Patient Stories

Growing up in the Amazon jungle, Felipe learned how to fight hard and train fiercely ultimately becoming a top-level personal trainer. After a lifetime of relentless training to build the best version of himself, Felipe wanted to take it to the next level to achieve his best shape and definition. Unsatisfied with his body fat percentage despite such dedication in the gym and with his diet, he sought treatment to give him more definition and help boost his daily workout routine and healthy eating habits. His goal was to achieve a lower body fat percentage without any downtime, that would compliment his daily routine.

Dr. Emer, an expert in body sculpting and defining, suggested Vanquish, a large-area, non-invasive, radiofrequency treatment to help reduce his body fat even more and also help tighten his skin. Frequent deep radiofrequency treatments like Vanquish can permanently eliminate stubborn areas of fat or fine-tune areas resistant to stringent diet and exercise. This was the perfect addition to his weekly routine for Felipe because not only would it help get more definition, he would have no downtime and could workout the same day. It takes a series of 6-8 weekly treatments initially then maintenance every 2-4 weeks to continue the improvement.

See how Dr. Emer has perfected the use of technologies like Vanquish radiofrequency to help patients achieve the look they have desired and improve their quality of life.

Patient Stories
