Patient Stories

Anne wanted an effective treatment to improve the appearance of her acne scarring and discoloration. She hoped for a lower cost, effective option, before embarking on a more costly series of laser treatments. Chemical peels are a wonderful, cost-effective choice to prep the skin before combination treatments of lasers or radiofrequency with microneedling with platelet-rich plasma (PRP), as they quickly stimulate textural and color improvements in the skin. Dr. Emer prefers combination peels such as RevePeel which is comprised of salicylic acid, lactic acid, TCA (trichloroacetic acid) and phenol in an oil base. Combination peels address all commonly distressing issues of the skin such as active acne, pigmentation, and textural irregularities such as scarring, in one treatment. The oil-based vehicle of RevePeel makes for more even homogeneous coating during application and perfect penetration deep into the skin; with predictable peel over the course of 3-7 days and without risk of common peel issues such as scarring, discoloration, or prolonged redness. Aftercare with a proper post-peel skin care is essential to get the best results and consists of enzymatic exfoliation, serum hydration, vitamin antioxidants, topical hydroquinone and retinol, to ensure the most exfoliation, lightening, and smoothening of texture.

See Anne’s significant improvement in scarring and discoloration in just one single treatment. This deep peel will continue to improve as time goes on, as the RevePeel’s combination of acids helps to accelerate cellular turnover and stimulate collagen production over time. Dr. Emer’s innovative combinations of lasers and radiofrequency with microneedling with PRP has revolutionized treatment for acne scarring textural issues and will begin only a few weeks after this peel.

See how the RevePeel pre-laser prep has amazingly improved Anne’s skin in just a few short days and has prepared her for future energy-based treatments in the long-term.