Reconstructive Rhinoplasty

Conveniently located to serve Beverly Hills,  Hollywood,  Los Angeles,  NYC, and  Miami.

There are many reasons that patients can require nasal reconstruction, but no matter the cause, this type of nose surgery has the potential to be life-changing. Candidates for reconstructive rhinoplasty have often experienced extreme physical and emotional distress due to the causes and effects of their functional and/or cosmetic issues with the nose.

We achieve successful outcomes even when extensive reconstruction is necessary, and we are passionate about providing the best reconstructive rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills.

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What Is Reconstructive Rhinoplasty?

Reconstructive rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that repairs a damaged nasal structure for medical and/or aesthetic purposes. This surgery is most often performed for patients who have:

  • Suffered severe injury or trauma to the nose
  • Lost part of the nose due to a medical illness
  • Nasal breathing difficulties, asymmetry, or other concerns due to congenital abnormalities
Man with chiseled face

Right for you?

Who Is a Candidate for Reconstructive Rhinoplasty?

A consultation is necessary to find out if you are a candidate for nasal reconstruction. Patients taking certain medications and those with health conditions that compromise the body’s ability to heal may not be able to safely undergo nose surgery.

During your consultation, we will physically examine your head and neck, including a thorough assessment of your nasal structure. We will also review applicable surgical and medical records and ask you about your goals for reconstructive rhinoplasty. We will use the information you provide, along with the findings from the exam, to determine your candidacy for reconstructive rhinoplasty.

Procedure Details

What Does the Reconstructive Rhinoplasty Procedure Involve?

Reconstructive Rhinoplasty Procedure

Reconstructive rhinoplasty is an outpatient surgery, which means that no overnight hospital stay is required. However, you should plan for someone to drive you home after your surgery and assist you around the house for a few days.

Anesthesia is necessary to keep you comfortable during the procedure. Prior to your surgery, the doctor will inform you of your options for anesthesia and help you select the most appropriate choice for your needs.

The doctor will begin the surgery by making an incision in the tissue that divides your nostrils. The bone and cartilage can then be exposed, so there is clear visibility needed to make the most accurate adjustments possible. This approach is referred to as the open rhinoplasty technique.

Nasal reconstruction often necessitates cartilage grafting. In these cases, cartilage from one of your ribs can be used to create a resilient nasal structure and aesthetic nose contours.

When the doctor has completed the reconstruction process, sutures will be used to close the external incision. The last step of the procedure is to bandage the nose.

Reconstructive Rhinoplasty Recovery

Your initial recovery period will span two to three weeks and will include a minimum of one week of downtime. You will be advised to keep the head elevated as much as possible during this time to minimize swelling. It is normal to experience bruising and tenderness in the treatment area at this stage of the healing process.

A follow-up appointment is needed after about one week, so the doctor can remove the external sutures and give you updated aftercare instructions. Some patients feel comfortable returning to light work duties at this time, while others opt to wait another week or two until bruising and swelling are less perceptible.

Nasal Reconstruction Results

After three weeks, noticeable effects of your nose surgery can be expected. Ongoing improvements will continue for the next several months until the area has fully healed. At that point, patients can enjoy their final and permanent reconstructive rhinoplasty results.

Our Approach to Reconstructive Rhinoplasty

Whether you are unable to breathe properly through your nose, are self-conscious about the appearance of your nose, or have a combination of concerns, it is common to feel a sense of urgency about undergoing nasal reconstruction. While there is much to be gained from reconstructive rhinoplasty, we always advise patients to take their time when considering if surgery is the right choice for them.

We are dedicated to empowering patients to make an informed decision about reconstructive rhinoplasty. We strive to provide complete information regarding the benefits and limitations of the procedure and to create an environment in which patients feel comfortable asking questions. We have found that this approach, when paired with advanced surgical skill, results in high patient satisfaction rates.

How Much Does Reconstructive Rhinoplasty Cost?

Reconstructive rhinoplasty cases differ greatly from one patient to another, so the price of the procedure varies. The cost of your nasal reconstruction procedure will depend on the extent of your specific surgery, which will be determined during your consultation. Once your treatment plan has been developed, you will be provided with complete pricing details.

Learn More about Reconstructive Rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills

If you are considering reconstructive rhinoplasty, please contact our office to schedule a consultation. With our team’s commitment to providing exceptional care, we are uniquely qualified to support you throughout the nasal reconstruction process.