Patient Stories

Every woman notices lip shrinking with lack of plumpness and contour as they age. Some women have smaller lips, less pink showing, or lack of shape or definition of their lips genetically and desire improvement, but with minimal downtime. The goal is a natural looking, subtle change that makes the lips and mouth area “pop” without looking unnatural, over-filled or “fake.” Sue recently had significant health issues and noticed a robust amount of lost volume, increase in wrinkles, and lack of definition of her lips from this internal body stressor and from traditional aging. She decided that lip filler with shaping was an easy, non-invasive way to give her confidence a boost. She absolutely loved her smile in the past, as she is an extremely happy and positive person; but with the lost volume and lack of contour, she felt her smile wasn’t as beautiful as it used to be and could be with a small cosmetic enhancement.

Dr. Emer is meticulous and skillful with cosmetic injectable treatments, but even more so with lip rejuvenation. He uses a customized approach with every lip filler injection, ensuring that all areas of the lip and patient concerns are treated including the loss of volume and plumpness, the dehydration and wrinkles that occur with age and sun damage, the down-turn of the mouth corners, chin crease and chin projection are improved, vertical lip lines are addressed, and overall definition is restored including highlighting the Cupid’s bow and lip borders. With the proper injection technique, the full mouth area can be beautified giving a natural, enhanced look to the lower face, chin and jowls and making your smile more attractive, approachable, soft and youthful.

See how Dr. Emer transform’s Sue’s lips with his customized lip filler augmentation injection technique using a hyaluronic acid (Juvederm) filler. Immediately see how much better she feels about her face and her restored confidence.