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A thigh lift is a cosmetic surgery that improves the shape and tone of the upper legs. This procedure reduces the size of the thighs by eliminating loose, hanging skin. At the prestigious medical practice of Dr. Jason Emer in Beverly Hills, thigh lift surgery is performed by double board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Yoel Rojas.

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What Is a Thigh Lift?

A thigh lift is a surgical body contouring procedure that can resolve skin laxity and drooping tissue in the upper legs. A limited amount of excess fat can be removed during a thigh lift, as well.

Thigh lift surgery may also be referred to as thighplasty or thigh reduction surgery. A thigh lift that includes creating space between the inner thighs is sometimes called “thigh gap surgery.”

Dr. Rojas can perform thigh lift surgery as a singular procedure or in combination with complementary plastic surgeries, if needed to achieve an optimal outcome. He will design a customized treatment plan to meet your needs after meeting with you for a consultation.

Right for you?

Who Is a Candidate for Thighplasty?

Ideal candidates for a thigh lift are men and women who:

  • Are at a stable, healthy body weight
  • Do not smoke
  • Are free of any medical conditions that would make it unsafe for them to undergo a surgical procedure
  • Do not have excessive fat accumulation in the treatment area
  • Understand that they must commit to consistent exercise and following a calorically and nutritionally appropriate diet in order to maintain their thigh lift results
  • Are willing to adhere to Dr. Rojas’ pre- and post-op instructions



Board-certified cosmetic dermatologist and pioneer in the world of aesthetics, Dr. Emer and his team of plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills are the best when it comes to thigh lift and tightening procedures.

Types of Thigh Lifts

There are several different types of thigh lift procedures. While every thighplasty variation eliminates excess soft tissue and tightens the skin, there are significant differences in terms of the incision location, the size of the incisions, and the specific part of the thigh being treated. Based on your aesthetic concerns and goals for treatment, Dr. Rojas may recommend a medial thigh lift, bilateral thigh lift, mini thigh lift, or spiral thigh lift.

Medial (inner) thigh lift

An inner thigh lift, or medial thigh lift, involves an incision that starts in the groin area and extends down the inseam to the knee. In other cases, the incision may wrap around the posterior thigh. The incisions allow the plastic surgeon to target loose skin in the inner thigh area. A medial thigh lift can be ideal for those who want to widen the thigh gap and/or reduce chafing and skin irritation due to excess tissue in this area.

Bilateral (outer) thigh lift

A bilateral thighplasty creates thinner thighs by getting rid of “saddlebags.” The incisions will begin in the groin area and can continue around the hip. The outer thigh lift can significantly reduce the size of the thighs, as well as providing firming and tightening effects.

Spiral thigh lift

The spiral thigh lift technique is considered a “total thigh” revision, as the outer, inner, front, and back of the upper leg can be contoured. Additionally, a spiral thigh lift can include buttock contouring to aesthetically define the junction of the buttock and upper thigh.

This thigh shaping procedure typically incorporates liposuction and skin tightening with energy-based internal heating to complement surgical skin excision and the repositioning of underlying tissue.

Buttock augmentation is another aspect of this comprehensive approach to thighplasty. Dr. Emer can repurpose the unwanted fat cells he extracts when performing liposuction on the thighs for use in a fat grafting procedure. After purifying the harvested fat, Dr. Emer can inject it to add volume and shape the buttocks.

Mini thigh lift

A mini thigh lift focuses only on the inner-upper thigh area. The mini thighplasty can be a great option for patients who are happy with the appearance of the mid and lower thighs but desire tightening in the inner-upper thigh and/or a wider thigh gap. Though the scope of this procedure is limited, it involves less downtime than other thighplasty techniques and only requires small incisions that can be hidden in the groin area.

Thigh Lift Consultation


Private Consultation

A private consultation with Dr. Rojas is the first step in the thighplasty treatment process. This initial appointment is invaluable for both you and Dr. Rojas, as it provides the foundation for your personalized treatment plan and overall care.


Physical Examination

During the consultation, Dr. Rojas will invite you to describe your goals for thigh lift surgery and to discuss your specific cosmetic concerns in the upper leg area. A physical examination of the proposed treatment area will be performed. The exam is the best way for our plastic surgeon to assess your skin elasticity and body composition, so your candidacy for a thigh lift can be determined.


Health Information

You will also be asked some questions about your health and medical history. Dr. Rojas must be advised of any prior surgeries you’ve had, current medical conditions, allergies, and medications you take. Be sure to provide complete health information, so Dr. Rojas can create a safe treatment approach for you.

How to Prepare for Thigh Lift Surgery


Follow Instructions

You will receive personalized instructions regarding preparation for your thighplasty. Make sure to read them carefully and completely.

These instructions will include information on any medications you need to take before your procedure. Additionally, you will be given directions for modifying the dosage of your normal prescription medications, if necessary.



All thigh lift patients should plan to abstain from ingesting medicines and supplements that can thin the blood. Anti-inflammatory medicines, aspirin, and supplements containing certain herbs should be avoided starting four weeks before your procedure, or as directed by Dr. Rojas.


Plan for recovery

An important aspect of preparing for your thigh lift surgery is thinking ahead to your recovery. You will not be able to drive until several days after thigh lift surgery, so be sure to arrange for someone you trust to transport you from the surgical facility to your home.

Planning for a smooth, stress-free recovery is an important part of preparing for your surgery. You’ll want to establish a recovery area in your home where you can comfortably rest with plenty of pillows. Be sure your recovery spot is in close proximity to other rooms of the house you will need to access since you will have limited mobility at the start of your recovery. We recommend that you stock your refrigerator, freezer, and pantry with nutritious and easy-to-make meals and snacks prior to your surgery as well.

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The entire staff is not only knowledgeable but extremely sweet. Their main interest is making the patient happy. Dr Emer is now my go to guy for everything relating to face and body. When no other Dr could produce results, Dr Emer found ways to brighten, tighten, and lift areas that I thought were hopeless. I give him more than 5 stars! – WB

So, let me just say that I’ve been reading Dr. Emer’s reviews, etc since joining RS. This is what made me feel comfortable choosing him for cosmetic sx, full and well knowing that this couldn’t be the only reason for choosing a Dr. I decided along with a friend to go in for a consultation. Upon arrival for our appointments, we were immediately greeted and offered beverages by Justin who is delightful. The office is esthetically pleasing and clean (I did not expect anything less) we were taken to the exam room given robes and slippers to change into. Dr. Emer and his team took their time listening to the concerns and desires for our procedures explaining everything very thoroughly. We felt comfortable not rushed at all. The nursing staff are very nice and as mentioned above Justin is a delight, we had a great time being there. This is the type of experience I would want and expect from any healthcare provider. I hope to have sx with Dr. Emer soon. – KK

Jason changed my life! I am Feeling confident as ever now! I chose to see Jason for a number of procedures and treatments because of his unbelievable talent and keen eye for aesthetics. No regrets whatsoever, and I wouldn’t trust anyone else with my body. Highly recommend if you want to improve your look completely and boost your confidence! Jason and his Team rock! – AG

Before & After


What to Expect

What Happens During Thigh Lift Surgery?

Thigh reduction surgery is performed while the patient is under general anesthesia. After our anesthesiologist administers the anesthesia and it has taken effect, Dr. Rojas can begin the procedure by making the necessary incisions.

The location and size of thigh lift incisions varies based on the type of thighplasty a patient needs. The details of your specific thigh lift surgery will be discussed with you during your consultation.

Once the incisions are made, fat can be removed, and excess skin can be excised. The remaining tissue will then be lifted and adjusted to create smooth, natural-looking upper leg contours.

Dr. Rojas will then use sutures to close the incisions. Next, the incision sites will be bandaged, and compression garments will be placed around the treatment areas to complete your thigh lift procedure.

What to Expect

What Can I Expect After a Thigh Lift?

If you did not combine your thigh lift with other surgeries, you will be able to return home the same day as your surgery. If additional procedures were performed, an overnight stay in the hospital may be necessary.

For the first two to three weeks of your recovery, rest should be your main priority. The treatment area will be sore and swollen initially. Dr. Rojas will advise you on the proper use of prescription medication and/or over-the-counter medication to ease discomfort.

You can expect to notice some improvement in the size and shape of your thighs almost immediately after your surgery. However, post-op swelling will need to subside before you can enjoy your final results. Complete healing will take several weeks.

Be sure to wear your compression garments as directed by Dr. Rojas to protect the incision sites and minimize swelling. Depending on the location of your incisions, you may need to rest and sleep in specific positions during the first several days of your recovery.

Your total recovery time will depend on the type of thigh lift performed and whether you chose to undergo surgical procedures to sculpt other areas of the body. On average, patients can resume their normal routine with no activity restrictions after six to eight weeks.


How Long Does a Thigh Lift Last?

Thighplasty involves permanently removing sagging skin, which means your thigh lift results can last for many years. Patients who commit to eating a proper diet and consistently exercising typically enjoy their firm, shapely thighs for ten years or more. Failing to stay at or near your ideal body weight can compromise the improved appearance of your thighs.

Skin elasticity naturally declines as we get older, so some change in the appearance of the thighs is to be expected eventually. The best strategy for preventing loose skin and other signs of aging in the thighs and buttocks is a pairing of healthy lifestyle habits and following a regimen of non-surgical anti-aging cosmetic treatments, as recommended by Dr. Emer.

Dr. Emer counsels patients to be aware that alcohol consumption, smoking, and exposure to sunlight can cause accelerated aging of the skin. In addition to avoiding these activities, Dr. Emer can design a personalized treatment protocol for extending the longevity of your results.

To slow and prevent skin laxity and sagging in the buttocks and thighs, Dr. Emer focuses on optimizing collagen production. Collagen is vital for youthful-looking skin, but the body produces less of this key protein as we age. Dr. Emer’s customized combinations of skin rejuvenation treatments and energy-based skin tightening work to compensate for this age-related change.

Will a Thigh Lift Get Rid of Cellulite?

Removing excess skin and fat can make cellulite less visible. Some patients are satisfied with the cellulite reduction accomplished by a thigh lift alone. In other cases, Dr. Emer performs additional minimally invasive cosmetic treatments to provide more comprehensive results.
Dr. Emer is an expert in cellulite reduction. He uses a multi-modality approach to kickstart the body’s natural production of collagen, release the fibrous tethers that cause the skin to ripple and dimple, and noticeably smooth the surface of the skin. His go-to treatments for cellulite reduction include:

  • Cellfina
  • QWO
  • ZWave
  • Fat transfer
  • Dermal fillers
  • Thermage

What Procedures Can Be Combined with a Thigh Lift?

Depending on your desired body contours, Dr. Rojas may recommend combining your thigh lift with:

Is There a Less Invasive Treatment Option for Reshaping My Thighs?

The only way to get rid of excess skin is surgical excision. If you have considerable skin laxity in the thighs, thighplasty may be the only treatment approach that will deliver dramatic improvements.

If you have mild or moderate skin laxity and small amounts of excess fat in the thighs and buttocks, you may be able to accomplish your aesthetic goals with minimally invasive thigh shaping procedures. Unlike a thigh lift, less invasive thigh shaping treatments will require multiple treatment sessions.
For qualified patients, Dr. Emer can sculpt and slim the lower body with a combination of:

  • Thread lifting to subtly lift tissue and stimulate collagen production
  • Thermage radiofrequency-based skin tightening
  • Ultherapy ultrasound-based skin tightening
  • BTL Exilis Ultra radiofrequency and ultrasound therapy for fat reduction and tighter skin
  • BodyTone bio-electrical stimulation for improved muscle definition and toning

Our Approach to Providing the Best Thigh Lift Results

Renowned body sculptor Dr. Jason Emer considers cosmetic body contouring procedures to be highly technical and artistic endeavors. He has exceptionally high standards for the medical professionals he selects to join his elite team, and he is proud to entrust the care of his patients to Dr. Rojas, a top provider of thigh lift surgery in Beverly Hills.

Dr. Emer and Dr. Rojas work closely to deliver unparalleled body sculpting results with advanced combinations of surgical and non-surgical techniques. Meticulously personalized care is prioritized from your initial consultation through your recovery and ongoing maintenance treatments.

How Much Does a Thigh Lift in Beverly Hills Cost?

The type of thigh lift and the extent of a patient’s procedure affect the price of thighplasty. Facility and anesthesia fees will also apply. Once Dr. Rojas has determined the best surgical approach for your needs, your treatment plan and the associated cost will be explained to you in detail.

Schedule a Consultation

If you are considering a thigh lift in Beverly Hills, contact our office to schedule a consultation. Our team looks forward to meeting you and helping you get the lean, shapely thighs you desire.