Patient Stories

After any plastic surgical procedure, especially hi-definition liposuction, patients experience severe swelling and bruising that can last for weeks to months. Immediate post-operative aftercare with compression garments and lymphatic massage are essential in lowering the risk of post-surgical complications and improving the overall cosmetic outcome. Lymphatic massage, a specialized massage technique used to increase lymphatic drainage of built up fluids including post-surgical swelling, is required after hi-definition liposuction because it accelerates recovery and decreases the chance for irregularities, lumps or bumps, and scar tissue formation, which can all affect the final cosmetic outcome. It also helps the skin to tighten and conform to the new body shape and sculpted musculature during the liposculpture procedure.

In this video, you can see the patient’s abdominal muscles becoming defined and the skin tightening and conforming around the underlying musculature as the swelling is gently massaged out of the drains and into the lymphatic system. The end result is a sculpted, defined, and perfectly even result of tight skin sculpted without irregularities or scar tissue formation.