Piezo Rhinoplasty

Conveniently located to serve Beverly Hills,  Hollywood,  Los Angeles,  NYC, and  Miami.

We are proud to offer piezo rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills, so we can meet the needs of a broad and diverse patient base. This technique allows us to provide natural-looking nose job results for patients whose cosmetic goals are very specific, as well as patients whose nasal structure and tissue are particularly delicate.

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What Is Piezo Rhinoplasty?

Piezo rhinoplasty, or ultrasonic rhinoplasty, is an advanced alternative to traditional nose surgery techniques. While traditional rhinoplasty instruments can often be used to achieve aesthetic results, there are some limitations when using these surgical tools to modify nasal bone.

The piezo device can be fitted with various specialized tips for cutting and shaving nasal bone. High-speed ultrasonic waves power the tiny blade, which allows for more accurate nasal structure alterations than traditional rhinoplasty tools, like the osteotome, can provide.

Piezo rhinoplasty is invaluable for female rhinoplasty and other cases in which a successful outcome requires extremely precise adjustments. With this cutting-edge technique in our repertoire, we can resolve a wider range of concerns related to the size and shape of the nose.

Woman with beautiful nose.

Right for you?

Candidacy for Piezo Rhinoplasty

Patients concerned about humps or bumps on the nasal bridge are often ideal candidates for piezo rhinoplasty. This procedure is also appropriate for patients who want to straighten a crooked nose.

Ultrasonic rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure, so candidates must be in good overall health. It is also important that candidates have realistic goals and expectations for the procedure.

Adults of many ages can be good candidates for piezo rhinoplasty. However, rhinoplasty is not recommended for young patients whose nasal structure is still developing. Minors under the age of 16 are typically not able to undergo cosmetic rhinoplasty.

Procedure Details

How Does Piezo Rhinoplasty Work?

We use an open rhinoplasty approach for piezo rhinoplasty. After anesthesia has been administered to the patient and has taken effect, the doctor will make an incision in the columella of the nose, which is the tissue that divides the nostrils.

This incision allows him to expose the internal nasal structure. He can then alter nasal cartilage and tissue and use the piezo device to reshape the nasal bone as needed to accomplish the patient’s desired nose contours.

Unlike traditional rhinoplasty methods, which cause trauma to the soft tissues around the nasal bone, ultrasonic rhinoplasty only affects the targeted bone. As a result of preserving the nearby soft tissue, piezo rhinoplasty typically involves less post-op swelling, bruising, and discomfort than a traditional rhinoplasty.


Procedure Details

How Long Does Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty Take?

The duration of this procedure varies based on multiple factors. On average, piezo rhinoplasty takes between two to three hours.

The extent of the modifications and whether the surgery is performed in combination with an additional facial plastic surgery, such as a facelift, brow lift, or blepharoplasty. We can provide an estimate of your total surgery time after we have created your treatment plan.

Procedure Details

Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty Recovery and Results

Piezo rhinoplasty can afford shorter recovery times than traditional rhinoplasty since there is less damage to the surrounding tissue. In most cases, bruising, swelling, and discomfort after this procedure will resolve within two or three weeks.

After this initial stage of your recovery, you will see your new nose contours. Subtle, ongoing improvements can continue over the next several months until the area has fully healed. However, most patients are able to resume their regular routine in less than a month.

How Much Does Piezo Rhinoplasty Cost?

The price of ultrasonic rhinoplasty is impacted by the extent of the surgery. Complex procedures that require longer surgery times are associated with higher costs. After we formulate your personalized treatment plan, you will receive complete pricing details.

Schedule a Consultation for Piezo Rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills

If you are ready to learn your options for permanently recontouring your nose, contact our office to schedule a consultation. Our team looks forward to providing incomparable care and outstanding results!