Patient Stories

Lucky had always been bothered by acne scarring and as a younger male wanting to feel confident and proud of his skin, he had numerous insecurities about it. He decided to come to Dr. Emer, an expert in combination treatments for acne and acne scarring, for a long-term treatment plan not only to improve his scarring but also prevent and slow-down the aging process while giving him smoother, tighter, more radiant skin regularly. Due to Lucky’s busy lifestyle he wanted to try a treatment that would build collagen and remodel his skin over time without much downtime. A combination of peels, lasers, and microneedling radiofrequency (RF) such as Inmode Fractora was discussed as options for his long-term improvement.

Microneedling RF uses deep microneedles with energy to stimulate collagen production and subcise deep, thick scars while remodeling the skin texture and color at the same time. Since the energy is RF and not laser, the downtime is much less and remodeling of the tissue occurs quite rapidly. Another benefit is that all skin types can be treated, since RF energy is “color blind” darker skin types and sensitive skin can be treated. Fractora is unique in that it has coated and uncoated needles so depths of scars, scar types, and skin types, can all be individualized for treatment options and parameters. From one treatment session, you can see the improvement and the overall satisfaction Lucky has with his skin. In general scarring treatments need a combination approach to get improvement and in this case subcision and fillers to lift the scars and peels, lasers and microneedling RF for the texture were discussed as long-term plans to continue the initial improvement. See his treatment story here and the overall initial success in his treatment plan to improve his skin texture, color and tone.