Chemical Peels

Conveniently located to serve Beverly Hills,  Hollywood,  Los Angeles,  NYC, and  Miami.

Chemical peels are one of the most popular skin treatments at the Beverly Hills medical practice of Dr. Jason Emer. Dr. Emer is a board-certified dermatologist and a skin rejuvenation expert who has earned international acclaim for his proprietary combination treatments for anti-aging, acne, hyperpigmentation, and many other skin concerns.

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A chemical peel involves the application of a customized chemical solution to the skin to prompt a gradual peel of the treatment area. Once the treated skin has peeled away, new, smoother skin is revealed to restore a more youthful complexion.

Chemical peels are most often performed on the face. Skin on the backs of the hands, the chest, and the neck can also be rejuvenated with chemical peels.

Dr. Emer uses an assortment of peels to address several chronic skin conditions. Melasma, hyperpigmentation, acne scars, sun damage, and fine lines and wrinkles can all be improved with chemical peel treatments. Chemical peels are an excellent means of preparing the skin for laser resurfacing treatments and improving the outcome and viability of those procedures as well.

Right for you?

Am I a Good Candidate for Chemical Peels?

Adults of all ages and skin types can be good candidates for this non-surgical skin rejuvenation treatment. Dr. Jason Emer customizes chemical peel treatments to best serve the needs of each unique patient.

Whether you are suffering from acne scarring, signs of aging, sun damage, melasma, or just want to improve the look and feel of your skin, Dr. Emer’s chemical peels are often the perfect solution for your skincare needs. In your initial consultation, Dr. Emer will speak with you about your aesthetic goals and will evaluate your skin to determine the best treatment approach for you.

Dr. Emer will also ask you about any medications you take or use topically. Patients taking certain medications may be better candidates for alternative skin rejuvenation methods.

What Is the Best Chemical Peel for Me?

Procedure Details

Dr. Emer offers three types of chemical peels that differ in terms of the depth of exfoliation, type of chemical solution used, and the strength of the chemical solution. Based on your skin type, skin tone, and overall aesthetic goals, Dr. Emer will recommend a superficial, medium, or deep chemical peel:

Superficial peels: A mild chemical peel may include alpha-hydroxy acid or salicylic acid that gently removes the outermost damaged layer of skin. Rough skin can be beautifully softened, and active acne can be treated with light peels.

Medium peels: Glycolic acid or trichloroacetic acid is used during a medium peel to remove the outermost layers of skin as well as slightly deeper layers. A medium chemical peel can be perfect for addressing age spots, acne scars, sun damage, wrinkles, and poor skin tone.

Deep peels: A deep chemical peel makes use of phenol-based solutions to remove multiple damaged layers of skin. A deep peel can do wonders for improving the appearance of facial scarring, as well as wrinkles, folds, creases, fine lines, furrows, and mild skin laxity.

before & after



Dr. Emer is an amazing dermatologist. I found him when I first moved to LA 2.5 years ago and have been seeing him regularly ever since. I always has great recommendations and makes my skin look amazing! I completely trust him. His skin also always looks amazing and I think it’s important for a skin doctor to look the part himself. He has also provided me with a great referral for another doctor who was also excellent!

– Ana D

I have been a patient of Dr. Emer for years, the office has just recently been remodeled and it’s incredible. The staff is always so attentive! Dr. Emer truly cares about his patients and their happiness. He would rather see them happy with their results than the money. There has also been an update with staff, they’re hard working, caring, and amazing. Highly recommend coming in. I just recently came in for a facial and it was amazing. The team was so friendly and walked me through all the steps. My face has had incredible improvement. I was also able to pick up some amazing skin care products that have been clearing up my skin.

– Joseph B.

I came to see Dr. Emer again, but this time for a chemical peel. Again, the experience at Dr. Emer’s office was great. It’s now been about 3 weeks since my peel and my face/skin looks amazing. I’ve gotten so many compliments on how great my skin looks and I owe it all go Dr. Emer and his team! Thanks guys!

– Andrew T.


What to Expect During a Chemical Peel

Dr. Emer provides chemical peels in-office at his West Hollywood medical practice. Most chemical peels can be performed in 30-90 minutes. The specific details of your procedure will depend on the type of peel and the location of the treatment area.


In all cases, a cleanser will be used to prepare the treatment area for the peel. Depending on the type of chemical peel being applied, a topical or local anesthetic will be administered to ensure that you are comfortable during the procedure. Deep chemical peels also require that you are sedated for the duration of the treatment.


The next step is to apply the chemical formula. The chemical solution will be applied using a cotton ball, brush, sponge, or gauze, based on the type of peel being performed. Deep chemical peels are applied in 15-minute increments to ensure a safe level of exposure to the formula.


Dr. Emer will leave the chemical formula on the skin for a few minutes or a longer duration, as needed to achieve your desired outcome. The chemical solution will cause the treated skin to turn white. Some patients experience a stinging, itching, or burning sensation during the procedure.


At Dr. Emer’s expert discretion, the chemical formula will be removed or neutralized with cold water compresses. He will then review your aftercare instructions with you.

Chemical Peel Results

As the skin heals, you will gradually see a fresh, healthier complexion. Ongoing improvements can be expected over time as a result of increased collagen production.

The results of a deep chemical peel can last as long as a decade. Light and medium peels will require periodic retreatment to maintain your smoother, firmer, and more youthful complexion.

What Are the Benefits of a Chemical Peel?

Whether you choose a regular schedule of light or medium peels or a one-time skin transformation with a deep chemical peel, you can expect to enjoy multiple positive effects. Benefits of chemical peels can include:

  • Combats several different skin conditions simultaneously
  • Personalized for your skin, budget, and comfort level
  • Helps reverse the signs of aging
  • Stimulates collagen production
  • Minimizes acne scarring
  • Exfoliates dead skin cells
  • Clears pores for healthier skin
  • Promotes optimal skin cell turnover
  • Boosts self-image
  • Brightens the complexion
  • Fights melasma and hyperpigmentation
  • Results after just one session
    Helps offset sun damage and other environmental damage

How Does Dr. Emer Do Chemical Peels Differently?

While chemical peels are effective as a stand-alone treatment, Dr. Emer capitalizes on the benefits of this proven modality by combining it with complementary cosmetic procedures. The advantage of consulting with a cosmetic dermatologist, such as Dr. Jason Emer in Beverly Hills, is ensuring that your skin type, your history of skin treatments, the overall condition of your skin, and your ultimate aesthetic goals are all taken into consideration when determining the best chemical peel (as well as the ideal strength and combination of ingredients) to meet your unique needs.

What to Expect After a Chemical Peel

The amount of downtime after a chemical peel depends on the type of peel that was performed. Regardless of the specific peel you received, it is vital that you adhere to Dr. Emer’s post-treatment instructions.

Dr. Emer will provide personalized aftercare instructions regarding appropriate cleansing and moisturizing products you can use to support healing. Sun exposure can compromise your results, so be sure to check with Dr. Emer before spending time outdoors.

Superficial chemical peel recovery

Patients typically recover from a light chemical peel within a week of treatment. Redness and skin sensitivity can occur, and light peels can cause the skin to temporarily appear lighter or darker. A series of superficial chemical peels may be needed to achieve optimal results.

Medium chemical peel recovery

The initial recovery period after a medium peel is typically seven to 10 days. Swelling and redness can be expected. A crust will form, and the treated skin will flake away as the healing process progresses. It can take a month or more for redness and flaking to subside completely.

Deep chemical peel recovery

The most aggressive type of peel, deep chemical peels require more extensive downtime. Considerable swelling, redness, and discomfort can be expected during the initial stage of healing. Redness, cysts, and/or white spots can persist for a month or more. While there is more downtime and discomfort with deep chemical peels, transformative results can be achieved with just one treatment.

How Much Does a Chemical Peel Cost?

The cost of your chemical peel treatment will depend on the specific details of your procedure. The size of the treatment area and the type of peel will impact pricing.

Schedule a Consultation

Under Dr. Emer’s care, countless patients in Beverly Hills have enjoyed dramatic improvements in skin tone and texture with chemical peel treatments. Contact our office today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Emer and learn more about how chemical peels can help you achieve a lustrous, healthy complexion.

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