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With cosmetic sleeve surgery in Beverly Hills, patients can drop stubborn pounds to improve their appearance and their health. Acclaimed body sculptor Dr. Jason Emer sees many patients who desire a slimmer, more sculpted figure but who are not ideal candidates for non-surgical or surgical body contouring due to excess weight.

In such cases, Dr. Emer often enlists the expertise of board-certified bariatric surgeon Dr. Michael Feiz. Dr. Feiz is a renowned provider of weight loss surgery, including cosmetic sleeve surgery. He has helped countless women and men achieve their weight loss goals with this procedure.

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Cosmetic sleeve surgery is Dr. Feiz’s signature procedure for patients seeking a minimally invasive weight loss surgery. This bariatric surgery can be an excellent treatment option for overweight men and women who have a lower body mass index (BMI) of 30-35, as well as for patients for whom weight loss surgery is considered medically necessary.

Gastric sleeve surgery, or sleeve gastrectomy, involves reducing the size of the stomach. Up to 85% of the stomach can be removed with this weight loss surgery, so patients feel full faster and for a longer period of time.

After sleeve gastrectomy, patients have fewer hunger pangs, eat less frequently, and consume smaller amounts of food, leading to weight loss and allowing for successful, long-term weight management. If necessary for an optimal outcome, Dr. Feiz can perform hiatal hernia repair surgery during cosmetic sleeve surgery to provide relief from heartburn.

Like traditional lap-band surgery or full gastric bypass surgery, cosmetic sleeve surgery can significantly reduce a patient’s risk for potentially life-threatening medical conditions like type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, and hypertension. Sleeve gastrectomy has the added advantage of smaller, less noticeable incisions and a shorter recovery period when performed by Dr. Feiz using a needlescopic technique.

female with sculpted legs

Right for you?

Am I a Candidate for Cosmetic Sleeve Surgery?

A common misconception about bariatric, or weight loss, surgery is that it is only appropriate as a last resort and/or for patients who are obese. In fact, weight reduction surgery is a viable, and often ideal, solution for patients with lower and higher BMI’s who have earnestly pursued weight loss through diet and exercise with little-to-no effect.

You may be a candidate for the Cosmetic Sleeve if you:

  • Are free of medical conditions that impair the body’s healing response.
  • Have historically struggled to lose weight and/or maintain your ideal weight after weight loss.
  • Are overweight but do not have a high enough BMI to make gastric surgery medically necessary.
  • Have realistic expectations for the outcome of cosmetic sleeve surgery.
  • Would like to lose 20 pounds or more.
  • Are committed to practicing healthy eating and exercise habits.
  • Have been told you cannot achieve a successful outcome with cosmetic body contouring until you reduce your weight.

This procedure may or may not be a suitable option for patients who have previously had bariatric surgery. Dr. Feiz will need to review your medical history, prior surgical records, and a list of medications you currently take, in order to determine your eligibility for cosmetic sleeve surgery.

female with sculpted legs

How to Prepare for Cosmetic Sleeve Surgery

Based on the information Dr. Feiz gathers during your initial consultation, your preparation instructions may include one or more medical evaluations. Such screening tests are intended to verify that you can safely undergo the procedure.

It is important that you stop smoking and drinking alcohol several weeks before your cosmetic sleeve surgery. If necessary, Dr. Feiz can provide recommendations and resources to assist with the cessation of excessive use of tobacco or alcohol.

In some cases, patients must adopt a special pre-bariatric diet for a few weeks prior to cosmetic sleeve gastrectomy. Closely following your pre-surgery dietary guidelines will help to decrease abdominal fat, which minimizes the risk of complications.

Your pre-op instructions will also cover how to plan for the smoothest, most comfortable recovery possible. Key aspects of this part of the preparation process include:

  • Arranging for someone to transport you home after your procedure
  • Stocking your kitchen with foods Dr.
  • Feiz has approved for your post-op diet
  • Coordinating with your employer for time off

It is also advantageous to establish proper diet and exercise habits before your surgery. Doing so increases the likelihood that you will enjoy long-lasting improvements to your health and appearance.


The total surgery time for needlescopic sleeve gastrectomy averages between 75-90 minutes. After you arrive for your procedure, Dr. Feiz will meet with you to answer any final questions you have about the surgery.

Anesthesia will be administered, so you will remain comfortable throughout the operation. Small, discreet incisions will be made, so Dr. Feiz can insert a specialized tube which contains all of the surgical instruments he needs to perform the Cosmetic Sleeve.

Dr. Feiz can then remove a portion of the stomach, including the area responsible for signaling hunger. Dr. Feiz will then reshape the remainder of the stomach to form a sleeve. The sleeve will be about the size of a banana, and it will be positioned vertically for maximum improvements in your body’s ability to regulate your appetite.

Once this process is complete, the surgical instruments can be collapsed back into the tube. The tube can then be removed.

What to Expect During Your Recovery

Plan for 7-10 days of downtime after cosmetic sleeve surgery. Post-op discomfort typically subsides greatly after three days or so, but it is best not to rush your return to your full routine.

In fact, you will need to restrict your activities, as directed, to allow for proper healing. Over the first four to six weeks of your recovery, you will be limited to gentle physical activity, such as light walking. High intensity cardio and heavy weight lifting can be reintroduced after about six weeks, or as recommended by Dr. Feiz.

You will need to follow a specific post-op diet which will be created for you based on your needs and goals. In many cases, patients are instructed to restrict their diet to liquids for about a week after cosmetic sleeve surgery. As healing progresses and your normal digestive processes are re-established, you will be guided through a safe transition from liquids to pureed foods and eventually to solid foods.

You will be instructed not to smoke or consume alcoholic beverages and/or caffeinated drinks for a month or more following your cosmetic sleeve surgery in Beverly Hills. It is also important that you do not take any supplements or medications unless Dr. Feiz approves them in advance.

Cosmetic Sleeve Surgery Results

Your stomach will be healed from cosmetic gastric sleeve surgery within four to six weeks. Most patients reach their weight loss goals within about six months after recovering from cosmetic sleeve surgery. Incorporating consistent exercise into your lifestyle will help to accelerate and enhance the results of your weight loss procedure.

Cosmetic sleeve gastrectomy induces rapid and major weight loss, which is frequently associated with moderate to severe cases of loose, excess skin. When a patient’s skin has to stretch to accommodate significant weight gain, it is not likely to retract sufficiently to wrap closely to a thinner, post-weight loss shape.

Excess, hanging skin can cause discomfort, mobility issues, and a poor self-image, preventing you from fully enjoying your healthier, slimmer body. Surgical skin removal is often necessary after major weight loss in order to resolve these issues.

It is also common for patients to have stubborn fat deposits in certain areas of the body that linger after massive weight loss. Liposuction can be performed to permanently remove localized fat deposits, so you can complete your weight loss transformation.

Dr. Emer is an exceptionally skilled provider of liposuction and can provide bulk fat removal or more precise body contouring with this popular cosmetic procedure. Liposuction is commonly performed to get rid of excess fat in the upper arms, back, abdomen, thighs, buttocks, and hips.

Is Cosmetic Sleeve Surgery the Best Bariatric Surgery for Me?

Every patient has different weight loss challenges, medical conditions, and goals, and Dr. Feiz considers these and other factors when determining the best weight loss surgery for a patient. Dr. Feiz is trained and skilled in multiple bariatric surgeries. If you are not a good candidate for cosmetic sleeve gastrectomy, he may recommend:

  • Lap band surgery – Gastric lap band surgery decreases the size of the stomach to help patients lose weight. During this procedure, an inflatable silicone band is placed around the upper stomach.
  • Full gastric bypass surgery – This procedure involves reducing the stomach and small intestine. Surgical staples are used to separate a small portion of the stomach from the greater lower portion. The small intestine is then divided, and one segment of the small intestine is connected to the reduced stomach.

Is There a Non-Surgical Alternative to Cosmetic Sleeve Surgery?

Bariatric surgery is the only way to permanently reduce the size of the stomach and is often the only viable option for patients who are considerably overweight or obese. However, if you have a BMI of 25 or less and your weight loss goals are attainable without the need for bariatric surgery, Dr. Emer offers customized body sculpting treatments that combine non-surgical procedures and various therapies to support weight management, reduce fat, and improve your figure.

Patients whose weight loss goals revolve around reducing persistent, localized fat deposits, such as love handles, may be able to accomplish their desired results with a combination of:

  • Hormonal optimization – Our hormone optimization expert can provide personalized treatments to correct the hormonal imbalances that often factor into a patient’s inability to lose weight. If you chronically do not have the energy to exercise, struggle with appetite regulation, or cannot seem to accomplish any substantial improvements no matter how diligent you are about working out and eating right, suboptimal hormone levels may be the culprit.
  • Hormonal peptide therapy – Patient-tailored, targeted peptide therapy can work to optimize the biological processes that help to keep us looking and feeling our best. Dr. Emer often recommends peptide therapy to support fat reduction, muscle building, and other aspects of weight management.
  • External radiofrequency (RF) – Minor amounts of unwanted fat can be permanently removed with a series of treatments with BTL Vanquish ME or BTL Exilis Ultra. These devices deliver RF heat to destroy fat cells, so the body can process them for natural elimination from the body.
  • BodyTone – Patients can build strength, sculpt the body, and help to optimize their metabolism to support weight management by increasing their muscle mass with BodyTone. This treatment employs bio-electric stimulation to accelerate muscle development.

Our Approach to Providing the Best Cosmetic Sleeve Surgery in Beverly Hills

Unmatched Expertise and Leading-Edge Technique

Safe, successful cosmetic sleeve surgery is only possible when the procedure is performed by a qualified bariatric surgeon. Dr. Feiz’s extensive experience, exceptional skill, and passion for improving the lives of his patients have earned him recognition as a top provider of cosmetic sleeve surgery in Beverly Hills.

Dr. Feiz is one of a select few bariatric surgeons who can perform needlescopic sleeve gastrectomy. His dedication to developing this safer and less invasive approach to gastric sleeve surgery has allowed many men and women to experience the life-changing effects of weight loss surgery without having to put their lives on hold to accommodate extensive recovery times. Patients also love that post-op marks after needlescopic sleeve gastrectomy are limited to four freckle-sized scars.

Comprehensive Care
For many patients, the journey to achieving the slimmer, shapelier body contours they desire may not end when they reach their target weight after cosmetic sleeve surgery. Fortunately, Dr. Emer and his team can help you put the finishing touches on your new figure with exclusive, customized cosmetic treatment solutions for post-weight-loss concerns like:

  • Loose skin
  • Lack of definition
  • Localized fat pockets
  • Irregular contours

    Dr. Emer’s elite team includes double board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Yoel Rojas who specializes in cosmetic body contouring surgeries, including:

      • Thigh lift (thighplasty)
      • Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty)
      • Arm lift (brachioplasty)
      • Breast lift
      • Breast augmentation
      • Breast reduction

      How Much Does Cosmetic Sleeve Surgery Cost?

      The price of your cosmetic sleeve surgery will be reviewed with you after Dr. Feiz has created a surgical plan that accommodates your specific medical conditions and any other applicable considerations. Anesthesia and facility fees will also affect the overall cost of this weight loss surgery.

      Contact Us to Arrange Your Consultation with Dr. Feiz

      When performed by a world-class bariatric surgeon like Dr. Feiz in Beverly Hills, cosmetic sleeve surgery can provide transformative, permanent weight loss. To find out if the Cosmetic Sleeve is an ideal weight loss solution for you, schedule a consultation with Dr. Feiz today.

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