Facelift for Women

Conveniently located to serve Beverly Hills,  Hollywood,  Los Angeles,  NYC, and  Miami.

Board-certified dermatologist Dr. Jason Emer is renowned for his innovative non-surgical facial rejuvenation treatments for women. Using patient-tailored treatments that combine energy-based therapies, injectables, and skin resurfacing, his female patients can often circumvent the need for a surgical facelift.

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What Is a Facelift for Women?

A female facelift, or female rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic surgery that provides dramatic, long-lasting facial rejuvenation. This procedure can include:

  • Repositioning sagging tissue
  • Tightening skin
  • Skin excision
  • Fat removal
Woman with beautiful face.

procedure details

What Is the Ideal Age for a Female Facelift?

The answer to this question varies from one woman to another. Decades ago, facelifts were predominantly performed on older women. Now, modern facelift techniques offer more natural-looking enhancements and longer-lasting results, so this procedure appeals to women of many ages.

The majority of female facelift patients are in their 40s, 50s, or 60s. However, this surgery can benefit women between the ages of 30 and 80, depending on her specific aesthetic goals and anatomy.

The best age for you to have a female facelift will depend on your:

Natural rate of aging

Due to genetics, the onset of visible facial aging affects some women earlier in life than others. Some women do not present with significant facial aging until well into their 50s, while others begin to notice considerable skin laxity and drooping tissue in their mid-thirties.

History of preventative cosmetic treatments

While we can’t control our genetics or stop the aging process, non-surgical anti-aging treatments can defer the need for a facelift. Patients who start a preventative facial rejuvenation regimen in early adulthood can often maintain a youthful look without the need for surgery until much later in life.

Use or non-use of effective sun protection methods

Photodamage, or sun damage, can exacerbate an aged facial appearance. Patients who do not practice diligent sun protection often develop facial wrinkles prematurely, which can make a facelift an appealing option sooner rather than later.

Diet and lifestyle choices

Proper nutrition, adequate sleep, and avoidance of unhealthy habits like excessive alcohol consumption can delay the need for surgical facial rejuvenation by preventing “inflammaging.” If the body is constantly running at a deficit due to vitamin and mineral deficiencies, toxins, lack of sleep, or other stressors, it doesn’t have the bandwidth to perform its natural anti-aging functions. A patient may require a facelift to revitalize their look at a younger age as a result.

Treatment preferences

The best age for your female facelift will also depend on your preference for a one-time facelift surgery that is invasive but provides long-lasting improvements or for frequent but less invasive non-surgical procedures that involve little-to-no-downtime.
It is important to note that at a certain point, most women find that they are no longer able to achieve their desired look with non-surgical treatments, making a facelift the only viable option for restoring youthful contours.

What Is the Best Type of Facelift for Women?

There are multiple facelift techniques, and each has distinct applications. The best facelift method for you will be determined based on your anatomy, age, and treatment goals. Facelift options available to women include:

Traditional facelift

This technique focuses on the superficial layers of facial tissue.

Deep plane facelift

A deep plane facelift alters multiple layers of facial tissue for the most comprehensive and longest-lasting improvements.

Mini facelift

This abbreviated version of the facelift targets only the lower face.

Patient Stories

Face and neck lift video cover

Special Considerations for the Female Facelift

Facelifts for women require a different approach than facelifts for men. We carefully plan and executes female facelift procedures with special attention to:

Anatomical characteristics

Female bone structure and ligaments are weaker than those of their male counterparts, and women also have thinner skin. When it comes to the scope of what can be accomplished with a facelift, these attributes are an advantage. We can choose from a wider range of surgical techniques for a female facelift, which means we can provide very precise, efficient treatments.

Incision locations

We strive to make facelift incisions as discreet as possible and often are able to place them behind the ears. When a facelift surgery requires incisions behind the hairline, we are careful to avoid disrupting hair growth, so post-surgery marks can be concealed within the hair.

Feminine aesthetic

Facelifts for women tend to focus on creating a natural-looking, oval facial shape and softening sharp, angular features.

Female Facelift Results

Female facelifts can provide incredible results. An amplified sense of confidence typically accompanies the aesthetic improvements achieved by:

  • Restoring youthful cheek contours
  • Reducing nasolabial folds
  • Defining the jawline
  • Correcting jowling

Female facelift results can last many years. The younger the patient is at the time of the procedure, the greater the longevity of their enhancements.

Is there a Non-Surgical Alternative to a Female Facelift?

A surgical facelift for women offers the most transformative and enduring results, but there are many non-surgical methods of restoring more youthful, feminine facial contours. Patients who are unwilling or unable to undergo a procedure that requires anesthesia, incisions, and downtime are advised to seek the expertise of acclaimed cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Jason Emer.

While there are limits to what can be treated with minimally invasive interventions compared to a female facelift, Dr. Emer’s proprietary combination treatments can achieve amazing effects.
Dr. Emer has helped many women postpone and even avoid the need for facial plastic surgery.

His female facial rejuvenation protocols incorporate innovative pairings of cosmetic injectables, as well as advanced methods of collagen-stimulation and energy-based skin tightening. Many of Dr. Emer’s most trusted treatments are painless and do not necessitate a recovery period. Patients will need to follow a retreatment schedule in order to maintain consistent results.

How Much Does a Female Facelift Cost?

Facial plastic surgery pricing is based on the degree of difficulty involved, the length of the surgery, and the applicable anesthesia and facility fees. Since the extent and intricacy of a female facelift differs from one patient to the next, the price of this procedure varies. When your personalized treatment plan is reviewed with you, you will be given a breakdown of the associated costs.

Arrange a Consultation

We take pride in helping women reclaim a more vibrant, feminine facial appearance with facelift surgery. If you are interested in learning more about how a facelift for women in Beverly Hills can refresh your look, contact our office to set up a consultation.