Chemical Peel for Acne Scars

chemical peel

Removing the outer layers of skin is an effective treatment for discolorations, hyperpigmentation, and scarring. The body responds to the absence of the epidermal layer by producing new skin cells at an accelerated rate. This generally improves the skin tone and texture. A chemical peel is the preferred treatment for replacing dermal layers, and it can significantly reduce the appearance of acne scars and other blemishes.

We are skin care specialists, and after a consultation that includes a close examination of your skin, we’ll be able to determine if you’re a suitable candidate for a chemical peel. The procedure is very simple, and in most cases, you’ll experience minimal downtime. Below, we offer a brief overview of a peel treatment and how it can result in visual skin improvement. Plus, you can click here to see how Dr. Emer, a board-certified dermatologist specializing in professional skin care, performs the treatment.

The Consequences of Acne

Acne can be difficult to treat, but most adults eventually grow out of the active phase. Unfortunately, the scarring effect can last forever, and in many cases, the visual scarring can actually become more prominent as the years go by. The skin in the area can become either darkened or lightened. The tone of the scarring usually depends on the depth of the damaged cells.

A chemical peel can help reduce the appearance of this form of hyperpigmentation via the removal of these damaged cells. Left untreated, the cells keep on reproducing themselves without improvement. If the damaged material is discarded, the body goes into overdrive producing new cells within the lower dermal layers, and these cells move upward to form the new layers that were removed during the peel treatment.

The Treatment

Chemical peel treatments are performed in the comfort of our office, and in some cases, this is all that’s required to help improve the skin tone and texture. In time, the new epidermal layer will form. The new tissue that forms is generally healthier and more even in terms of tone and texture.

Say Goodbye to Acne Scars

If you have acne scars on your skin, our team at the office of Dr. Jason Emer in West Hollywood wants to help. Reach out to #jasonemermd to learn more about the effectiveness of a chemical peel treatment. We have a number of peels available, including Cosmelan and Enlighten peels, RevePeel, and more. You owe it to yourself to learn more information about our #emerage, #emerageMedical, #facebyemer, and/or #bodybyemer services. Contact us today to book a consultation and get started!

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This patient wanted a brighter and clearer complexion and comes in monthly for routine peels and lasers. The Enlighten Peel will work to reduce and eliminate certain types of skin pigmentation that don’t respond to more traditional treatments, increasing skin luminosity and equalizing skin tone. The main two ingredients are salicylic acid and hydroquinone, which work directly to penetrate deeply into the skin and lift pigmentation. It’s also an exfoliating peel and will help to create cell turnover in the skin more quickly while refreshing skin from sun damage.⁣ ⁣ The peel works over a 7-14 day period, with less inflammation than most peels and minimal risk of burns, scars or pigmentation. Exfoliating and lightening peels also help to even the complexion, decrease pore size, improve skin #radiance and prevent fine lines and wrinkle formation.⁣ ⁣ If you are interested in learning which peels and skincare products are best for your skin type and aesthetic goals, please email [email protected] for a consultation; information on products is available at

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