muscle toning treatments, many patients take advantage of truSculpt® flex or BodyTone as standalone treatments to boost their progress in the gym and/or tone and contour the abs, legs, and other muscle groups. BodyTone and truSculpt® flex are also frequently used in combination with non-surgical fat reduction treatments like Kybella and BTL Vanquish ME and/or skin tightening with BTL Exilis Ultra or Venus Legacy.

How Much Does Post-Op Muscle Toning Cost?

The cost of post-op muscle toning treatments like truSculpt® flex and BodyTone is typically calculated as part of your overall surgical plan. The number of treatment areas and total number of sessions performed will affect the exact price.

Contact Us to Learn More About Post-Op Muscle Toning in NYC

If you have an upcoming surgical procedure at our practice or under the care of another provider in NYC, reach out to our office today. A member of our knowledgeable, caring team will be happy to speak with you about how this non-invasive, no-downtime aftercare treatment works to preserve muscular definition and promote muscle growth as you recover from surgery.

We can also assist you in scheduling a consultation, so Dr. Emer or one of our board-certified plastic surgeons can create a comprehensive surgical aftercare treatment plan specifically tailored to your needs.